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Love and War (Gangster's Always Getting in the Way)

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Chapter 1 - Chapter One

It was Tuesday morning and Jay had just woken up. He went downstairs to talk to his mother. "Hi mum. I need to talk to you about something." Steph turns towards Jay. "Yes?" Jay scratches the back of his neck. "I don't know how to tell you this." "Just try your best." "Okay." Jay clears his throat. "So on Saturday when I was at the party I found out something about me." "And what's that?" "I have multiple personalities." Steph scratches her chin. "That's impossible. You would be in a mental hospital if this were true." Jay screams. "Ugh you never believe me! I don't know why I bother talking to you sometimes." Jay stomps upstairs to his room and slams the door. "We'll show her Jay. We'll make her see it." Jay sighs. "I'm glad you have my back Vik." Vik chuckles. "Of course I do. We're the same." Jay lays in his bed thinking. He then decides to call his girlfriend.

"Hello?" "Hey babe." "Oh hey Jay. Did your mother believe you?" "Ugh no. She never believes anything I say." "Sucks baby. Wanna come over and relax?" "Depends on what you mean on relaxing."

Tara chuckles.

"You know what I mean babe."

Jay laughs his deep laugh.

"I'll be over shortly." "Okay. The back door is unlocked." "See you soon." "See you soon."

The call ends. Jay gets up and goes to take a shower. Jay showers quickly and dries off. He then brushes his teeth before going to his room to get dressed. As Jay was getting dressed Jay's brother Aiden comes knocking. "Come in." Aiden walks in and hugs Jay. Jay is surprised for a second but then hugs back. Aiden pulls away a few seconds later. "What was that for?" "I just miss you is all. We don't hang out anymore. Not since after you came out of surgery 2 years ago." "I know. I'm sorry about that. What are you doing on Friday night?" Aiden thinks. "Nothing really. I was going to play some games on my computer. Why?" "You and I are going to go bowling. Feel free to invite some of your friends." Aiden quickly hugs Jay and leaves. Jay chuckles after Aiden leaves. "We will never ever hurt him. He means the world to me. Same with my other brothers and my sister." "What about asshats?" "I don't give a fuck. Just not Aiden,Al,Ryan and Tailor. Oh and my sister's boyfriend." "Understood." Jay finishes getting ready and leaves the house. A little while later Jay arrives at Tara's house. Jay goes around back and enters the house. He then goes upstairs to Tara's room and knocks. Jay hears Tara giggling. He enters the room and closes the door. Tara giggles louder. "Babe come here. You have to see this." Jay smiles and walks over to Tara and leans over Tara's shoulder. "What am I looking at?" "Just watch." Jay sighs and watches the video. At the end Jay laughs his deep laugh. "That's just ridiculous." Tara laughs softly. "I know right? It's just hilarious to watch." Jay nods and then lays down on Tara's bed and puts his arms behind his head. Tara turns in her chair. "Hey Jay?" Jay hums. "Do you think Root is okay?" Jay looks over at his girlfriend and smiles. "I think so. He's strong. Why?" Tara shrugs. "I'm just worried about him I guess." Jay grabs onto Tara's hand and pulls her on top of him. "Do you want to go visit him?" Tara nods. "He must be going insane in that place." Jay places his hands on Tara's butt. "I have a plan to get him out. I just got to get some supplies from work." Tara kisses Jay hard. "Thank you." Jay smiles. "Anything for you. He's your brother so he's family to me too." Tara looks at Jay lovingly. "Aww babe." Jay pushes Tara's shoulder gently. "Oh shush it. I admit it." Tara chuckles. "You are adorable." Jay chuckles and then sighs sadly. Tara looks confused. "What's wrong?" Jay moves his hand from Tara's bum to under her shirt. "I just wish I wasn't afraid to take my shirt off." Tara moves her hands to Jay's shirt buttons. "It's okay baby. I've been here since the beginning so there's no need to be scared." Tara starts to unbutton Jay's shirt. Jay grabs onto Tara's hands stilling them. "Its okay babe." Jay sighs and nods. Jay moves his hands and Tara continues unbuttoning his shirt until all the buttons were undone. Tara then opens the shirt so she can see Jay's chest. Tara runs her fingers over the scars gently. "They're ugly. I know." Jay tries to cover up but Tara stops him. "No." Tara leans down and kisses each scar gently. She even licks one. Jay moans. Tara chuckles. "You like that?" Jay nods. "Do it again." Tara licks the scar. Jay moans and flips them over. Tara helps Jay take off her shirt. Jay kisses up and down Tara's chest. Tara moans. "More." Jay chuckles and then starts licking at Tara's hip. Tara squirms underneath Jay. Tara tries to pull off her underwear but Jay stops her. "Please Jay. I need you." Jay sighs and then pulls off Tara's underwear with his teeth. He then blows a breath on Tara's sensitive area. Tara squirms a bit. Jay sends a quick lick to Tara's nub. Tara moans. Jay chuckles and unbuttons his belt and then his pants and fishes himself out. Jay rubs his dick slowly along Tara's pussy. Tara moans. "Quit teasing me and just fuck me please." Jay chuckles and then pushes into Tara. Tara moans loudly. Jay starts going at a slow pace. Tara moans. "Faster." Jay goes faster and a bit harder. Tara moans loudly and curls her toes. "You're going to make me cum soon." Jay chuckles and goes faster and harder. Tara digs her nails into Jay's back and scratches down his back as she cums super hard. Jay continues fucking super hard and fast until he's about to cum. Jay goes to pull out when Tara stops him and grips onto him tighter. Jay moans and lets go inside Tara hard. Once Jay was finished he collapses onto Tara gently and buries his face in the pillow. "Fuck." Tara chuckles and runs her fingers through Jay's hair. The two lie there for a bit. After awhile. "Tara's father is coming upstairs." Jay quickly gets up and puts his shirt back on and zips up his pants and does up his belt. He then throws Tara her shirt and a pair of pants. She quickly puts the clothes on and the two lay on the bed reading. Sean comes into the room. "I'm ordering pizza do you want anything specific on yours?" Tara looks at her father. "Just peppers please." Sean nods. "Alrighty." Sean leaves. Tara throws the book down on the bed. "That was close." "It was." Tara chuckles. "You can stop reading now." "I love this part. One sec." Tara laughs and goes into the bathroom. By the time she comes out Jay is laying down with the book on his chest. Tara chuckles under her breath and walks over. She then takes the book and places it on the nightstand. She kisses Jay's forehead and goes downstairs. "Hey dad." Sean turns and smiles. "Hey kiddo. Wanna watch something?" He offers the remote. "No it's okay." Sean nods and goes back to watching baseball. Tara sits down and watches the game with her father. Few minutes later the doorbell rings. "I'll get it." Tara answers the door. "That's $49.50 please." "Dad." Sean walks over and pays the pizzaman. "Here you are." Sean takes the boxes and hands them to Tara. She walks over to the counter and places the pizza boxes on to it. "Have a nice day." "You as well." Sean closes the door and places the bag with dipping sauce and pops on the counter. The two of them sit at the table and eat in silence. Once Tara is done eating her pizza she washes her plate. "Hey dad?" Sean looks at Tara. "Yes?" Tara scratches the back of her neck. "So are you okay with Jay coming by every so often?" Sean chuckles. "I know love. There's no point in hiding it." Tara looks shocked. "Know what?" "I know you two are sleeping together. It's okay. You're 21. I can't stop you from going after what you want." "Oh. Alright." "Oh and if you are going to do it here please keep it down. I can hear you from down here." Tara goes red and turns away from her father. "Okay. Sorry." Sean chuckles and hugs Tara gently. "Don't apologize kid." Sean winks. Tara chuckles quietly and goes upstairs with her pop. Once upstairs she places her drink on the nightstand on her side and lays down on the bed. She then flicks on the TV and turns on her playstation. When Jay wakes up Tara is playing the first Harry Potter game. Jay wipes his face. "I still can't believe you play on the first playstation." "I told you. I don't have money to buy the PS4." Jay rolls over so his arm is around Tara's waist. "Right. I forgot." Jay sighs when his phone buzzes. He gets up and checks his phone. Jay scrunches his face and throws his phone on the bed. "Who is it?" Jay lays his head in Tara's lap. "No one important." Tara reaches for Jay's phone and looks at the text. "Babe you shouldn't ignore your mother. No matter how much she pisses you off." Jay grumbles. "I wish I could talk to my mother. Have meaningless arguments and whatever but I can't. Text her back." Jay sighs heavily. "You're right. Okay." Jay takes his phone and texts his mother back. Jay then takes the controller from Tara. "Before you break it." "I hate this mission." Jay chuckles and plays the game. Jay's phone buzzes. "You get that?" Tara answers Jay's phone.

"Hello?" "Hi Tara. Can I talk to Jay please?" "One moment."

Tara puts the phone to Jay's ear.

"Hello mum." "Hi. I'm sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have said that." "What do you mean?" "I mean I didn't know you went and saw a doctor about this and I'm sorry." "Okay so anything else?" "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you were going through the transition process and the surgery. It just hurt me that you didn't like being a woman."

Jay sheds some tears.

"You mean that?" "I do. Can you ever forgive me?" "I'll think about it." "That's all I ask." "I'll be home by 10." "Okay. I love you." "Love you too mum. Bye for now." "Bye."

The call ends. Tara wipes away the few tears that were rolling down Jay's cheeks. "I'm assuming you heard all that." Tara nods and smiles. "Did you do that?" "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Yeah right. Speak." "Okay fine. I did it. I scared the shit out of her too." Jay laughs. Tara looks confused. "Was talking to Vik." Tara nods once. "Ah." "Thanks Vik." "No prob." Jay saves the game and turns off the system. Jay gets up and offers his hand to Tara. She looks at Jay confused but takes his hand anyway. The two walk downstairs and Tara sits on the couch. Jay pulls Sean aside for a moment. "Can I ask you something?" "Shoot." "Can I have your blessing?" Sean looks surprised but places his strong hand on Jay's shoulder. "Of course you do bud. I would want nothing more." Jay smiles. "Thank you. Could you possibly help me?" Sean chuckles. "Don't sweat. I can set up a date. How's tomorrow after work?" Jay thinks. "That's perfect. See if you can get a reservation at her favorite restaurant?" Sean nods. "Done." Jay hugs Sean. The two then join Tara on the couch. Tara and Jay are cuddled up on the couch while watching basketball. Once 9:30 comes around. "I'm sorry love but I have to go now." Tara tightens her grip around Jay. "No." Sean and Jay chuckle. "Come on baby. I have to work in the morning." Tara sulks but lets go. Jay gets up and walks to the door. Tara follows and hugs Jay tightly. He hugs back just as tight. He pulls away and kisses Tara softly. Jay then drives home. Once at home Jay quietly enters the house and goes up to his room. Jay takes off his clothes and climbs into bed. He texts Tara.

Jay: Night love. Be ready by whatever time your father gives you

Tara: Okay. Are we going out?

Jay: That we are. I'll see you tomorrow. 😘😘 Tara: Night night. 😘😘

Jay puts his phone on the nightstand and plugs it in. He then sets the alarm and goes to sleep.