(The college is one of the best colleges in Korea. Many rich boys and girls take admission in this college just like Xiayong but in Shina's case she got admission through scholarship.) "Finally we are here.",shina said. "On time" ,Xiayong exclaimed. "yeahhh.... I am so happy, xiao. Today we don't have to listen our professor's lecture.",shina said. They both laught. Then college's most popular guy enters with his car in high speed. All girls start running toward him including college's most rich, popular and beautiful girl Chu xia. "hey, Shina see Adrien aggrest is here. Do you know his family is the biggest Share holder in our college?",Xiayong asked. "yeah, I know that .", shina said with no interest. "ohhh... he is so handsome.....", Xiayong said with a huge sigh. "oh come on xiao, he is a spoiled rich boy. Usually people change their clothes but HE changes his girlfriends. He always flirt with girls.",shina said in angry tone.but ."No but, our lecture is about to start. Let's go",shina said in angry tone. okkkk..... Shina took hand of xiaoyang and exit from there. "Oh my girls, let me breathe.",Adrien said. "ohh you are so handsome.",one girl said playfully. "I know that beautiful." ,Adrien said with kissing her hand. "let him go.",Chu xia said in attitude. she gave her bag to her assistant Jaya. Girls leave from there in angry manner. "hey, you can never change yourself . haa ...",Chu xia asked." "you know, people can change, time can change but Adrien aggrest can never change." ,Adrien said proudly. "I know.",Chu xia said. Adrien and Chu xia left to their respective classes.