Chereads / summer kiss / Chapter 3 - chapter 3

Chapter 3 - chapter 3

A week had passed and it was finally Saturday morning and Emma called me to wake me up and to remind me of the party this evening, I ignored the call and went back to sleep and she called again.

"Come on Em you are distributing my sleep."

"I know I'm sorry but this is your chance to tell Granny and your mom cause they are going to see the opera and we'll soon be leaving home." She said.

"Yeah but Granny won't let Madison and Edward say home alone and don't want to go with those two so I'm not going bye." I hanged up the phone and went back to sleep.

"Sam open up Sam." Emma said as she knocked really hard on my door, One thing about Emma she's one of those people who never gives up and I always keeps my words, it's really really rare for me to make a promise to someone.

"Oh come on Emma can't I get some sleep today!!!!".

"Sam I'm not gonna stop until you open up go downstairs and tell Granny and your mother, you gave me a word you can't do this." She said and that made me feel bad.

"Okay fine where are they."

"They are in Granny's study and thank you" she really wants to go to that party and I don't but I gave her my damn word.

I opened up my door and saw her standing there big bright smile and we both went downstairs. Everyone was sitting at the table ready to eat I stood there looking at her and she pushed me to take a sit, everyone was surprised that Samantha O'Neill is seated at the dining table with them.

"Samantha dear are you okay." both Granny and mom asked.

"Yeah I am I....."

"Do we have to call the doctor Sam?"

"No Madison I'm fine okay and guys chill I'm not sick or dying okay I just felt like sitting with my sweet family today."

I looked at Emma and muttered to her " I don't wanna do this." but she just gave me a Tom's up then buried her face in her food.

Medicine whispered into mom's ear "mom she's sick Sam never calls us sweet and she hates eating with the family so it's either she's sick or dying."

Mom stood up and walked up to me " Samantha my dear are you okay" she asked again.

"OR DYING!!!, she maybe mom since she's so secretive." Madison shouted.

"No I'm not dying thank you nor am I sick Madison, I just got invited to party and it's tonight I really wanna go." I said silently hearing this made Maddie choke on her food and man that was so good to watch.

"WHAT!!!" Maddie, Granny, Edward and mom shouted. I don't blame them I have never been invited ever.

"You are so funny Sam." Madison laughed.

"It's true she's was invited, I was there" Emma confirmed it.

"Wow Sam how did it happen." Edward asked, he is so foolish haven't he notice that I hate talking to him but I had to be nice to him or Granny may not agree.

"I know right it's unbelievable." I replied with a fake smile and a stink eye, he got the message.

"Samantha why are you just telling us you have to go shopping buy cute dresses and do your hair and makeup, you have to look cute."

"Maddie what's wrong with my hair and my cloths are totally okay I'm not changing anything." I'm okay with what I have and be side's I'm only going cause Emma.

Granny silence everyone "who's Party?" She ordered to know, I was so scared actually everyone was scared even mom.

"Um, um Granny the Kelly's" I said with a nervous voice.

Granny looked at Emma who was speechlessly looking at her in fear "you persuaded her into this cause the Samantha I know hates parties and the only reason she would do something she hates is if she gave you her word and Emma the Kellys are bad influence and you know that they routing, you two are girls and Samantha you're just sixteen, you two aren't going." She commanded and when Granny say's anything with a firm voice she means it.

"No Granny I really wanna go, this is the first time I've been invited to a party and not because of Emma, I really wanna go Grandma I beg you" I gave the good old innocent face, the puppy dog eyes and she fell right in the bag.

"Okay fine only if Madison and Edward go with you and be back before 12am sharp and no FUNNY BUSINESS I trust you Samantha but you three not so much especially Madison but you all should be back home before midnight is that clear" Granny said with a firm voice.

"Fine Granny they can come along with and we promise to be back home before midnight." I replied.

I really didn't want them there, not like I'm gonna do anything bad but still.

That evening after a lot of planning, it was almost time to leave for the party Maddie still wasn't done with her make-up, Edward even offered to help but she refused while Emma was getting dressed also talking to Liam on the phone, I was literally the only one who wore blue jeans white T-shirt bike's jacket a pair of black boots, tide my messy hair up and I was good to go.

After half an hour of waiting for Maddie she finally came out. "Maddie we are really late, the party starts by five o clock and this is ten minutes to six cause you had to look beautiful." Emma said.

"Oh come on guys I said I'm sorry okay let's go."

Madison was gonna turn this into an argument and I was losing it. "Would you two stop it, you argued a the way now will someone please ring the stupid doorbell already!!!!!" Both Edward and I shouted, at least we both agreed on something for the first time.

"Okay but what's wrong with your hand?" Emma asked, couldn't she see I was busy stopping them from tearing their hairs off.

"I am busy telling you two to shut up and ring the doorbell." I replied.

"Okay Sam but.... "

"Just shut up Emma and ring the doorbell" Madison said.

Emma rang the doorbell and a man opened up, "you guys are late so you can't enter, now go." he said rudely.

"No, no sir we lost track of time and look our names are on the list sir" Emma begged.

"Emma stop he said we can't go in so let's go home." I said and when she said "okay" I was so happy "NO MORE PARTY" and just when we were about to leave he showed up, he looked at me with a smile and said "you look cute" and Madison quickly answered "thank you".

He looked at her and said " I wasn't talking to you I was talking to her" then he winked at me.

"Yo dude you can't talk to my girl like that" Edward was trying to defend Maddie but Koree just looked at him smiled and said "I'm sorry but that's the truth I wasn't talking to her".

Emma just gave a quick but loud Ha.

"So Emma are they with you two?" He asked.

"Yea they are, Koree meet Madison Sam's sister and her boyfriend Edward."

"Okay nice to meet you guy and come in." He replied.

So now you see why I hate going anywhere with them, they think every way they go is our school were they are popular and people worship them I really loves what Koree did except the way he was staring at me with a seductive smile and I had the Frisson feeling again.

"Yow Koree aren't you gonna let us in?".

"Oh yeah come in oh and Emma Liam is by the pool if you wanna to see him." he said and immediately we all entered everyone scatted, Emma went to Liam, Madison and Edward went off to the dance floor while I was left with HIM and why the hell is he still staring at me?????.

"Look um what's your name?" I asked and he replied with a smile "it's Koree Kelly and you are Samantha O'Neill."

"Yeah I am" and then came the awkward silence till he said. "Do you wanna dance?".

"Um look Koree I only came t

here for Emma and nothing else okay so don't think I came here for you." And I walked away pushing everyone out of my way trying to loss him but he followed me till we stopped at the pool and he was coming closer and closer to me and I was slowly going back can you believe that jerk pushed me into the pool and when I got out I was so drenched and as usual everyone laughed, he just stoop there looking and then left me there. Emma, Madison, Edward and Liam they all stood in front of me "YOU LAUGH YOU DIE!!" I said angrily.

I was so mad that I could squeeze the life out of him, he was pretending to be all mushy with me for this?.

I stormed off to look for him then I meet him in the hall way and he looked at me like he had just met me for the first time, he saw I was shivering and went into the room next to where we were standing and he brought a towel and gave it to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, why the hell is he pretending to care.

"Why are you doing this, you were the one who pushed me in the first place now you are pretending to care" I replied angrily.

"Yo look you were shivering and besides I just met you so how could I have possibly pushed you?"

I really wanted to punch his cute face, wait did I just call him cute? The frisson became strong really strong looking into he's green eyes, I just walked away I wasn't really to break so I went outside and he ran after me again. "Oh come on why do you keep following me why???" I asked but this time not looking into he's beautiful eyes".

"What do you mean I went to get you a towel but I see you've gotten one and to apologize I didn't mean to I'm sorry." He said with the sad eyes but I still walked away because I was really mad and he followed me out to the drive way, "Come on Sam I said am sorry I should have helped you when you were falling".

He gave me the cute googol eyes and just could resist it's power so I accepted his apology, " Fine I forgive you but stay away from me okay" I said with a bold voice.

"Okay I will oh and your clothes ate really drenched maybe I could lend you my cloths while I dry yours" he said.

"Yeah no thanks it will dry on me" I replied.

"Okay but you are gonna catch a cold Sam."

Oh come on he just to say something now I suddenly feel cold. "See now you're cold".

"Wait you heard me???".

"Yeah is there something wrong" he asked, yes there is something wrong he heard me no one ever hears me when i mutter and he did, how is it even possible we are like six steps apart so how could he have heard me.

"No nothing's wrong it's just that people normally don't hear me or even see me" I replied with a sneeze of all cooled days I pick not to sneeze.

"Sam I thing you should come in and change your clothes" he said with a smile then he took my hand took my hand and steered me up took his room, I could feel the frisson coming up he was actually the first guy I let hold my hand ever!! And was I having a soft spot for him, I wasn't really sure and that's when I noticed I was in his room.

I have never been in a guy's room before except my cousin Taylor's room I didn't know what to do, I watched him carefully that if  he tries anything I would attack I didn't spend give years in karate classes for nothing, but he just brought out a T-shirt and placed it on the bed next me.

"Sam If you're done changing tell me so I'll get your clothes dried" he said calmly then left the room so when I was done changing I called him in took my clothes and left, after a few minutes later.

"Hey I'm back"

"Uhm okay, you have a nice room oh and thanks for the shirt" I said with a worm smile, why the hell was I smiling I have never smiled to any male person since my dad.

"So Sam do you wanna go downstairs?" He asked.

"Nope I wanna stay here if you don't mind" I replied silently.

"Okay we can stay here" he said  with a smile, wait did he just say "WE" I said I not we.

"Sure okay" I replied and he pushed a beanbag and a P.S 4 "Do you play?" He asked.

"So Sam can I know you better?"he asked.

"No just play"

"Oh come on I'll tell you about me if you do" he replied and who told him I wanna know about him.

"And who told you I wanna know about you cause I didn't ask or tell you so".

"Come on Sam please".

"Hey look I don't want to okay so play" I replied.

"Okay I'm sorry don't get mad"

"Thank you....."

"But can I just at least a short intro pleas". How can any guy be more annoying than Madison.

"You are very annoying what hell don't you understand in NO urh" and he looked at me with the cutest puppy dog eyes I have ever seen, I could resist.