Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

  • 1197
  • 8.5
    57 RATINGS
  • 16.2m


Hey there everyone. I just want to give you all a brief run down on how things work within this story.

*First, you will see a set of ~~ lines with with a name in between them, that will indicate whose POV you are reading. The main focus on the chapter is also written in the chapter, but sometimes it is split and will say BOTH.

*Second, when you eventually get to the locked chapters, keep in mind that I initially tried to keep them all around the 1500 word mark which would make them 8 coins a piece, however there are some longer in the beginning. By the time you start getting much further into the book however, there are quite a few longer chapters. What this mean is that the chapters cost more but there are also fewer chapters. For example, if I had a chapter of 3150 words it would cost 16 coins. But if I broke that down to 2 smaller chapters such as 1500 and 1650 that would cost you 8 coins and 9 coins. Breaking them down makes them cost less per chapter, but can cost you more in the long run.  I do apologize for how long some of the chapters are later on, but it is to save you coins overall and because they just wouldn't sound right divided up sometimes.

*And third, please do enjoy the story. If there is ever an error that I made and didn't notice in my reread please feel free to let me know, I will fix it to the best of my ability. And if there is anything you have questions about feel free to comment or message me at my discord server.


WebNovel has redone some things about the chapters so I no longer know the breakdown of the costs. I am working on trying to find out how it works now, so please bear with me on this one. I do hope that you enjoy the story as much as I do. And remember that this story is multiple books long, it's not all just one book that is continuing for so long.