In the distance, you can see the beautiful scenery here in the Province of De-Coco.
Where farmers live quietly, peacefully and Floraison Belle Flores belong there.
The daughter of a poor farmer but even so, she is not ashamed of it.
They're were happy to harvest this month because it is only once a year. Even though, there are many pests on their crops. Lora and her parents have more than this year compared to last year.
"Floraison." Mama C called her.
The mid age's woman approached Lora. When she finally reached her, Lora couldn't help but grin when she looked at her mother.
Her beautiful smile and blooming aura make her always look young even though that she's already 45.
"What is it... Mama?"Mama C looked at her with concern in her eyes but the excitement still prevailed over them, so Lora was a little bit confused.
What's going on?
Lora looked at her father, Papa J that just arrived from the farm which is owned by Donny.
He's from China, it seems that he only landed in the Philippines because of their farm where it needs to be managed.
When Mama C came up to Lora and held her both hands, Perhaps to turn back her attention to her mother. That smile of hers is genuine.
I think this is good news? Lora thought.
Mama C took a deep sigh before staring at Lora with a huge smile on her lips. "Your Papa J and Uncle Greg decided to drop you out in Peach Art's College" She started.
Lora left off her guard because of it.
What the.. what's going on? Peach Art's College is a Provincial University here, I'm going to take an exam next month for my scholarship for my 2nd year of college, and I just graduated last week from my first year!.
Lora takes a deep sigh and calms down herself, after a few seconds.
" Mama C, Papa J what is this? I mean what going on and what is the sudden decision of this? why did you decide to drop me out, did I do something wrong?" her voice sounds pleading and her round eyes became even more round.
She looks like a child who's been captured in his or her mistakes but she has never been a bad girl in her whole life.
While Lora confusedly stare at her parents with the edge of crying, Mama C anxiously sat Lora down in the empty seats here outside of their farmhouse.
Papa J sighed and worried about his daughter. " Floraison we both know how much you desire to study in School of V.A and D.A right? even you don't say or mention it to us, we're your parents and that's why your Uncle Greg said that he's willing to take care of it." Did they mean?
" Yes, we're dropping you out in Peach Art College because you're going to transfer to Florida! " Papa J and Mama C exclaimed with a proud expression.
Lora was stunned and no voice came out to her mouth, she will open her mouth but it will also shut up, she is very happy with the news, but despite being able to rejoice she is also sad.
It looks like her mom noticed it so Mama C announced the good news to her again " And your Uncle Greg wants you to be his Suffragium archimagirus* in his G & F CĂ fe Shop."
Then, she regain her thoughts that her eyes began to widen slightly and her lips parted. Lora jumped in shock indicated that she was happy.
Lora learned baking when she was five or maybe six? she doesn't remember when or was but she knew that she loves baking, it started when she was a little.
Lora stopped when her Uncle Greg leaves the country because Señorito Mateo picks him... He is Lora's grandpa.
Technically, she never stops reading some books about cooking and baking that's why she has so many books in her room.
Perhaps her parents got what she meant, Mama C nodded at her twice indicating that her thought was right, Lora hugged them both because of the happiness that surpassed her.
They parted their hug when Lora calmed down, Papa J nudge her left shoulder to make Lora look at her father.
"Floraison get your things ready, tomorrow is your first day of the journey" he chuckled.
Lora stares at them for a second with love and admiration in her eyes.
I'm the happiest person for having a great parent like them. Lora said to herself
However, Florida is too far from the Philippines.
"I will miss you" she murmured just right for them to hear.
Mama C was still smiling at her, suddenly she sniff and her tears started to roll down in her cheeks. Subconsciously, Lora approached her to wipe her mother's tears.
" Oh my. I'm so emotional today why do I have a gorgeous daughter like you? and a Genius Greek?" she mischievously says but the sadness can still be felt there.
"We will miss you too"
"Floraison my daughter, just don't get yourself in trouble ok? Focus on your study and being Suffragium of your Uncle." Mama C paused and came a little closer to her to whisper in Lora's left ear and continued.
" And also find a man that will suit you're being a bookworm" she mischievously smirks.
After the conversation about my uncle's offer, we've just chatted and had fun while eating grilled corn and sweet potato well if you wonder what happened earlier is that I accepted the offer because it's was my dream, a dream that I been dreaming of.. and I wanted to pursue, now that I'm given an opportunity I will do my best.
The night has come and Lora was now lying in her bed. It is just a mat and a thin blanket but it's comfortable to lie down.
In Lora's thought, she couldn't help but think about what Florida looks like? What will happen to her when she arrived there? if the citizens there are also kind like here in the Philippines?
" Stupid," she mumbled to herself and tilted to get a comfortable position.
Of course not, the Philippines is the Philippines while Florida is still Florida. Nothing could change the fact that Lora was a little bit dumb sometimes.
" Dear Almighty God, please guide me there and keep my parents safe here." Lora sighed in delight and the drowsiness swallowed her.
Orlando, Florida see you soon.
Suffragium Archimagirus* is Assistant Chef in English term, it's a Latin language.