Morris watched as his father's men loaded themselves into the car to go search for alicia,
There was no call made as of yet, so it wasnt a kidnapping,
If it was, the kidnappers would have called or so morris thought but he was just as frantic as everyone else,
*just when i was starting to like the girl someone had to fucking spoil it*morris murmured out
*i'm so sorry*kathryn placed her hand on Morris's shoulder trying to console him,
*i shouldnt have let her out of my sight*she added,
*its nobody fault kathryn, we shouldnt be shifting blames, we should hope that who ever has her doesnt hurt her or worst*morris turned back to look at alicia's mother, who was in the worst shape,
*do you have any idea who could have taken her? *kathryn asked
*it could be anyone, i have pissed off alot of people and daddy has enemies everywhere, it could literally be any one of them Who's looking for a payback*morris shrugged out
*.....and alicia had to be the one to receive all that anger, poor thing*
I needed to get out of there, it felt very suffocating,
Just when i felt maybe me and morris were starting to take a step forward he manages to say to do something that throws us ten steps back,
It was starting to get tiring and he wasnt making it any easy at all,
I walked further away from the entrance towards the left side of the building towards the garden, the noise from the ball was starting to sound faint,
I stopped and looked up into the night inhaling the scent of roses and lavender but something had to ruin that too,
I could hear voices very faintly from behind me, i turned back and tried to trace where the voices were coming from, i walked back slowly into the building premises,
I traced the voices into where was looking like a barn, i wasnt sure but it had dried grasses like the ones fed to horses,
The voices were becoming louder, i tried to listen to figure out what was being said,
*Cerca di essere veloce Fendi, dobbiamo uscire presto e prendere la ragazza.... [Try to be fast fendi, we need to be out soon and get the girl],
I tried again to figure out what the voices were saying but it wasnt sounding like any language i could understand,
I turned back to get out of the barn because i wasnt feeling very curious this particular night and the single light bulb that was hanging from the roof of the barn went out,
Just perfect..... I tried to trace my steps back out, i looked around and the only light coming from around was the one from the sky,
The lights had went out on the whole estate peoperty i presumed because i wasnt seeing any,
*shit.....*i murmured, i left my phone inside my purse which was inside the building, i began to hear footsteps from behind me, i looked behind but saw no one,
I tried hard to peel through the darkness but a blinding light went straight into my eyes,
I immediately closed them to regain some sense of stability, i could hear the voices clearly now and they werent speaking english at all
*Merda Fendi, penso che qualcuno sia fuori, qualcuno ci ha visto...[Shit fendi, i think someone is outside, someone saw us],
But i clearly wasnt waiting around to find out, i immediately opened my eyes and began running for the entrance of the building and i could see them now,
Two huge men couldnt figure out what they had on but they were really huge and when they noticed i saw them, they started chasing after me,
*Merda Fendi, insegui la sua stupida, sai che non possiamo permetterci di rovinare tutto....[Shit fendi, go after her stupid, you know we can't afford to mess this up],
I looked back again to see if they were catching up, i'm guessing i wasnt suppose to see or hear whatever it was they were doing in the barn but the thing is,
i didnt actually hear anything i couldnt understand but they obviously didnt know tha....
I was on the ground before i could complete that thought, i hit something or something had hit me hard but either way, my chest was hurting like mad,
I coughed out loudly as i opened my eyes to see three huge men standing over me,
I think the one with the extremely mean face was the thing that hit me and they started talking again,
*Devi mettere una pallottola nel suo fendi...[You need to put a bullet in her fendi]* the one with the flashlight said to the one holding the gun,
He raised the gun higher and pointed it towards my sweat dripping forehead,
*hold on a minute please....* i pleaded with both my hands up,
*im not who you think i am, im just a maid please dont kill me* i pleaded with them almost yelling,
But the one with the gun wasnt having it at all because he postioned the gun in a firing postion,
I closed my eyes very tightly, i was about to see my whole life flash before my eyes which by the way didnt happen but something else did,
They were not firing,
I opened my eyes and saw them looking at a picture and then looking down at me saying,
*Potrebbe davvero essere la ragazza che vuole il capo?....[Could this really be the girl the boss wants?]* the one holding the flash light said,
*Assomiglia alla ragazza in questa foto, gli stessi capelli e la stessa faccia...[She looks like the girl in this photo, the same hair and face]* the other one holding the gun said looking at the one with the flashlight and they both looked at the other one waiting for him to say something,
*Beh, le somiglia un po ', ma se non lo fosse, saremo tutti davvero incasinati....[Well, it kinda looks like her but if it happens not to be, we all are going to be really messed up]* he finally replied after a while,
They looked at the picture again before looking at me and nodding in agreement,
The one with the flash light pointed it towards me once again and he bent over and picked me off the floor, bending me over on his shoulder,
*hey.....*i yelled
*where are you taking me...HELP!!! *i tried yelling as high as i could but all i could hear were faint voices coming from inside,
I tried to lift my head up to yell again but a very rigid bang met the side of my face and i slowly drifted away.