Chereads / Steel Waste / Chapter 473 - High Ground Negotiations.

Chapter 473 - High Ground Negotiations.

Afton and Daisy lead Terrence to a relatively 'fancy' room before they all sit at a table, Afton doing his best to look as 'important' as possible. It isn't really all that difficult due to the deference Daisy and everyone else has towards him in Novac though.

Afton clasps his hands as he rests them on the table as they begin discussions... Terrence immediately begins trying to negotiate rights towards Afton's Power armour and other high tech weaponry, but this didn't go all well for the Silver Rush lackie as Afton instantly rejects such an offer.

The Silver Rush and Van Graffs simply have nothing that Afton or Novac wants. He has access to most resources at this point, even resources that had been thought extinct like pre-war vegetables, fruits, and other things.

Perhaps the only thing that would actually interest Afton would be large scale trade agreements, like a number of mines fit with employees and a guarantee that they hadn't been mined out. But even then, it wasn't like Big Mt lacked such things, Glados's widespread robot resource analysis and gathering programs were working incredibly well so far.

Due to Big Mt's location, the area had been left relatively untouched by the American government, this was to keep civilians away from the potentially deadly things created in the secret facility, an Area 51 situation you might say.

The only real thing Afton might want from them is any potential upgrades to Plasma weaponry they might have uncovered. As of now, he had Arc-Rifles, Gauss Rifles, LAER's, and even Upgraded laser weaponry that shot green lasers, Plasma was the only real area he was lacking.

Terrence was doing his best to offer potential alternatives, but his authority on what he could provide was quickly running out. By now he was already red-faced and blue-balled, any hope of trade he'd come with had quickly died as if left in the desert sun.

"Mr Parker, are you sure there is truly nothing we at the Silver Rush could provide?" he asks, in an almost pleading tone.

Afton just shrugs and shakes his head, "You've offered nothing I want yet, you don't seem to understand that I, and Bulwark as a result are in all likelihood the most technologically advanced group you'll find..."

Terrence bites his lip and glances around as if looking for recording software... Of course, he wouldn't know that Nyx was basically always recording from the Stealth Suit, but Afton wouldn't illuminate this for the man anytime soon.

"Perhaps you would be willing to trade for more... Rare, good?" he quietly asks.

Afton raises a brow, "'Rare goods?'" he parrots, not sure what he's referring to.

Terrence nods, "My employers, the Van Graffs, have had an interesting history with the NCR. Conflict was inevitable, but that does not mean we gained nothing from it... Would you perhaps be willing to purchase some Elite NCR Armour?"

"What kind are we talking? Most NCR gear as far as I'm concerned is not even meat-shield level." Afton scoffs while crossing his arms and slouching in his chair.

"A few years ago the Van Graffs had an unfortunate encounter with a riot/rebel group. The NCR was quick in their dealing of this however, sending their Elite Soldiers to deal with it. During the skirmish, a couple of them fell in battle, allowing the Van Graffs to 'requisition' it. I'm sure you've heard of the NCR's Advanced Riot Gear?"

Afton nods, he remembered reading about it in the Brotherhood Database, apparently, it was the NCR's attempt at creating powerful armour without the machine components that Power armour had. Ballistic Weave Duster, light-alloy metal plating, and a sophisticated helmet that might put the Brotherhood's helmets to shame.

You'd think that Afton wouldn't be interested in something like that, but you'd be wrong. Currently, he was trying to think of lighter armour that scouts, snipers, and spies could use. For instance, Boone, and Anja, both would be ill-suited to Power armour, and it'd detract from their skillsets if they were forced to use it.

There's also the fact it would be left almost completely unharmed from an EMP attack, aside from the components in the helmet of course.

Afton rubs his face in contemplation, "Hmm, I don't know if that would be of any help to me, you're obviously already aware of my Power armour..." he says, downplaying the offer to him. "What was this 'task' from the Van Graffs you mentioned earlier?" he asks, not willing to trade his tech but still wanting the armour.

Terrence wets his lips, wanting to return to the offer but deciding to answer Afton's query first, "The Van Graffs have been running into some problem in Freeside... Some. Vigilante? Has been disrupting their operations. All of their attempts to apprehend this person have failed, so they'd like to ask you, and your group to handle it for them."

"And the reward?" Afton gesture for him to continue.

"Ten thousand caps, or a selection of goods worth the same amount from the Silver Rush." Terrence states.

Afton leans back and rolls his head around as if thinking over the offer, "Hmm... How about this instead? Two sets of Advanced Riot Gear for the job, sounds pretty reasonable to me."

Terrence scowls, "Two sets? The black market price would be thirty thousand caps, and yet you want two!?..." he exclaims and is about to continue before composing himself. He knew getting lippy with the Butcher wouldn't end well for him. "The Silver Rush does not accept this offer." he states.

Afton shrugs, "Alright... How about, one set." he says, leaning forwards and beginning to tap his fingers on the desk.

Terrence's eyes are drawn towards Afton's fingers, he's mildly shocked when he spots the indentations left in the surface... This was solid oak, and this man was fingering holes into it as easily as you would putty. He audibly swallows and slowly nods, "A-A single set seems doable..."

Afton grins and stops tapping, "Good! Atleast we can agree on something, but I'm not currently willing to trade my tech at this moment... Now, I would shake your hand, but you're still covered in muck, so let's just make it a verbal agreement."