The next day...
Zeus, being dressed up in his formal black suit, quietly walked out of the mansion to walk into his car as he was about to leave for the office. But as he walked outside, he was startled to notice Ivory already standing outside the mansion with a blissful smile on her face.
He straightly walked towards her and reciprocated a gentle smile. "What are you doing outside? Why didn't you go in?" He inquired.
"I am in a bit hurry today. But as I had promised you, here." She opened up her small purse and took out a pendant that had a shinning bright black gem attached to it. "Here, your magical hematite. Just as you wanted." She murmured.
Zeus stared at the shimmering black stone and quietly grabbed it by his hand. "How did you actually find it so soon?" He frowned his eyebrows while asking.