Chereads / Time Hasn't Changed Us / Chapter 18 - Ch. 18 Protector

Chapter 18 - Ch. 18 Protector

"No you don't!" Nova yelled as a suit of armor wielding a long, thin sword, ran at the obviously injured blonde teen. She ran at the living armor, cart wheeling over him and kicking him in his center as hard as she could, causing him to stagger back away from Ed. "How bad is it?" She asked, glancing at him and frowning at how he was holding his side. "Didn't realize you had someone else outside." The armor spoke as he stood, his blade drawn.

"He said he'd tell me what they've been doing here, if I can beat him.. but there's two of them." Edward spoke quietly, putting pressure on his side. Nova emitted a growl from her throat as she watched the brothers. "When we were alive we were know as the Silcer Brothers, now we have one name, the number we were given. Number 66." The older brother spoke. "And you.. look familiar." He spoke quietly. "Those eyes of yours remind me of a feral child from the paper." He spoke. Nova growled again, balling her hand. Edward noticed her body language and frowned some. She was struggling. "Don't push yourself, I can take him." He spoke, earning a threatening glare from Nova before she looked back at the brothers just as they charged at them.

"I'll tell you what I told him, if you can beat us I will tell you everything we know." He promised as he raised his blade to strike. Nova smirked and engaged him, using her alchemy to make herself a thin blade from the stone and concrete floor, similar to the one the brothers had. It was amazing to watch how fluid her movements were as she dodged, mainly using her crafted blade to parry his, which slowly chipped away at hers. Edward watched wearily, knowing she was struggling with herself and her wolf blood.

As the fight went on, it was getting harder and harder to keep herself in check. It had been so long since having to fight without having to hold back and part of her was enjoying it. She was losing herself. Eventually, her blade broke and Edward's eyes widen as the blade of the enemy struck her, knocking her back and as he went to act, Nova held her arm up in front of him. "I'm fine." She murmured, using her other arm to wipe the blood from her head, a feral gleam in her amber eyes. The older brother sounded a laugh. "I'll admit, I'm impressed by how fluid your movements are, but you're holding back. You'll have to come at me with the intent to kill us if you want to beat us." He told her.

"You're not so bad yourself, for a hunk of armor." Nova mused with a smirk, knowing she had to wrap this up or Ed was going to be in serious trouble. She glanced at Edward and he knit his eyebrows together, having a feeling he knew what she was thinking. "Don't do it!" He called to her as she turned and went to rush the brothers. "I'm at my limit." Nova said, swiftly moving to disarm them as they went to strike, flipping them over herself and onto the ground and pointed their own sword at them, having managed to separate their legs from the older brother with a clean cut. "Talk. Someone's coming." She murmured with a growl, somehow using her will not to change forms.

The older brother laughed, admitting defeat and no sooner than he agreed to talk to them, two long spears shot through the air and cleanly sliced the helmet in half as a woman and a young-looking man made themselves known. Nova growled as he approached the younger of the brothers and picked up the sword, scolding him and his older brother for nearly killing a precious resource and harming another as he began to stab the blood seal. A familiar scent tickled Nova's nose and left her stumped, unable to move for a moment. Why he did smell like him? She began to think as she watched him.

Lust knew there was more to it when she noticed him focus on the wolf girl. He then approached Edward and had to move back to avoid being kicked. Nova shook her head and growled as he taunted Ed, blinking as his automail went limp. "Stay away from him!" She warned. Envy turned to glance at her, annoyed that she was also there. "Or what?" He snipped, earning himself a growl. "Don't antagonize her, Envy." Lust warned, but he seemed to ignore her. Nova ran at him as he reached for Ed and hit him in the stomach with his knee, knocking him out. Lust extended her spears and Nova stopped cold as they penetrated her skin, barely missing any organs. "I warned you, provoking her will only get her killed. As much as we need her, there's nothing saying we have to keep her alive." Lust spoke with a coldness in her voice. What the hell? Envy would've said something if he wasn't holding an unconscious Edward over his shoulder, obviously seething with anger.

Nova dropped when Lust drew her spears back and used her alchemy to stop the bleeding, only to lose consciousness minutes afterwards.

Apparently after Edward was taken to the hospital, and the two tried to keep Nova for themselves to take her back to the Eastern Lab, Scar had returned without anyone knowing and remembered the animal child. He uncharacteristically went after them and she too was taken to the hospital, having told her he remembered helping her escape from that place, and tried to ask her why she was with the Fullmetal alchemist in a moment where she was conscious.

Nova woke in the hospital in Central a couple of days later, with Al sitting next to her bed as if waiting. "Ed.." She murmured as she slowly started to come to. "He's in another room, Winry's fixing up his automail." Al said quietly. Nova frowned some at the character difference in her childhood friend and lightly hit the side of his helmet, getting him to look at her. "I know what you're thinking, and it's not true. He was just trying to get inside your head, Al.." She spoke softly. "Where's the proof?" He asked quietly, and Nova gently placed a hand over her heart. "I knew you when you were human Alphonse, before your mom died."

"Whatever Barry the Chopper had to say shouldn't even matter, Al. All you have are each other, if you start doubting that now then what the hell have you been working towards?" Nova scolded, her voice raising to match her bubbling anger. "What have you two been spending your lives trying to make right? What about the promise you made to each other? Do you really think it's all fake?" She winced some and placed a hand on her side, being reminded of her injury. Al gasped quietly and lightly placed a hand on her shoulder. "Take it easy Nova.." Al spoke softly, worried about her opening her wound.

"You have to believe what's in your heart Alphonse.." Nova murmured softly as she gently rested a hand over his and looked at him. Al lowered his head. "I get the feeling you feel like this because of what he said back at the hotel.." Nova murmured quietly. "Edward's never been good with bringing up sensitive topics in a conversation, even when it's you or Winry. There are things he's afraid of. Despite the hell you two have been through, it's a lot to swallow." She murmured, tightly squeezing her side as the pain flared up. "Go see him.." She murmured softly, looking at him.

Al, though he really didn't want to leave her, knew better than to argue and nodded lightly before slowly standing to go check on his brother and let him know Nova was awake. When he left the room, Nova eased herself back down into the bed as she laid back down. "Please.. I don't normally ask for things, but.. Please.. All they have is each other.. Help them mend the torn bond between them.." Nova murmured to herself quietly as she allowed her eyes to close.

Al knocked on the door to his brother's hospital room before opening the door. Edward and Winry looked up at him when he came in. Ed had a tray of food across his lap on a table, not having touched his milk. "Where have you been?" Winry asked curiously, also having been worried about him. Al lowered his head as to avert his eyes. "Nova's awake, I was sitting with her." He answered quietly, looking back at the two blondes. "Brother.." He started to say, his voice quiet. "You said you had something you were afraid to tell me, at the hotel.. What was it? Are my memories real? Why couldn't you tell me?" He asked hesitantly. Winry's eyes widen and Edward's hand came down on the tray in a balled fist. "Is that all?" He asked curtly.

Alponse hesitated for a moment. "I need to know.." He spoke softly, lowering his head as Edward got up and left the room to head to the roof, hoping his younger brother would follow. "What the hell, Al?!" Winry shouted, surprising the younger Elric and he looked at her just in time for a wrench to hit him. "W-Winry?" He sputtered, not used to seeing her angry. "You have no idea what he goes through everyday, how much it hurts to see you trapped in that armor. He blames himself!" She shouted, tears of anger coming to her eyes as she told him about the time Edward first had his automail put in.

Nova slowly slipped out of the bed to go out into the hall, hearing the shouting from the room next to her. "Edward?" She called softly when she saw him walking down the hall. He paused and turned to look at her, frowning a little when he saw her. "You shouldn't be up and around yet.." He murmured, meeting her halfway and offering his arm to support her. Nova shook her head. "I heard shouting.. Everything alright?" She asked softly, matching her pace with him as they started walking. She let him lead her down the wall so they could go out to the roof. "I don't know." Edward admitted quietly, his eyes focused on the floor and walls of the hallway. Nova reached to hold his hand and gave it a squeeze. "He's confused, and lost.. We had to fight one of the guards, said his name was Barry the Chopper but he was in a suit of armor like the brothers we fought.. He said some things, tried to get into Al's head.." She explained quietly.

Edward blinked and glanced at her. "What kind of things?" He asked, almost afraid of the answer. "Things to make him doubt himself, and his existence, despite what he knows in his heart." She murmured. Edward grit his teeth some and lowered his eyes back to the floor. "That explains it." He ground out. Nova glanced at him briefly before reaching to open the door for them and they walked onto the roof. Nova followed him to the railing, stilling holding his hand. "It's kind of my fault for never talking to him about it.." Edward murmured. Nova shook her head and gave his hand a light squeeze. "It's no one's fault.." She murmured. "You do what you can to take care of each other and to get your bodies back. That's all you can do." She added softly. Edward smiled some and leaned over to give her half of a hug.

Al had left the room to seek out his brother, to apologize for doubting him and their bond, after listening to Winry and watching her break down. All because of what he'd said. He came to the roof, and as soon as he went to speak, Edward moved to kick him, startling the living armor. "B-brother?" He yelped, easily moving to block any other kicks that came his way. "It's been awhile since we've sparred." Edward spoke. Nova watched the boys, knowing it was one way of venting when he struggled with his feelings. She blinked as Ed grabbed a sheet hanging up and covered Al with it, before brining the large suit of armor down, and chuckled as the boys laughed.

Edward mentioned visiting their teacher and honing their skills, and once they were released from the hospital, the three of them left for the train station and headed to where their teacher, Izumi Curtis lived. But first, a pit stop in Rush Valley.

Once Winry found out they were heading to Dublin, she begged the brothers to take her to Rush Valley, the home to Automail, and with some added persuasion from Nova, Edward begrudgingly agreed.

A few days passed since the teens left Central. When they got to Rush Valley, a lot happened. First Ed's pocket watch got stolen, then a large storm hit and the four teens helped deliver a baby. Winry was taken as an apprentice and stayed in Rush Valley while Ed, Al and Nova departed for Izumi Curtis, their teacher, and her husband, Sid's place. As the days passed, Nova was having a hard time keeping herself from blowing her cover after everything in Rush Valley.

Ed and Al froze in the station, hanging onto each other in fear as they thought about seeing their teacher again after so many years.

"I don't want to die…" Ed whimpered. "I'm too young to be killed." Al whine, both were still terrified of their teacher, even after all these years. "I would have liked to have a girlfriend first..." She paused when the boys stopped and glanced at them. "You're afraid of your teacher?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. It was unlike them to be afraid of anyone. "What kind of woman is she?" She asked curiously. The brothers looked over at Nova, both sighing a little. "She's the best teacher ever…" Ed started out, rubbing the back of his head "But her methods are a little…" Al trailed off a bit. "Scary." They both admitted, sighing again. "Well, let's get going…" Ed suggested as the brothers led the way towards the meat shop.

Nova blinked at their reaction, and tilted her head some. She shook her head lightly and followed them closely, being unfamiliar with the area. The brothers had an odd relationship with Izumi Curtis. She was like another mother to them, especially when she took them in. Sure, her methods were unusual, but the brothers wouldn't be who they were without her guidance. When they arrived at the small shop, they froze again, their fear on what their teacher would do once she found out about them trying human transmutation gripping them again as they began shaking.

"We're going to die…"