Chereads / The Author's Trip to His Own World / Chapter 90 - 90. The Transition

Chapter 90 - 90. The Transition

"How do you do your rolls?"

Much like the time that Novum, AKA Alan started everything he waved his hand and eight piles of dice with four dice in each pile appeared on the table. There were two more die at the end of the table, a six sided die and a found sided die, Joe was a little surprised to see same technique that he always used being used here. "I see that you use the same technique that Alan uses, the one that I taught him."

"That seems to be the most efficient way since it was the one that he based everything on."

"But why are there eight piles?"

"There is a throw away as well as a stat that apparently you used before that I really liked, and that would be comeliness. Since you are right and they are two different things."

"Finally some appreciation. So, what are the limits on my character?"

"Pretty much anything that Alan put in the books is fair game to an extent. You will not be a main from one of the books. Those characters have already been written."

"Can you tell me what kind of character that Alan made? I don't need specifics just type of character."

"He is a melee class with no magic. That is all that I will tell you."

"That is perfectly fine with me. Can I draw up a couple to look at each of them to decide how I want to go?"

"The two of you are to much alike. How many?"

"I want a ranged ranger, a rogue and a sorcerer."

"Just those three?"

"Let me guess Alan wanted five or six so that he could pick from just about everything? He made a fighter, a ranger, a rogue, a cleric and a mage."

"You sure know him well. Yeah you are right."

"That means that he either went with the two weapon ranger or the fighter. I guess that rogue was an option but highly unlikely that it would be considered close combat and with no magic, that means that he picked a fighter. That is good to know."

"You are pretty good. You tricked me with that one."

"I apologize. I was not actually trying to trick you it was just a logical question and my brain did what it likes to do."

"You know what I do not need to do three. I am going to make the ranger. I just feel like this is the way that I should go. Yeah, I think that is going to be the most fun to play for me. So, can I have some scrap paper and a ranger character sheet please?"

The paper and pencil appeared along with a pack of the same smokes that Novum was smoking in the game and Joe immediately lit one up. Then the character sheet appeared. "This is the sheet that Alan wanted to use for his ranger. If you would like a different version then put your hand over it and it will update to what you would like."

Joe looked over the sheet and nodded. "This one will work for me. I helped him design it for one of his first characters. Now for the rolls."

Joe picked up the first set of die and suddenly he heard a notification in his head and a small line of text popped up in his vision. [DM Mind Effect - based on the players huge amount of experience in running and playing games he has a buff to any and all die rolls at character creation.] That was a nice perk that the system gave him.

Joe grabbed the first pile and without any hesitation he rolled the four die out and jumped to his feet when four sixes appeared. "Yahtzee." Joe wrote down a twenty for the benefit of a perfect roll it was bumped up to a twenty just like he rolled it.

"I thought Alan had good luck with his rolls. But luckily you only have one Yahtzee per character so that is good as well."

"Yeah you are right and I can't buff it with any of the bonus points but that still does not mean that I can't get a second twenty with the bonus at the end."

"That is true. I may have to make you an offer like I did with Alan to keep things in check."

"We will see." Joe picked up the second set of die and twelve popped up. Joe thought about it and realized that this was probably the lowest score he could possible roll since as a DM he never had an NPC or even a support character that he built that had a stat lower than twelve. He was about to be way OP but he would not complain about it.

Joe was not a superstitious guy so he quickly finished up the rest of his rolls and his luck was better than he expected even with the DM buff. When it was all said and done he had a great set of rolls. To go with his first two rolls he added an 18, a 17, a 16, two 14s and another 12. He immediately threw away one of the twelves and was left with some great rolls.

Joe rolled the last two die and smiled from ear to ear when a six and a four popped up. Now came the hard part in his opinion, where to put his extra points. "Okay, Joe I think that we need to talk before you go a lot further."

"You let me keep the twenty and bump my seventeen to an eighteen and I will lose the rest of the points. But I want an extra feat at double skill points."

"Since you gave up five points I will use one of them to keep the twenty, one for the extra feat, one for two extra skills points for cross class skills and four extra points in class skills. That leaves you with two points."

"A haversack and a magic item that you pick."

"You two could be twins in the way that you do things. That is fine. You can roll up three items and pick one."

"You have a deal. By the way what level am I going to be starting at?"

"I am not sure. Give me a second." The elder pulled up the info on Novum and what level he was and all of his abilities and whistled. He wanted to put Joe close to his level without making him to overpowered. "Tell you what we will start you a few levels below Alan or as he is known in his world Novum and you can start at level nine."

"You mean that in a year he has crossed at least seven levels. That is impressive. Okay so how about this, I keep the haversack but I do not get the extra item but I get one level higher in starting gold which should be just less than eighty thousand. And I want free reign to pick a companion."

"You are getting a little greedy. How about we let the dice decide it? Average of fifteen die 10s is just lower than the level ten expected treasure. So you roll fifteen of them and each points is a thousand gold that you get but you can take no more than ten percent into the game with you."

Joe thought about the buff that he was given and agreed without any hesitation. Suddenly fifteen dice appeared in front of him. "Can I have a big cup so that I can roll them all at once? I can't get a good roll with my hands with this many die."

A cup appeared on the table. Joe dropped the dice in and give them a big shake and then rolled them all out on the table. As soon as the dice stopped rolling the system popped up with the total. [135]

"That is a great roll. So, that means I can spend 135,000 on my character and take no more than lets say ten thousand into the world. As a ninth level I am going to be able to do a few things with that. That seems like a lot of coin. How about I pick the weapon but roll the abilities?"

"That will work but you will have to stay in the moderate range and no more than two special abilities no matter how many times you roll them. You can't spend all of it on maxed out armor or a maxed weapon."

"That is acceptable. I would like to pick any other items that I get since rolling up stuff that I can't use is just a waste of time and energy."

"That is fine. But first how about we get to the rest of the character basics so that we can make sure that we do not need to adjust anything. I am concerned that you will find a way to make a character even stronger than what you rolled and I want to prevent that before we get to far ahead of ourselves."

Joe winked at the elder being and lit another smoke. "I would never do something like that."