Once we land at the tower ghost immediately flys off and I have to run to follow him. while running I notice a few things. A gunsmith is tucked away in the far corner. What looks to be a shop is right up front. And the most noticeable part, There were at least 20 other guardians as ghost had called them. I also noticed the toned muscles in my body that were different somehow. Remembering what the ghost had said about channeling the light I tried to jump. I didnt really think it through much but when I was about 12 feet off the ground I realized that I wasn't just ordinary anymore.
Continuing to follow ghost we go through a hallway with a few steps and a robot sweeping in the hall. We turn left then right and as we leave the tunnel the sky opens up.
On the left is a big standalone tower that has a giant observatory. Ghost flys straight through the open door and up the stairs on the left. I hurry to follow him but on my way.I notice the giant clockwork type thing floating in the center of the room aswell as the clear view of the traveler and the city beneath him. Standing at the top of the stairs on a little plateau is a man who the ghost seemed to have been looking for.
"-and I found my guardian in the cosmodrome aswell as a fallen kell. The Kell was huge and didnt seem like the friendly type." Ghost said speaking fast.
"Interesting young ghost. Now have you told your guardian about their duties?" The man asked
"Um... no. I only told my guardian about the golden age and the ghosts role in life." Ghost replied
"I see. Come young guardian we have much to talk about." The man said once more "Oh yes, I am known as the speaker. I speak for the traveler."
As he said that the ghost flew off and left me with the Speaker. He walked off and I followed him. He gave me a quick tour of the area by showing me a map. from the tower to the left was a cult called New Monarchy. To the right, tucked away beside the steps I took to get here, was a color shop. The speaker explained that color was important due to the fact that some missions required stealth and to blend with the terrain. The speaker than walked up the stairs we originally took. At the top he said was the Postmaster and Gearadvisor. the Gearadvisor was a place where you only went if you had millions of extra money. The speaker walked away and pointed out the gunsmith I noticed last time. He abruptly stopped.
"Ah yes, what class did your ghost say?" The Speaker said
"Hunter" I said a little down
"Oh great Cayde will have a field day" As the speaker said this three people came walking up from the giant staircase. One was a big bulky man with blueish skin. Another was a dark skinned female who looking young but wise. The last I could tell was about 25 due to the way he was moving. He was robotic from his hands to his face and yet he moved better than any human I ever seen.
"Is that a new guardian Speaker?" The bulky man said
"Yes Zavala, This guardian was found in the cosmodrome next to a Fallen Kell and from what I heard it's the one that you-" He points to the relaxed looking robot dude "were looking for." At this the man tensed up.
"Where are our manners." The lady said "My name is Ikora. This idiot hunter-" pointing to the man who relaxes again "Is named Cayde"
As she says this the man named Cayde steps forward. "So what class are you? You see, we are the Vanguard."