Chereads / An accident that lead to a miracle / Chapter 30 - How could a veg food be this tasty?????

Chapter 30 - How could a veg food be this tasty?????

Both were looking at each other , as if staring at their mortal enemies... like this... one ... because ... he just wasted so much efforts and in the end , got a thrilling response from her... and another because , she has never eaten anything veg in her entire life... so ... now even staring at these things was like a torture to her.

" Eat." and there comes his thunderous voice. After getting a demo of his power ... who he just showcased... in opening the door... her attitude took 180 degree turn.. and for the first time in the millennia , she eat something as paltry as veg food. Her reaction was just like a Lion, firstly she sniff it with her nose, then poke it with her fingers, then touch it like ... it can swallow her whole, then open her lips... and let her tongue taste... but then heavenly delicious taste landed in her tongue.. which almost made her veggie lovers.. just like that. Even the aroma was tempting one... which she neglected.... After eating a bite... while testing and experimenting... from his hand... she open her mouth... in front of him... as if urging him... to give another bite.

Well , she was confined tightly inside the quilt... and her hands were just temporarily allowed to touch the new creature... Veg Food... and then they were again confiscated inside the quilt... And the Great Ceo was using his hands... as a spoon.. for this certainly mischievous , curious, and master of expression ... toddler... Once , he saw her chewing and enjoying his handmade food ... he finally felt happy... although few moments earlier, his face has become as dark a pot... when he saw her touching the bite of food in his hands... as an alien... and then the way she like a cute little animal... and then the way when she let her tongue touch the bite... and the way she moaned... at the deliciousness of the bite of the food. He finally regain his expressionless senses.

And like a great babysitter , as he already is, he started making little .. little bites... of food and started feeding her, while giving her juice, water and coffee in the middle of meal too. Awwww!!!!! I just realise , he could be a great caretaker, and father too.... Awwww!!!! So, after feeding to certain mischievous brat , who was staring at the same food as if she would rather die than eat... and is now engulfing all of it... with greedy eyes... he felt satisfied...

And his thoughts drift to Tina, 'Would she... would she... be like this little brat too??? If she has been with him, then would she had thrown tantrums to him , regarding food too???? Yes, he remembers... how much she dislikes veggies... but as soon as it's his mother preparing it, she never said 'No' to it... she even used to eat more than others at dining. She even used to fill his plate again and again... while advertising the dishes.. She used to dislike meat. She only loved fast food... chinese noodles, pizza, burger, pasta, sphagetti, cheese sandwitch, french fries... and soft drinks.... She was the only person, who used to hate both veg and non veg dishes.

While street food was like her life... sweets , panipuri, bread pakode, spring roll ,ice cream, jalebi, bada paw, chole kulche, momos, sugarcane juice and the list just goes on and on and on... she likes food... disregarding everything... until and unless.... it's not homely food... the one which Raj is currently feeding to Confined creature.

She would rather go on a hunger strike , then eat it. And he knows this, so he was quite anticipating it... when he started learning making these dishes. But before he could disclose this secret, the cruel fate pull them apart.' And he felt a little dejected... after the realisation hit him. But somehow, he could guess that her reaction would have been same as this girl... who definitely was like Tina... Who prefer taste over health... and tongue over stomach.

As for this little creature , she too was thinking,' Is it seriously veg food?????Where things went wrong then??? How could a veg food be this tasty??? Don't tell me, I actually ignore the most delicious treasure of the world ???? NO!!!!!! RIGHT!!!!!!! How could this rubbish be so tasty????? I can't believe , I actually live alive for more than 1000 years ....without eating this tasty feast.... Am i freaking kidding , myself???? I will go crazy at this rate... I can't believe... Shit!!!! Holy Shit!!!!!! Like Seriously!!!!!!!

I actually live in this hellhole for more than 1000 years and just now i realise .... that there actually exist something this much tasty.... That's too much... for my little newly developed poor heart to handle... How on this freaking bloody earth , is this even possible????? Who on this shittyplace, told me that veg is disgusting and taste like shit....????? Just who????? I , will going to exterminate the entire clan of that fellow .. just give me the name of that fucking bastard..... For god sake... I demand justice... on behalf of my pitiful tongue....

So, that's the reason , why, i never found those creatures... tasty... as if they are just means to be the source of energy for me... Now, i know ,Why.... Because .... i actually wasted so many years of life... in disgusting rubbish .....' She was full of rage, resentment , although her tummy was full, her tongue ... who was hungry for tasty things.. wasn't... But, unfortunately , at that time she realise... something... the plate full of food.... was sadly.... completely empty.... and all the food was now finding place to adjust in her stomach.... And she stared at the empty plate... like a wronged , pitiful child...

He stare at her wronged child look and then at the empty plate... and tried really hard not to tease her... or not to laugh out loud... How on the earth , did this plate offended her... especially when , she was the one ... who finished it herself... Aiyo, this melodrama queen... and her technical defaults... even a technician can't solve it, to say nothing about him.

He look at her, bite his cheek from inside to control himself from laughing out loud and then, ask :" What's your name?" with same thunderous voice... which jolted her from her dazely fight with empty plate...

" name.....!!!!! Name.....!!!!! My name..... Oh ! Yeah! My name.... It's Priya." she replied... after pondering for what seems like a century.... A Name... Only human needs that... why on the earth she needs a name, maybe because , she is a human too, now. Well, if it's like that, then she has to give herself a name too....right!!! Then , let's use Emma's alias name... As , she was sure... that this fellow doesn't know about it...

"Priya... nice name... Want to eat more?" he asked , pondering a little especially after watching her acting the way she does.... and then thinking about it... 'Why this name is so familiar?' But .... just shook all his thought... when he saw her nodding her head like a rattlesnake... most probably... to eat some more... And then took the tray... and left the room.

While , she just stare greedily at the plate, as if someone has binded a spell... she was even ready to jump out of the bed... but one strict lance from him... and certain sitting creature... lie down on the bed... slowly ... slowly... and then cover herself upto the face... with the quilt.