The Only One In All The Realities (Rick X Male Reader X Morty)

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Chapter 1 - Chapter One

I looked around the halls, searching for my cousin. Then I spotted the certain redhead I was looking for. "Jessica!" I called out, with a wave. She looked over and smiled brightly "(Y/N)!". She shouted, running towards me, the waves of students parting for her. She ran up and hugged me, "I'm so happy your mom let you move here!" She said grabbing my arm. "Yea, it will be nice to have a change of scenery and get away from him.". Jessica hugged me again, "he can't hurt you here." She smiled reassuringly. Thats when I noticed all the other kids looking at us and whispering. "Umm, Jess?" I asked quietly, "yes?" " what's with them" I said motioning towards the kids. "Oh! Everyone this is my little cousin (Y/N). Treat him nicely please." Jessica said with a smile, with that everyone went back to what they were doing. "So your the popular girl here, huh?" I said with a smile, and she just nodded yes.

Time skip

I made it through the first day, thank god. Actually fuck God he doesn't exist. I walked to my locker, on my way there, three boys offered to carry my books for me, and two girls asked me out. I hate all this attention, I pulled the hood of my (F/C) (F/B) hoodie up. I had my (F/C) and (S/F/C) bookbag hanging loosely off of one of my shoulders. I finally made it to my locker, shoving my books in, and grabbing my board. Fuck this I'm going home, as soon as I thought that I heard my name be called. I groan and turn around, seeing jessica walking towards me, her two best friends trailing behind her. "Hey, (Y/N)" one of jess' friends say. I couldn't be bothered to learn their name. "Sup?" I say in a questioning tone. "We were wondering if you wanted to go out with us tonight, cus?" Jess said excitedly. "Nah, I'm good." I replied, and Jessica looked slightly annoyed. "Come on. Dont be that way." Her other friend said. Suddenly I heard a boy say "h-hi, j-jessica" but he didn't sound like the others. He sounded less confident, more unsure. I turned to look, to my right there was a boy. He was short, but still about two inches taller than me. He was tan, with brown curls, and a mix of blue, and brown eyes. He was wearing a yellow T-shirt, blue jeans, and some scuffed up white sneakers. He had a nervous smile on his face. I was pulled out of my thoughts as Jess said in a bitchie tone "Go away Morty, I told you I'm to popular to be seen talking to you." She spat out the word you with venom. The boy looked disappointed "o-ok". He turned to leave but stopped when he heard me say "what the fuck jessica? you don't have to be such a bitch!". I don't know what it was about him, but hearing him being mistreated pissed me off.  It could have been that he looked so hopeful when he said her name, then you could see the hope shatter when she said that or that he was so cute i dont know. Jess looked shocked, and the hallway was silent after that. "I remembered you being annoying as a kid, but I thought you outgrew it. Guess not." I said aggravated, all the drama of the day must have been bothering me more than I realised because I just snapped. I started walking away, as I passed the boy, who was froze in shock, I gave him a soft smile, motioning for him to come with me. He followed obediently. Once we were outside I took a few deep breaths. "Thank y-you, but you d-didnt have to." The boy said quietly. "Its all good, you weren't the entire reason I snapped. There's been so much drama today, combined with the stress of moving, and being at a new school. Jessica being a bitch was the last straw." I smile at him. "Anyway, I'm (Y/N)" I stick out my hand to shake. "Morty" I put my board down, stepping onto it. "Wanna come to my place, my mom probably made sweets." I say, noticing his smile looking a little less forced. "Y-yea, I just need to t-text my mom first." He pulled out his phone and in a moment we were on our way.

Time skip

I opened the door, my mom left it unlocked for me. "Mom, I'm home!" I shout, and in reply I hear her shout back "I'm in the kitchen." i dropped my bag on the floor, with my board. "You can leave your bag here, or in my room." I say with a smile, and he sets his bag on the floor beside mine. I lead him to the kitchen and saw mom placing a plate cookies on the counter. "Hey, sweetie." She said, before she looked up. As she saw Morty she smiled sweetly at him. "And who might you be?" She asked, wiping her hands on her apron to get the flour off. "my n-name is Morty, ma'am." My mom looked shocked "so polite. Have some cookies, both of you" she said happily.