Chereads / The Author's Trip to His Own World / Chapter 68 - 68 The Manor 4

Chapter 68 - 68 The Manor 4

It took Novum and the rest a full ten days before the tower was emptied out and the manor and surrounding lands were established. It took almost a full day to get all of the walls and fence up. The cattle were not a quick process either. They had to be caught inside and then brought outside and they did not like to be led anywhere. He would have to make sure and treat them nicely in the near future before he started eating them. He was also going to need a new bull. There was not a lot of care given to the heard over the last several decades and a few birth defects were starting to appear.

Once the last house was set Novum threw another huge party and invited the entire town to come and visit and enjoy the festivities. He was standing in the courtyard where everyone was eating and called out. "Good evening everyone and thank you for coming out to join in our celebration. I want all of you to know that this manor is not closed nor will it be closed. To me we are still part of Three Mines and we are all on people. I know that the distance is a little long but I want everyone to feel safe and comfortable coming to this place. But enough of that enjoy the food."

There was a huge cheer and the crowd all raised a glass to Novum. The mayor was sitting close by. "Novum how did you get it?"

"You remember the tower in the lake?"

"I remember you said something about looking for one. So this is the result?"

"There was a mage who did this as part of an experiment and Berry figured out how to undo what he did and so here we are." Novum felt Fang nose his elbow and looked up to see the lady referred to as old druid walking up. "Madam Pine please sit is there anything that I can get you?"

"Such a polite young man. Something a little stronger than wine if you have it." Without hesitation Novum reached into his bag and pulled out one of the bottles of dwarven fire whiskey and set it and a glass on the table in front of her. "Thank you. Your orchard is set and everything appears to be doing okay for now. I am concerned with the change from one environment to another and a few of them are not from this area but should be okay with the proper care. And I have harvested a bunch of seedlings that I have put up for next spring to replenish what you have used."

"That is good to know Madam Pine thank you. Madam Pine I do not mean to be bold but would you be interested in living on my land and helping with things here?"

"I am not much for a big house like this."

"That is not an issue. You pick a spot anywhere on the land that I own and I will build you a house to your specifications. Stone, wood even mud if that is what you want. I will provide you with anything and everything that you would like for growing and caring for not only my land but the land all around Three Mines as well."

"Three Mines is a little big for my by myself."

"You are more than welcome to bring in as many apprentices as you feel that you need."

"In that case I would like a stone cottage put out in the area near the hives."

"Ummmmm....about that area."

"I have discussed it with the beings that are in that area and they are okay with it. Actually they requested us to that area."

"Then if you would set with Rurik here and draw out the dimensions of the house that you would like and he can start planning and pulling the stone out of the area that you need and get started. Granted it will take a little time but it will be my top priority. I would not push you but you are more than welcome to stay in the manor until it is ready or your home in town and I will send someone for you with updates and questions."

Madam Pine poured two glasses of the fire whiskey and passed one to Novum. "You have a deal young man." She held up her glass and Novum tinked his against the side and then both shot the liquor straight down. Novum shook his head but the old woman never flinched.

Novum was just recovering form his drink when he felt a tug at his side. He looked down and saw Emily. "Baron, Fang seems a little hungry could I give him something to eat?" She pulled a kidney out of her little bag. "I kept this from the deer this afternoon since I knew that he would like it."

Novum smiled but before he could answer Madam pine butted in. "You go right ahead sweetie. That is just the kind of thing that pup needs more than anything." Emily smiled from ear to ear and held out the kidney to Fang. As gently as he could he took the kidney from her and slurped it down it two bites. He licked her across the face in joy. "Little one what is your name?"

Emily was a little shy again and hid just behind Novum's leg. "Emily."

"Such a pretty name. Emily, how did you know that Fang was hungry?"

"I am not sure. I jest looked at him and thought he might be hungry."

"Interesting. Such an intuitive girl."

Emily got a little braver. "That is a pretty orchid in your hair."

A little color rushed to the old woman's face. "Thank you Emily. How did you know that it was an orchid. It does not look like a normal orchid."

"Oh, Mommy taught me all about flowers and herbs and things and even though it looked a little different it was enough that I thought, that is what it was."

"You are an amazing little girl. I would like to talk to your mommy about flowers could you take me to her?"

"Of course. Do, do you want me to hold your hand?"

"That would be very sweet. There are a lot of people here and it would be easy to get separated." Madam Pine held out her hand and Emily took ahold of it gently to make sure that she did not hurt her. The two set out and the crowd seemed to part as Madam Pine got close. No one other that Novum seemed to notice the crowd moving out f instinct and he was not going to say a word. He was happy that the druid grove on his land was about to grow by two initiates, though he hated to lose a great cook."

Novum looked at Greg, "sorry about that."

"No you did right. Madam Pine is an interesting person and not one to cross lightly. But back to topic, now that you are established here more or less what are your plans for the near future and the winter?"

"Well tomorrow I am taking my wagons and headed to the capitol with the crew that I hired for the tower. They are going to resign their positions and come here and work in my area. I am also going to discuss the thing with the neighboring Duke with the Duke to make sure that we are in the right and I am going to pick up a few more things that I will need in the future. I also have to settle up with the leaders of the crew. They are probably not going to be happy with me but nothing I can do about it."

"Now that you have the room for them, and you are going to see the Duke anyways it might be the appropriate time to request an upgrade to the way Three Mines is looked at as well as talk to him about the guards that you are authorized to hire from the Duke. I had Peter look into it and it is not really an issue since most nobles like in or around the capitol. He might tell you know but he also might send some for cheap if the village becomes a town and not just a town but a town with a noble."

"I will talk to him while I am there. And with the possible threat of the neighboring duchy looming with that little man form the other day I feel confident that he will be interested in allowing me to hire my own force if he does not have the available troops." Novum rolled a smoke at the thought of troops and a war. He had enough of that in his previous life just with scarier weapons. Although you could probably compare magic with some of the bombs he used.

"Also there are talks about a note in the town charter that a few of the council members are interested in."

"What is it?"

"Well when Three Mines was established it was owned by a noble who died without an heir. The Duke at the time allowed the village to become independent and just pay him taxes and he would send support as necessary. But it was also written in that in the event that a noble bought land in the area and then lived there, they would become the head of the village."

"Really? Do I have to?"

"Honestly, if we are upgraded to a town then there might be a little lead way with with Duke but we are all to the point that we think that it would be best for you to become the leader of the town."

"Wait what!?"

"Well, hear me out. The name of a noble, even a Baron carries a lot more weight than the title of Mayor. Many nobles will come in and do what they like and then there is nothing that we can do about it. There was an incident where a noble came in and, well several people died and then nothing happened to him. He simply sent some coin to the families of the people that he killed. I was not mayor then, thank the gods."

"If I do this and I do say if, there will be a council like there is now with a head position like you mayoral position that will serve as the voice of the people. They will come to me with problems and issues in the city and they will also serve as my advisors on things in the future. If that can be agreed upon then I will consider it."

"I will talk with the council but that actually sounds like an amazing idea. I do not see why they would not agree to that. I will have you an answer when you ride through town in the morning."

"Okay then. Enough business. Let's enjoy the evening."