Chereads / The Author's Trip to His Own World / Chapter 14 - 14. A New Home (4)

Chapter 14 - 14. A New Home (4)

Novum woke up with the sun shining in his eyes and while he was still a little tired he was always the type that once he was awake he was awake. He shifted a little and felt a warm patch on his chest. He lifted the blanket and saw that the pup had cuddled up next to him during the night. The pup looked up at and his tail started to way a little bit. "So some food and a warm place to sleep is all it took to win you over. Well Fang it is time for me to get up for the day." He threw off the blanket and headed for the wood line. Once he was back he built a small fire to cook his breakfast.

Once he was sure that the fire was going to stay he got up and headed for the root cellar. The temperatures were low enough that he was sure that the meat would last for another day or two. He cut off two pieces and headed out. He threw one in the pan that he set on the hot fire and the other he tossed to the pup who snatched it out of the air. He smiled and checked the pan. It looked fine and he went and got some oats out of his bag for Noctis. Once that was done he checked his meat and it was still a little on the rare side but that was the way he liked it. He quickly ate it up and realized that one of the things he had yet to buy and did not get during his cross over was coffee and a percolator. He would have to remedy that sooner rather than later.

"Well it appears that I have wasted enough time." He grabbed his bag as well as his bow and quiver. He had not intention of hunting but that does not mean that an animal would not find him tasty. He would be able to handle several at once, when he was finished with everything. And he would do his best not to waste anything but he would not let himself die either. With that in mind he headed for the wooded area that had the biggest trees available for harvest. He picked one he liked and dropped his stuff off a short distance away. He pulled his axe out of the bag and moved towards the tree he had selected.

He had only taken a few steps when he heard a growl behind him. The pup had followed him and was growling at a squirrel sitting on one of the lower branches staring at him. "Well you tell him Fang. This is your area now." The pup turned and yipped at him and then when back to growling at the squirrel. With a smile Novum headed for the tree. He checked it real close and figured out the best way to cut it to fall where he wanted it. With that set he started swinging. It took a long time but finally the tree fell just where he wanted it to. When the tree started creaking he checked the pup and found him asleep beside his bag.

When the tree crashed to the ground birds flew everywhere and a few squirrels and a fat raccoon came out of the tree. The pup jumped to his feet and went to figure out the raccoon. "Fang you better leave that one alone. He will thump you good in no time flat." The pup did not listen until the raccoon stood up and hissed at him and took a viscous swipe at him. The pup yelped and ran back behind him. "I told you to leave that one alone. There that one is more your speed." He pointed to a squirrel that was hurt when the tree fell and was limping out of the branches. He had not intended to hurt anything since he figured they all would have ran when he started beating on the tree. Fang saw the squirrel and pounced on it before it could even turn towards him. With one mighty shake he snapped its neck and he carried it over under a bush to enjoy it.

Novum smiled at the pup, drank some water and pulled out his saw. He squared up the end and then based on the measurements he had already taken he marked and cut the first log to length. Once that was done he marked the end of the log in sections so that he would have a guide to go by. He also used a trick he learned in his old world and used sting on the outside of the log to mark a level line for him to cut. It would have been easier with two people but with his strength and the string he was able to make clean cuts. The sun was all the way up in the sky when he fished with the cuts on the first log.

He put his pack on and gathered up as much wood as he could carry and headed back to the house. The first load was enough for him to fix the stable with the exception of the section of floor that he had broken. He was thinking he might leave it there so some more precise cuts and moving around of boards to hide it would be necessary. He thought about some trail rations but then he thought about the meat in the cellar and did not want to waste it. He had plenty of time but only so much meat. He had just finished the fire and cutting the meat when his coin alerted him that someone was coming.

Novum's instincts were screaming at him and he quickly started putting on his armor. He was buckling the last strap when Fang growled in the direction of the town. "Fang hide in the stable with Noctis." He had no idea if the pup would listen but he had to hope. He might give away his position or even worse he might get himself killed. Novum debated on the shield but did not put it on. He was not sure how many there were and even if they were hostile. But a bow could help cut their numbers down as well. Since his first priority had been fixing things he had not properly taken into consideration learning the area in case a fight came. He was already kicking himself for being complacent.

Even though he did not know the area very well he did know it better than his attackers. He knew that they would come in on the main trail that he had used. It was the easiest to see and follow. There were also fresh tracks so he was sure that is the way they would come since they were looking for him. He moved to a spot where he could see a break in the trail a distance away but it would he hard for them to spot him. He wanted to figure out who they were before he determines a course of action.

Novum saw the group and if the weapons that they were holding had not told him their intentions the man in the back with a smug look on his face would have. The pervert had finally come calling. He knew that he was not that good with a bow but there were five of them and that would make a hard fight no matter how good he was. He drew the arrow it is full length while facing his house and then stood and turned to get him out from behind the bush. He lined up the shot on the first man and let the arrow fly. As soon as the he let the arrow fly he was grabbing another one. But this bow was way to fast and it hit well before he got the second arrow up. He had always written about that happening but given the distance and power of the bow that was not happening here.

The man that the arrow hit screamed out in pain and the rest of the group dove off of the trail and into the brush. This hindered Novum's plan to wound a few of them but the screaming man had not moved so he put another arrow into him. This time he took and extra few seconds and aimed for a vital part of his body with the least amount of armor. He saw what looked like a worn spot in the armor and aimed for it. Thanks to the extra time the arrow hit right where he wanted and dug deep into the man's chest. The man stopped screaming and looked down at the arrow sticking out of his chest and before he could start screaming again he fell dead. Novum watched him fall and hoped that he did not break the arrows.

Novum was reaching for another arrow when he realized he had been standing in the open for too long. He came to this realization when a cross bow bolt slammed into his upper arm. It did not do a lot of damage because of the heavy armor but it did cut him at a weak point. And it brought him back to the moment. He ducked back down and moved back towards his house in the brush. This was the hardest part for him given his size and the heavy armor that he wore. He picked another spot that he thought would give him an advantage and nocked another arrow.

Novum was set and ready when he saw a bush shaking as someone had just ran up behind it. He almost released a shot on instinct but he held that in check. He stared at the bush and saw a foot under the edge of the bush. He had not seen anything else and thought he would give it a shot. He looked at the foot and the way that it was positioned and the size of the bush and the density of the foliage. He picked a spot and let the arrow fly. He heard another ear piercing scream and the man behind to bush stood up with an arrow sticking out of his face. He took a step towards Novum and then fell dead. He had only hoped to scare the man into moving but this worked out better than he expected.

Novum thought two down and three to go but he also knew that he had to move, they could probably guess where he was at. He could not think of a spot as good as the last two and moved most of the way back to his house. Given the distance they would still be a lot longer getting there since there were not sure how far he moved. It would give him a little time to think. He thought back over the last couple of days and his interactions with the pervert and thought he had a pretty good idea on how to deal with him.

Novum went all the way back to his house and put up his bow and grabbed his shield and got it tightened. He drew his sword and headed out to opening in the middle of all the building. He yelled loud enough for them all to hear him. "Okay pervert lets get this over with. I still have buildings to repair today. So you and your little rent boys come on out and we will settle this like men. Though I am not sure any of you know how to be real men."

Novum knew that this would like a fire under the men that were coming after his home and life. He heard two separate bellows and the two swordsmen jumped up from their hiding spot and ran at him. He also saw the pervert was the one with the crossbow and would stay in the back. He saw the bow up and ready to fire and got his shield ready to adjust. He saw the tip of he bow jerk and got his shield in line and felt the impact as it bounced off. By that time the first of the two men were in range.

The man launched a vicious attack that Novum had to put a lot of effort into blocking and maintaining his balance. He managed it only by giving up his counter to the attack. This man was strong but strong did not mean good. Novum got back into position before the first man and sliced the tip of his sword through the armor on his leg. The man let out a scream and grabbed it with one hand. The wound was not fatal but it was designed to limit his movements and make the fight easier.

The second man came into the area a lot slower. Seeing Novum block the blow of his strongest men and then cut him gave him a lot of concern. He approached cautiously from the opposite side. Even wounded his man had a lot of reach and it was a lot harder fighting with a person on each side. Novum saw what was happening and was trying to quickly decide on his best course of action. About that time he felt an impact on his back as another crossbow bolt slammed into him from behind, luckily it hit the thicker part of his armor and did not pierce through.

When the archer was taken into consideration it limited the options considerably. Novum made his decision and turned his back on the uninjured man and charged the man with the leg wound. Since he could not react fast enough he was soon in big trouble. Two quick exchanges and Novum was pulling his sword out of the man's chest, but it was not without a price. He could feel blood running down his back from the wound the other man had given him. And he felt the impact of another bolt. Instead of turning to face the man where the archer could still have a shot at him Novum ran around the house to block the pervert's shot. The swordsman reacted on instinct and followed right behind him.