Amri had spent the next three weeks tending to her husband and barking orders to her staff. She was completely exasperated with Amidal's inability to locate her son and took every opportunity to tell her so. Amri had gathered the captains of her armies to plan an end to the rebellion. She believed they were the ones hiding her son and the farmer, though she couldn't understand why the farmer would unite with them. He was a loner most of his life, choosing not to befriend anyone or so she thought. She had heard rumors of Lily's survival and of her leading the rebellion forces. She was determined to undermine Lily's efforts. "Alcazar!!" she bellowed. "I need you!"
"Yes, your majesty. What is your will of me?"
"You know of the rebels to the north?"
"I have heard of them."
"I want you to find them. I want you to tell me where they are hiding and I want you do it now!"
"Yes, my Queen." He turned away from her to do her bidding.
"Oh, and Alcazar."
"Yes, my Queen?"
"Do not speak of this to anyone, least of all Amidal. I fear she can no longer be trusted."
"Yes, my lady." He bowed and retreated from her presence. He assembled his guards to scout the northern forest. He passed Amidal in the foyer and whispered the words only she could hear, "Your time here has ended."
Amidal was to maintain her position in the castle until the king exhibited a full recovery. Each day she would sneak into the king's chambers to check the progress of his recovery that Amri was unknowingly helping along. She would check on him one last time before leaving her post. Alcazar had been a faithful friend of hers for nearly ten years, so she believed his words. The queen must have grown suspicious of her with her inability to locate Toame. She would have to leave the castle tonight after making sure the king was strong. Amri had sent Alcazar to find and destroy the rebel camp, which left little time for her to complete her task. She swept passed the library and the grand hall and was just about to enter the west wing where the king was kept when Amri caught up with her. "Madam Amidal; I wish a word with you." She gestured to Amidal to follow her. she obeyed and followed her into the west drawing room. "I have heard rumors, Amidal, that greatly disturb me."
"Of what have you heard, my lady?" she queried pretending to be unaware.
"I have heard the rebels have a new leader."
"I am unaware of this," she lied.
"Yes, it seems to true. They claim the daughter of the late great Bayla is alive and well; serving their intentions to overthrow the king." She was fishing for information and watching Amidal closely for signs of betrayal.
"Bayla had a child?" She was careful not to give away her knowledge.
"Oh, for goodness sakes, woman; it's in elfin legend. Do you not read those books you teach from?"
"Legend, yes. I did not believe it to be true. The daughter of Bayla would indeed be the rightful heir to the throne according to law. Where do you think the rebels found this so called child of Bayla?"
"I was hoping you could tell me. You seem to have contacts of which I am even unaware."
"You know who I know, my lady. I have no secrets."
"Then why haven't you found my son?!"
"Forgive me, my queen. I have failed in that quest. I have found no open mouths in his regard."
"Yes you have failed me. See that you rectify that by morning or will have your head for breakfast! Am I clear?!"
"Yes, My queen. Crystal clear." She bowed as Amri left the room. She waited until the queen was out of sight and then slipped upstairs to the king's chambers.