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The 10 Commandments

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They were forced to fight. Forced to protect their homes from a man they call Seage. A brother to Satan himself. A being so strong not even himself can handle his power. But God had a different plan. He created beings just as strong. just as smart, just as fast. For the fate of the universe was in their hands. To stop Seage and his rampage. God called these special beings The 10 Commandments.

Chapter 1 - Chapter one- The Universe Stone

Kina Asista- The first Commandment.

Deep in the slums of Japan


The mist rises just above the lake. Shallow waters and trash float just above the surface of the water. Kina felt the boat shift heavily. Her father grunting in the background as she gazes up in the sky

She could see birds flap their wings and tweet as they soar past.

It was a cloudy day. Kina has been awake since 4am for her father had no job. Getting up early when the fish were still fresh and awake was the only way she'd be able to get food for that day.

"Kina." Her father proclaimed.

Kina breaks the gaze with the sky and looks at her father.

In his wrinkly hand was a net. A net was full of smelly wiggly fish. Kina struggles to keep her hair out of her face as the wind blows harshly.

"Give me a hand, would ya?" Struggling to pull the net of fish up, Kina leans over before gripping the net with her fingers. The feeling of the wet fish that moved around so aggressively made her cringe. It was like touching a basket of slugs.

"Pull!" Minton says. Minton being the name of her father.

Kina struggles to lift the net up. Her eyes focus on her arms covered in dark tally marks. Her whole arm is covered in them to symbolize the number of people she has defeated in her life. She's 29 now.

A grown woman. Hair short, skin light, and eyes small. Her height being 5'9, and her attitude got her many enemies over the years.,

One of the fish wiggles aggressively. Kina pulls back in shock. Her heart pounding for a quick second.

Just over the edge of the raft was the net full of fish.

"What did I tell you bout being a pussy?" Minton growls.

"I didn't raise a damn pussy, I raised a warrior. Pull the damn net onto the boat." Minton looks away as Kina looks down.

She grabbed ahold of the net again. Using the last little bit of strength she had, she managed to get the net of fish onto the boat. She tried to ignore the fact the fish wiggled on her ripped-up jeans. Her hoodie was torn up from the dog they used to have for these were the only clothes she owned besides a few other pairs of underwear.

Minton could be heard mumbling to himself.

"I'm tired of this damn life. Your mother wanted to be a bitch... run off to America like a little pussy she is." He says.

Kina looks at the housing around them. The houses were so small.

Trash could be seen floating on the water and around the poles that kept the houses above the sea. Kids could be seen running around. all of them have little to no clothes on and dirt running off of their skin.

It smelt like death here.

Kina scowled at the fact she lived like this.

Not too far where her part of the sea housing. An old lady watering her planets and cutting parts of the branches off.

None of the houses had doors. The walls were falling apart, floors coming up, some of the houses had missing rooftops and each house was connected by a small plank that was used for away from one house to the other.

Coming up on the house Kina stayed in, she could see roaches scurry off in the distance. Rats ran off as their tails vanished into the walls of the home.

Sitting in the living room with a small lamp with a candle in the middle was Kina's younger brother. Too small to work for himself. Very sick as well. His body revealed a walking skeleton for he hadn't eaten in almost a week.

Minton grabbed the rope that sat next to Kina's feet before typing it around the dock pole.

Kina lifted herself onto the dock, looking up and into the home where her brother lied there motionless. His hands-on his chest as he was practically naked with nothing covering his body except a small towel over his penis.

The clothes Minton tried to giving Lee were too big. They'd fall off of his body so he was forced to walk around in a small towel.

As Kina went down to reach for the net to help her dad, she caught a glimpse of her hand. Covered in dirt and mud as she simply ignored it and went for the net.

Kids ran past them and over the plank playing with a ball made of newspapers and old cloth.

"You had the ball last!!!"

They spoke proper Japanese.

The smell of shit and piss scorched Kina's nose when they ran past.

She could smell the raw fish better than ever now. The smell simply made her want to fucking vomit.

"Ahh, you'll get over it." Minton makes his way past Kina.

"While you're just standing there, go and get my fish bucket from the greenhouse all the way down to the right," Minton proclaimed.

Kina lifted herself upright and headed towards the plank.

She could see turtles and other fish swimming in the waters beneath her. She was just glad this house wasn't far. they lived almost at the very end of this place.

Kina covered the top of her eyes with her hand to keep the small rain droplets from falling into her eyes sap she could focus on walking on these planets without falling off.

The water was a lot deeper than anyone would expect it to be.

Kina had reached the place.

This house had no furniture. The wind grew harder as she enters the door area. The walls falling apart and the only thing sitting in the room was a cloth. The old woman that lived here was gone.

Sitting in the corner was the bucket her father was looking for.

The blankets this woman used as curtains blew hard. The rain fell heavier and the place was nearly covered in darkness now.

That's when she heard.

Her father's blood-curdling scream.

Kina's heart instantly dropped as she went to turn around. as she did she was met with something soaring through the air. Hitting her in the shoulder was an arrow.

Her blood began seeping through her clothes as the arrow sticking out of her shoulder like a straw to an apple.

Kina quickly lifted her hand. One inch from her eye was another arrow in which she had caught in the nick of time. She quickly broke it in half using her thumb and the palm of her hand.

She then pulls the arrow from out of her shoulder letting the blood drain from her arm like a chopped-off head.

She knew who these people were.

Her father had trouble with them in the past. Wanting something that Kina thought didn't exist until now.

Ducking, Kina had dodged something hot. she turned around just in time after rolling on the ground and back to her feet. what looked like a fireball of some sort.

Standing behind her was a man. His face and body were covered as if he were an old-styled ninja. Eyes glowing red and fingernails sharp. Kina balled up her fist.

"Who are you?" Kina asked.

They both began walking around in circles before another one dressed just like him joined in. But this one is an arrow. His bow was arched and ready to shoot at any given moment.

the first one lifted up his hand. His hand was pale and veiny. She could see what looked like glowing orange blood running through the veins of this monster.

"Weeeee, are demons from the underworld. And..." The man licked his finger. His tongue split in two and nostrils looked as if someone had ripped them off of his face.

That's when the palm of his hand caught fire.

"I believe you have something that belongs to us," he says.

"This is your last chance... leave or die," Kina replied. She had stopped moving completely. Not because there were now two of them, but because there were now ten of them. all having different sets of skills.

Kina could only make out a few of them. Ice, Earth, Fire, Water, Arrow, Teleportation.

"Hehehe. Forgive me for being so rude. I'm Rocka. a pleasure to mee-" He didn't finish. in half a second she'd pulled out a dagger she always kept in her jeans and threw it at him. the blade pierced his eye before cutting into his skull and penetrating his brain, killing him instantly.

One of them shot the arrow. Kina moved aside swiftly, using the palm of her hand to guide the arrow as it sours through the air. Her palm stayed just in front of it and guided it into a different direction using the airwaves she had learned from her father.

The arrow was guided into a small circle, speeding right towards one of them with the ice bending.

The arrow went through his mouth before sticking out of his throat. The blood began gushing out of his mouth.

That's when the others began to attack.

The one teleported just in front of Kina but she had already seen it coming. Pulling out a second dagger, he teleported before coming down to the ground but Kina had it waiting for him. The blade shot up through his ball sack before cutting through him from under.

She pulls the blade out letting a stream of blood trail along before kicking him in the chest.

His body stumbled backward before breaking the wall that was supported by old wood. As then, Kina tried to take off but her foot was stuck. Sweat began dripping in her eye as she looked down to see the earth bender had covered her foot from the ankle down with rusted wood.

One of them takes the dagger used to kill the fire demon and proceeded to charge at Kina. Bending her head backward was just enough to dodge the slice.

The blade cut the top of Kina's neck before she was able to lift her head back up again.

Kina then got free. Kicking an arrow up, she only used her feet to get it into the air before kicking it into the man's back who had missed the slice.

"AHHHHHH!" Minton screamed.

The water one charged at her but Kina was too worried about her father. She had to end this quickly. She grabbed him by the hand before pressing her hands together. His soul could be heard craving as he had nowhere else to go.

Blood splattered all over her face and clothes. Smelt like old pennies.

That was the last to them.

Kina took off out of the house and down the planks only to be met with a kick.

Her body fell off of the plank and onto a dock. Kids and other people ran off in terror. Everyone scurried off as one of the demons jump down and over Kina.

His teeth were sharp as a strong of saliva came down before pressing against Kina's top lip. He pulled out a katana. As fast as he could, he came crashing down with it.

Kina caught the blade of it with both her hands. The searing noise of the blade cutting through the palm of her hands made her grind her teeth. the smell of death and the feeling of blood from her palm touched her just as the rain did.

But this one was strong.

He pressed his whole body on the handle of the katana.

He wasn't going down for a fight.

Kina could feel the blade of it nearly touch her eye as it kept slipping through her palm.

He laughs almost chaotically.

Kina gripped it harder. Her sweat dripping into her eyes forcing her to close her eyes for it felt like ants were nibbling at the base of her eyeball.

She used all the force she had, hitting him in the face with the handle. His eyes fell out before she quickly rolled over before pulling the blade from his grape. With one swing, she cut off his head before launching the katana forward. The blade pierced the head in midair and went to the middle of the blade like a hot knife to butter.

She was breathing hard and tired for she hadn't fought anyone in over ten years.

Kina dropped the katana, taking off to her house.

Her face filled with terror. Her eyes turned red and her face goy hot when she saw what was going on. Her father lied there. Another katana sticking out of his back as he looked as if he were praying. And her brother was nowhere to be found.

"No..." Kina's eyes filled with tears as she fell to her knees before her father.

"DAAAAMN YOUUU!" Kina's voice echoed throughout the water village.

Lying down, she cried and sobbed for what these monsters have done to her father and only God knows what they did to her brother.