Little Brown's journey was nearing its end. Up ahead the small brown bird saw the Lunar temple that it had accompanied Lucan too on a few occasions.
Flying to the center of the lake the bird swooped down through the entrance. Off to the side, a blue goblin was sweeping the dust from the floor. The goblin glanced at the bird and then went back to its work. Even though the goblin, More Food, was focused on his task, he kept the bird in the corner of his vision to make sure it wasn't doing anything funny.
The goblin almost leapt out when the familiar hopped onto the alter in the center of the room but stopped when the bird began pecking at the note tied to its leg. After a few attempts the note was released from its bindings.
Once the delivery was complete, Little brown took flight and flew to the upper raffters of the building and looked down, keeping watch.