Chereads / I was reborn as an imp. So what? / Chapter 23 - Chapter 23

Chapter 23 - Chapter 23

I came out of my astral, birds eye view state and stretched my legs. It was time to hunt.


Server Announcement

-The Camera Option and forum is now available from within game. Happy Gaming!


Hell yeah! This is what the world has been waiting for, finally streamers and viewtubers can give others access to the game. Not through actually playing it but by letting them watch. Aaaaaand this is how I can make some steady cash! While yes, I may not exist outside the game, and maybe I am not actually playing as a human and maybe people will get jealous, but fuck them I'm awesome! Now it was time to fight and earn some cashola.

With a mental command, I brought all my blood minions to me. I didn't want to bring any of my imps to the fight, because I can't respawn them. That's why my minions are the best.

Today I am going to defeat the massive lion type beast in my front yard and cull the monsters to a reasonable level. If all goes well, I will reach Level 20 and my territory will be safer.

All my minions stood before me like a wave of blood, their forms constantly in motion as blood swirled around them. The different impish minions stood at attention like soldiers ready to sacrifice themselves, while the beasts lay close to the ground in a sort of bow that was meant to be respectful but looked kinda dumb.

"Hey smart minion guy,"

"Yes my Lord" the minion with the highest intelligence replied with a look of love in his eyes. Creepy

"From now on your name is Steven, just so it is easier for me to remember you all." Steve was actually the name of one of my friends from back home. He was the smartest of my friends and more of a nerd than me, and that's saying something. The kid barely ever went outside and was either revising for our exams, or playing video games. At least I had the dignity to solely play games.

"I love that name my Lord" Steven replied.

Right, now that's sorted I can carry on. I should probably name that other guy that evolved, maybe later. Once my army was gathered I began my planning, it would be foolish to blindly rush in to the fight. I would lose blood really quickly and but then again, the blood would generate again when I killed the other beasts, what to do what to do.

Realistically it would be super cool if I rode into battle with an army behind me and killed a massive beast. I would get a ton of donations.

With that decided I readied my minions, each one willing to die for me; then again they pretty much don't die permanently.

It's tiiiimmeee to gooooo! Leading my followers from my base, I located the massive monster with its horde of minions. We may be outnumbered, but what matters is that we will try. As if reading my mind Steve said

"Win or lose, there is no try"

What the fuck. Today is gonna be a long day—————————————————————————


After days of slaughtering beasts that were a lot stronger than him, Aaron finally completed his legacy quests. If he had gotten this quest at a later level, it would have been impossible as each level provides extraordinary boosts in power. To have to fight beasts 5 levels higher than him was already a challenge, but that is what made it fun.

[Congratulations! You have completed your Rank A Legacy Quest]

[You have gained the Fenrir Legacy!]

[You have gained the Legacy Skills:]

Roaring Thunder

Fenrir Fist

Inescapable Death

Roaring Thunder (upgradable):

Rain thunder down on your enemies. Deals 300% of base damage to enemies

Cooldown: 48 hours

Fenrir Fist (upgradable):

Deal 400% of base damage on a single target

Cooldown: 72 hours

Inescapable Death (upgradable):

Execute type skill: Instantly kill if your target is under 25% health

Cooldown: 72 hours

Aaron was delighted, the skills he had just gained would be indispensable and could be absolutely amazing if he was to fight a boss or the other inheritors.

Speaking of inheritors, he had to go meet the High Priestess in Maria. It wasn't that long of a journey from where he was and he could reach the city in less than 2 days, one day if he pushed it.

Aaron had split up from his group just after he got his legacy quest, they had killed a beast togethor that was 5 levels higher than Aaron but it hadn't counted. It was only when Aaron killed a beast by himself that it would count.

Picking up the loot, he headed to Maria. Not long after, he had reached Maria. It was the Capital of the Rhudiom Kingdom and housed one the largest temples that worshipped the Goddess. The city was massive, like truly massive. Just the outer wall was about 20 metres tall and 8 metres thick, HUGE. Just the inner city was 1000 square kilometres, the outer city was many times larger, this wasn't even accounting for the vast lands of agriculture outside needed to support it.

Thankfully, the Temple of the Goddess was very easy to locate, it was a massive pyramidal stone structure that lay in the outer city. According to the Priests and Priestess that was because the Goddess cared not if you were rich or poor, she only cared for the devotion you showed. Aaron thought that was pretty cool, on Earth many religions take donations to support themselves and favour those with more money. The Temple actually provided great benefits to the city, and that's why it was able to flourish. Maria was originally the starting place of the Rhudiom Kingdom and it rose to power due to the blessing of the Goddess, any other religion wasn't tolerated in the city. Even in Haven, there were a massive amount of religions, some even mirrored the religions on Earth. It all depended on where you chose your starting place, in the Far East, the God worshipped there was the Jade emperor, in the Cold Lands, the Norse Gods where worshipped. And in the Far West, they worship a spirit called the Master Spirit, like what the indigenous people of America used to venerate. It just depended on your location. The Goddess was mainly in the middle European area but there are churches around Haven that attempt to spread the religion of the Goddess.

Many in game and out debate over which Gods are the strongest but due to the lack of Holy Wars, nobody knows. It is said that the reason Inheritors are chosen is to fight the War of Gods and secure their God/ Goddess a place on the Limitless Pantheon.

After spotting the temple, Aaron made his way towards it while taking in all the sights. He had easily made his way past the Front gate by paying a small fine and was ready to start his Inheritance quest. As he walked through the city he spotted numerous homeless that begged for money to save their lives, inside and outside the game, there would always be homeless people. This is was a fact of society and you could only accept it and move on.

Vendors were shouting out the price of their goods as children happily rushed along the dirty streets as they chased each other, parents worked tirelessly to build the shelters that would house their families and the older generation would look at the children with happiness and peacefulness. Though they faced the troubles of the world, everyone seemed to be happy and content.

[You have been affected by the Peace Of the Goddess!]

A calm wave flooded over him, washing away his troubles and almost made him forget his purpose at Maria. Steeling himself, he continued on to the temple. With every step, he could feel the holy aura thicken and get stronger until he believed he was wading through water. His wounds from battle healed and he felt relieved and calm.

A large man wearing massive golden armour and wielding a double edged sword that emanated holiness marched towards him with purpose.

"The Priestess has been awaiting your arrival, future Champion"

The man's voice was as thick as syrup and was a delight to the ears. Visibly, the man's tone effected the surrounding women as they blushed and stared directly at him. Aaron was straight, but for a split second he questioned himself.

"Yep well, lead the way" Aaron said, trying to refrain from turning red.

The pair began to walk towards the opening of the temple, without the massive man's presence, the women returned to work. Covered in gold, the entrance to the Temple looked like refined sand, it could reflect the sun and blind you, but it seemed as if it chose not to. ''Twas luxurious.

The inside was even grander, it was a massive golden room with giant silver pillars. Furniture made of gold, ivory and redwood were spread out over the floor in an almost artistic nature; even the ceiling was decorated, a huge painting of the Goddess looked down on them with what seemed as love and care. Apparently the painting was 100% accurate as the Goddess, like all other Gods, has descended on humanity multiple times; mainly during an impossible crisis.

"Hello Champion, the Goddess had told me of your arrival and I have been waiting ever since."

The woman that spoke was tall, like really tall. She was definitely the tallest woman Aaron had ever seen, she had gorgeous blonde hair and lush red lips. Hiding her figure was a large white and gold dress that looked like it cost a fortune. She wore a plain white blindfold over her eyes that wrapped around her head multiple times, coming from the top of her blindfold were silver spikes that spanned the entirety of her head. Although she was a woman of faith, her spikes signified her willingness to do battle.

The woman in front of Aaron was the spitting image of the Goddess.

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