Chereads / The Author's Trip to His Own World / Chapter 97 - 97. Long Time No See

Chapter 97 - 97. Long Time No See

Theren gathered up everything that was of use and found several bags of gold inside of a hidden pouch and assumed that the baron was keeping it back in case he had to go on the run. It was not a lot by noble standards but Theren was low on funds since crossing over and this would pad his purse quite a bit. He also found a bag that was full of food and a few bottles of quality wine.

Theren kept that bag separate so that he could breakfast in a few hours. He gather up all five horses and led them to the north. When he got back to the northern area the two girls were still awake and scared. "Is it over?"

"Yes, they are both dead. I found a bag full of food and wine for breakfast so we will be eating good tomorrow."

Evelyn started muttering. "Asshole said we only had trail rations and he was eating meat and wine. Should have kicked him in the balls while he was still alive."

Theren heard the words and knew that Evelyn was one that would only take so much before she snapped and when she did it would be bad for everyone that was against her. He pretended like he did not hear her and found a place to sit back and relax. "I am going to relax for a few hours and then I am headed to Three Mines. You are welcome to do what you would like, I will not force you either way. Lana will be more than enough to alert us if anything comes near us." Without any hesitation Theren found a comfortable spot and went straight into his meditation.

Abby was so scared about her family that she was shaking up to the point that Theren came back. Once he said that it was over the stress that was in her body flowed out and she practically passed out where she was sitting. Evelyn saw the position that she was laying in and moved her enough that she would not be in pain the net morning. Then she cast an alarm spell over the area and found her own spot to rest for a few hours.

Theren finished his meditation and saw that both of the girls were still unconscious from the stress of yesterday. He just let them sleep. He was not in a hurry as he knew that he was not far from the location where he would meet back up with Novum. He gave them until the sun was a little higher and then started cooking breakfast.

It did not take long for the smell to cover the entire area and both of the girls started sniffing and moving around in their sleep. It did not take long for either of them to wake up. A little embarrassed the two of them slipped into the woods together for a few and them came out to eat. The food was good and the wine was even better. Since they had some traveling to do today they only had one small glass of wine each.

"Did you girls each a decision?"

Evelyn looked at him with determination. "I will be coming with you to Three Mines. I will join the Baron there in fighting against the Earl and even if the fight doesn't come I will have more options there."

Theren nodded his head. "You will definitely have more options since the Earl expects you to be dead."

Abby suddenly sat up a lot straighter. "I am going to Three Mines as well. I am going to speak with the Baron of the possibility of helping me restore the faith and honor of my family. I will also try to form a business relationship. But much like Evelyn even if he can't or won't help me I have more options there."

"Okay. Well then grab your horse and we will head for Three Mines. Lana keep a look out for us okay." The four of them headed for Three Mines without further delay.


Novum was sitting at his desk listening to the report from Topaz. "The Earl sent his son to go and make and arrangement with a giant. They were supposed to meet two nights ago on the full moon. If that is the case we can expect them in the next two days. We are not sure about the rest of the plans at this time but the informants that have tried to join our guards have all been identified. We are prepared to detain or remove them at a moments notice."

Novum looked over the map in front of him. "Then it appears that the giant will be coming from this direction. I will take a few people and go and meet the giant before it gets here. That way there is almost no chance of it doing damage to this area. I would hate for the farms to take damage during a fight. I will spread the people out a little ways and ask Granny to keep and ear out and let us know if she hears anything."

"I have inquired with her already and she is not aware of anything in the area. There is no sign of the giant from any of the animals in the area."

"That is good to know. Okay, send word that I will need Noctis and a few volunteers to go with me to wait on the giant."

Berry stepped forward. "Baron, it might be easier to only take a few. I have been working on a new spell with the help of my master and it works like an alarm spell or the spell around your property without the magic stones to bind it. can cover a large distance in a single line like a wall and use that. With a small group we could react quickly to the problem no matter where it crosses."

"That sounds like a plan. Tell Rurik, Crystal and Erica that we are going and see if they would like to come."

"Of course Baron. I will have the ones that want to come ready to go by lunch time."

"Topaz are you coming with us?"

"I have a few more things that I need to take care of. I am working on something big and I want to make sure that I am completely correct before I bring it up. It is going to take a few days so I do not have them to waste."

"Thanks. I appreciate your hard work. Melissa I will be heading out today. It should only be a few days. Is there anything that I will be missing?"

"No Baron. There are a few things pending with the board but I know your desire on all the matters and will be able to decide in your proxy."

"Okay then it is time to go and find a giant."


Theren and the two ladies spent the next two days in the saddle. Earlier that day they crossed the line that divided the regions, they all felt it, it was almost like the air felt lighter to them. The three of them found a nice spot to stop even though it was a little early. It was the spot that caravans used when they were about a day out from Three Mines. They never usually went to Three Mines but it was a good marker for the trip to the capitol.

"It appears that we should be able to make Three Mines tomorrow. I think we should stop in the bigger area. If my memory serves me this area has some very thick trees and not a lot of places to stop between here and there. Not a lot of people go this way they turn down the other path for the capitol."

"I am fine stopping a night early. Even if it seems to be getting late we can swap over horses and push until we are in the protective area of the town. Most places will not let you in but will still protect you." Evelyn had traveled through here once before but it was a few years ago.

"I am fine with anything." Abby had the least amount of skills in the group so she did not feel that she had much of a vote but she worked really hard to learn and help. Theren was impressed with the drive and determination of the young lady.


"Novum there is a small party that has entered the staging area not far from here. I do not sense a giant with them and they have more animals than expected for three people. They might be a small merchant group. Should we head over and warn them?"

"Yeah. We have plenty of food and it is early enough we might offer to join them for the night just in case." The rest of the group knew what was going on and broke down the small camp and got ready to go.


Theren felt it when Svetlana sensed the powerful group and pulled out his bow and got ready. "There is a group coming. I am not sure who they are or what they want but it is best to be prepared."

It did not take long and a group leading their horses came into sight. They were moving slow and steady so that they did not startle the small group.

"Hello, in the clearing. We have some food and saw you had a fire could we join you here for the evening."

"Come ahead and we will see."


Novum heard the response and had to smile at the wording and caution of the group. He walked forward and saw the elf and two females sitting around the small fire. He could also sense that there was something hiding in the woods. Fang was already bristled up for a fight.

Novum walked into the fire light so that they could see him. "Good evening I am baron Novum. You are not quite on my property yet but despite that welcome. I hope that you find you stay enjoyable."


Theren heard the name and smiled from ear to ear. He looked exactly like the image that the elder being had shown him. "Greeting Baron. I am Theren Greenleaf. It is good to see you again my young friend."


Novum heard the speech patterns of the elf and felt that he knew him. He heard the name and then reached back in his mind and remembered that his buddy Joe played an Elf archer named Theren Greenleaf in one campaign and then used him as an NPC for several campaigns. He was not sure what made him so sure but he realized that somehow despite all his logic Joe was here.

Novum smiled from ear to ear. "It is good to see you again my friend. I seem to remember you being bigger." Novum crossed the distance and pulled his scowling friend into a huge hug.