Arboros was a scene of intense partying for nearly a week as the city-folk flung themselves into rabid celebration. There wasn't a single sad face amongst the masses, Gordon's name was stricken from every record that could be found. Every item he owned was thrown into a grand bonfire which was lit upon the first night by Talia herself, who had managed to shrink back to her more human-friendly size with the help of Madora.
The first day was full of celebration, gorging, and drinking. No cup was left dry for more than a few minutes. The King's cellars were raided of every ounce of booze and food to fuel the party. By the next morning most folks were retching and cursing, but their spirits were hardly dampened. From there the people aided Talia in her efforts to destroy Arboros. She was determined to see the historical city burn away to make way for a new city of freedom, inclusion, and success. No more starving, no more punishing the people for their sin of life, no more turning a blind eye to suffering.
Talia started with the impoverished section of the city, ramshackle wooden homes which barely stood the test of weather let alone time. She lit them on fire after the city people were evacuated outside of the walls. She took great glee in lighting an inferno, it took only seconds before the entire portion of the city was smoking and blotting out the sun. Flames crackled deafeningly as they consumed it all. There would be nothing but ash left, but like a phoenix she was certain the city would come back to life in no time.
She allowed the flames to consume everything, wood, stone, metal, nothing was safe as she devoured it all. Every building came crashing down eventually, every road was wiped away, every manor was destroyed and every inn and tavern. By the end of the second day there was nothing but ash, not a single stone or nail remained. It was like a blank slate, the walls had been stained black by her onslaught. Yet after the last flickering flame died the people cheered once more, certain that she would lead them forward into a new era.
The third day was a bustling one as merchants from the nearest towns pushed in to sell their wares of wood, stone, nail, and everything else under the sun. Talia contracted every lumberman in the area to bring forth their timber. She had carpenters aplenty and architects ready to plan out a new city. First they would start with the working families, building them a clean and healthy place to live. From there they would work upwards towards the castle.
While they were at work Talia had Bromyr write his dwarven Kingdom to draw forth stonemasons of the highest skill. She had a plan drawn up to change the walls slightly and allow for four guard towers which would stand as bastions against attack. She wanted to destroy and rebuild the castle, or at least part of it. She also wanted temples to the gods to be rebuilt with honor, though it would be some time before acolytes, priests, and worshipers would return.
With everything happening it was hard to keep track of those that came and went, the gates were nearly always open to allow for quick access for rebuilding. Farmers came and went to gather their supplies and prepare for the planting season. Guards marched in and out day and night to keep the peace and protect the people. Merchants were everywhere, their flamboyant carts always moving as they peddled their goods to anyone with money to pay. The dwarves moved about to aid in the best ways they could, sometimes helping the smithies, sometimes the guard, and sometimes helping to build a new home. There was no keeping track of who entered the city, so there was no surprise when a darkly clad elf managed to slip in.
Reezara flew the skies of Arboros every day, testing out her strength as she continued to grow. The locals fed her everything and anything from wild game to tamed cattle. She was never hungry, always moving, and constantly doing whatever she could to keep the city walls safe from outside threats while her rider tried to rebuild.
Madora stayed in the castle, claiming a lofty room to herself where she could set up shop and provide assistance to the new 'royalty' as she saw fit. She mostly brewed potions and attempted to divinate the future when possible. She was certain her actions would ripple through and create a new branch of possibilities, though she hadn't yet been able to identify just what would happen.
Lotus remained tightly by Talia's side along with Midnight and Nico who both refused to leave for even a moment. Together they planned for the future, Lotus acted as Handmaiden out of practice and familiarity while Midnight acted as security and counsel. Nico was as always her eyes in the dark, nothing escaped his wizened gaze. Together they were unstoppable, inseparable, and most of all at each other's throats constantly. Nico didn't appreciate Midnight's decision to stay, nor did he appreciate her nonchalant attachment to Talia's side.
Days spread into weeks which gave way to months, slowly but surely Arboros did rise from the ash. Every passing day saw a new step forward for the city and the people. At the helm of it all Talia sat, determined to at least leave the city better off than she had found it, whether they saw her as queen or not hardly bothered her. So long as she wore the crown she was not going to allow the darkness to creep back in.