Washington/ 2022,
I stared at the newly settled grave, the tome stone reading, "Lily Miller".
[Toss to you girl] I said lifting my pocket bottle of whiskey [You survived one psychotic asshole, only to get shot by another psychotic asshole running with a gun, Cheerers to you and our free country] I said drinking it whole
Aaron Mike,
[The crowd gathered in the middle of the Franklin square in the early morning and the Washington Post. A patrol officer by the name of Louis Alexandre was strapped in a chair and with a single C4 charge on him. There was fuss as to who to was responsible and when the bomb defusal team got there, he exploded] I said pulling up the smoke to my mouth and inhaling deeply
Emily White, daughter of Captain Morgan White, was sitting in front with the case opened. She closed it and placed it back on my desk.