That night I waited for Sekhmet to say her goodbyes to the others while we prepared to make our way to the ship. We shared a cart ride and discussed what it was like in the city of Trila. I told her about all the good things, how there is little to no crime everyone is free to express themselves, and how the streets are almost always filled with music. "That sounds wonderful." "It is, truly a place where one can live a life of peace, one life I hope to achieve back home." She tilted her head and gave me a look of confusion, "What do you mean?" she asked me. "Well, for a long time now I've hardly had a day or so to relax and not do anything. I'm always at sea with my crew helping make trades, escorting other ships for safety, or doing mercenary work assassinating folks who deserve it. I mean there was this one noblewoman who paid me to spend a few days with her, but I never had a few days to myself, in my own home."