After Evren put his armor on, he decided to not wear the cloak as it was a warm day and he thought it would be too hot for him to wear. Before heading out though, Evren set up a target against one of the dilapidated buildings and stood about 25 meters away from it. He set an arrow on the string and drew the bow to length. He had been a hunter in his previous life, so he knew how to use a bow, but that was with a different body.
He aimed down the length of the arrow at the target and released. The arrow flew straight and fast and hit the target a bit higher than where he was aiming at. Nodding, Evren backed up to 50 meters and drew another arrow. Using the same method of aiming, he aimed a bit lower this time and released the arrow. Again, the arrow hit higher than had aimed. Staying at 50 meters, he adjusted his aim and let fly another arrow to the target, this time hitting it closer to where he aimed, but still off the mark.
Evren doubled his distance to the target to 100 meters and figured that since he hit high the last two times, if he aims as normal, it should hit about where he wants it to without much adjustment. He let the arrow fly, but he couldn't tell where it had hit from that distance, so he knocked another arrow, aimed slightly to the right and released. He then walked forward to the target to see where he was hitting.
The last two shots were yet still a little high, but Evren thought he had an understanding of how to aim the bow at this point. He went to remove the arrows and noticed they had embedded themselves pretty deep into the wood. It took some time to get the arrows out and by the time he finished, the target was no longer usable.
He put the arrows into the quiver and walked towards the center of town, where the large hall was located. He picked up a skull from the ground and set it on the handrail, in view of the gate he entered through. Once it was in place, he headed towards the gate. When he was about 200 meters away from the skull, he turned around and looked towards the town hall. "That's too far away, I think. I can't even see the skull from here."
Evren continued down the road to the gate and stepped out of the town. He looked to the east and saw that the sun had risen to above the tree line to about halfway to noon. "It's not the best time to go hunting, but I've got to get something." He went back into the town and climbed the wall to get a better look at the plains. As he looked out, he didn't see any animals, that was until one of the rocks he saw, moved.
Trying to get a better look, he squinted his eyes, but could only see the top of whatever it was as the rest was hidden in the grasses. It was about 250 to 300 meters away, and he judged that whatever it was, it was something big. He got an idea of where it was, so he climbed down from the wall and headed outside the gate, heading in the direction of the creature he saw. As he walked, he said to himself, "I hope this isn't one of those monsters that he was talking about."
Thinking that he should get used to it, he jogged about half the way to the creature. It was massive, 3 meters long and 2 meters tall, with a head low to the ground and large tusks jutting upward. Its color was dark brown, and there was a wiry type of fur covering it, with larger, more bristly ones on the back by the shoulders.
As he approached, he ducked down quickly into the grasses as the beast's ears swiveled in his direction. It sniffed the air timidly, its eyes, small for its body, darted around to find the source of the noise.
'That thing is certainly big, I don't know if I could reach its heart or not.' Evren thought to himself as he waited in the grasses. Still about 100 to 150 meters away, he didn't have a good shot because the boar was facing in his direction. From this angle, he'd have to hit the small eyes to kill it quickly, its head was sloped too much to ensure that the arrow would stick. Evren pondered, 'I don't want to drag that thing back to town either. It seems that it'll charge at me if it finds me. I doubt it would run away from something smaller than itself.'
Evren looked to the walled town and then back to the boar, 'I probably wouldn't be able to outrun it.' Staring at the boar, he thought, 'What to do. What to do.' As he was staring at the boar, pondering what to do, the boar moved a bit closer to his direction. It looked to be shifting its direction slightly to its left, so now the shoulder was facing towards Evren. As its eyes were hidden by the grasses now, Evren picked up a rock at his feet and thought about throwing it.
As he moved his arm, he heard the leather creaking, but it wasn't at a level that the boar would be able to hear it. He double checked to ensure the boar wasn't looking and threw the rock as hard as he could to the side, hoping the boar would turn in that direction.
When the rock hit the ground, the boar's head rose and turned it towards the sound. It snorted and stomped the ground. It turned away from the sound and jumped forward before it turned away from Evren and trotted away from him. Evren could tell from the wild way the tail was moving the beast was agitated.
Suddenly the boar turned in the direction of the sound, where the rock had been thrown, and started charging in that direction. It used its tusks and snout to tear up the grasses on the way there. It ran past the place where the rock landed, and kept running, its path began to shift towards the town, as if it was circling Evren before it stopped again. Unfortunately for Evren, it was now on the opposite side of a large bush.
Evren knocked an arrow and started moving towards the boar while crouching, in a direction where he would be able to see the boar around the bush. It was still tearing up the grasses, and occasionally it would buck as if it were kicking with its hind legs. Evren dropped to one knee and drew the bow, 'Let's hope the heart is in the same spot with these ones.' The boar stopped, still hiding the spot he wanted to aim for, Evren leaking a small sigh as the strength of the bow's draw was heavy and he didn't want to hold it for much longer, nor did he want to move.
At that point, the boar took a couple steps forward, its front right leg was now in view to Evren, and without waiting any longer, he aimed and released. When the boar heard the bowstring, its head turned quickly towards Evren, but its body remained still. That was until the arrow hit the chest of the boar and sunk in to nearly halfway. It didn't move. It grunted, snorted, and squealed. As Evren lowered his bow, the boar suddenly charged in his direction.
"Shit!" he said as he started running as fast as he could in the direction of the town. It was a quick three-minute chase. For three-minutes the boar charged after Evren. For three-minutes Evren ran and dove out of the boar's way. For three-minutes Evren never got a chance to aim another arrow at the boar. After three-minutes, the boar finally stumbled and fell. Evren had managed to lead it closer to the town, but it was still about 30 meters from the gate.
Breathing somewhat heavily from the chase, Evren walked into town to see if he could find some rope. By the time Evren found a rope and returned, the boar had died. He grasped the arrow by the skin, and pulled it out, finding that the arrow had embedded itself in a rib on the opposite side. As he looked at the arrow, he said, "This is a ridiculously strong bow I've got here." Using a rag, he had brought with him, he cleaned off the arrow and put it away. He then drew out the dagger and slit the throat of the boar to bleed it out. He tied the rope to the hind feet and wrapped it around his waist a couple of times before tying a loose knot in it.