Two mens are standing look at the sky, enjoy the breeze and ready to continue the next level of the martial art skills, they are Haricratos and Jake, today, for the first time, they will do The martial art practice with Zolius beside them, a man with his woman body shape just sit and look at every technique that they practice, not long before that, a woman with a little girls sit beside Zolius, too. They bring cups of herbal tea made by a hermit.
Zolius take it and drink it...
"For a week i drunk cups of tea herbal, sometime i miss my flat and when we enjoyed a berbeque party on the shores of lake..." Zolius said and wiping Grace's hair.
Acctually, the hermit said that i will life eternal, without feel hurt and sick, a just want to know, how it feels to be someone who is immortal?" Grace said and touch zolius's Dragon tatto.
"Lonely..." Zolius said.
"Just feel lonely?" Grace replied.
"You know... sometime someone or something special are the reason for stay life... if you are life forever without them, your life is like dying." Zolius said anymore.
"Zo... if you said like that, i dont want life forever..." grace said and look at Jake.
Zolius just smile and hug his shoulder.
He remembered about the last time, when Grace was death, The Goddess gave her a heart, that's way she was still life until now...
Acctually...Grace isnot a human anymore but The Goddess give a new life with a new heart, someday she will take a decision for her better life, like zolius done. If the next war is timing for him to pass away, he will accept it gracefully.
"Jake... Let's do bettle!" Zolius said loudly and walking to them. Haricratos and Jake is stopping the practice and look at each other.
"Dont do something that make yours to be bad, you just wake up the first time of your rest." Jake said.
"Dont ever underestimate me, a new warrior ?" Zolius said and smile.
"Take your sword and attack me...!" Zolius said anymore.
Jake look at haricratos, he ask a permission to do.
"Do it ,Jake!" haricratos said loudly and then walk to Grace and mother.
"She is a tough woman..."Mother said.
Haricratos wipe his beard.
"She ?
Come on... He is man, a warlord..." Haricratos replied.
They are loughing together...
"Acctually... what was Argos's Question, last day ?" Haricratos asked Grace.
"Question?" Grace asked and remain.
"Ya..." Haricratos said.
"What was my father name? I answered My Father name was Jake." Grace said.
"Just it...?"haricratos asked anymore.
"Your mother named was The Goddess of Aphrodite...because my heart is her and my blood is her..." Grace said.
"Argos said it ?" Haricratos replied.
"Ya..." Grace said and touched Haricratos's long beard.
In other side, Zolius began to get overwhelmed by Jake's attack.He must pull one side many times so that Jake's attack doesn't hit him.
After practice the martial arts skills many time make jake to be stronger,his body is muscular and of course he is not a dustman again, he is a new warrior.
They stop to practice when look a blue light is coming to them, Jake and zolius step back.
"What is it, Zo?" Jake asked
Zolius walk in front of him because his dragon tatto isnot shining...
" I dont know but The Goddess willnot show herself in front of people, Athough for something important goals..." Zolius said.
The blue light is swirled around them, it made a the wind is blowing hardly and fall down leaves on the ground.
The blue light is closer them to be a white light and slowly,a woman in white is stand up in fron of them...
"Tooth fairy....!" Grace is running to her and hug her.
Zolius and Jake just look at each other, after that they bowed head.
"Go away...!!" Haricratos said loudly and take a sword and attack the woman.
Heard about it, Zolius is take jake away and pull to one side...
The woman in white turned in to a beautiful woman in black, She is Clara Agatha.
Clara Agatha strangle the neck of Grace and Grace is screaming in fear.