Chereads / Battle of the Clones: Clone wars / Chapter 2 - Episode 3 of Battle of the clones: Clone Wars

Chapter 2 - Episode 3 of Battle of the clones: Clone Wars

Episode 3 of Battle of the clones: Clone Wars

Season 1 by Treasure Marie Denise Jackson and God

_________________________Beginning the story...

The boss is on a phone call with Gena Doctor to tell her to go get Alley and bring her back for testing because she heard some interesting news about her powers.

Gena is totally on board, and says "I'll bring her here as soon as possible, Ma'am."

Gena will do anything that has to do with Alley.


"Anything to do with her, I'll gladly do." Gena says in a creepy but not pervert lust way, just a creepily sweet voice.


"Good." The boss Hennings says to Gena, happy she's so willing to get Alley back for her.


Back at home...

Alley is creeped out and honestly more terrified than ever.

Alley has a T.V. addiction, she's watching T.V. totally Anxious, and this is beginning to calm her down.

Alley thinks it's a little much, because she watches it for 13 hours a day, usually.


There are 24 hours in a day, 24 - 13 = 11.

She has 11 hours of NOT watching T.V. left, even then, she mostly tries to sooth her PTSD and addiction with cartoons on the phone she downloaded.


Too much time without television would... Panic attacks. She'd get panic attacks. She has problems. T.V. is like... A way to cope.


It's her new home, she only watches cartoons, since they host happy worlds. Happy shows make her happy, she avoids movies with rape or books with rape, even video games and comics.


It triggers her PTSD. She was raped as a child.

She never watches porn, it's not her addiction.

There are times she was like Samson, he was a man of God who was a Nazarite like she is but he went and went with Philistine women, he wasn't supposed to be with them and he'd even break a covenant for one.


In comparison, God says to go to Church, but... Sometimes, to sooth her PTSD and to sooth her addiction, she'll skip a bit. She mostly skips school. All for the television...


She willfully avoids her mom, who was the one that had her raped by Satanists.

She is 14.


Alley sits there, watching Strawberry Shortcake, it isn't that bad, as long as it doesn't mess with daily activities, although it was messing with her education.


Alley hears a knock on the door, Alley ignores it, annoyed.

Alley lays on the bed, the show ends and she pulls out her phone to watch more cartoons.


She watches my strange addictions.

The man as she does it yells "A bunch of Witch Hunters are coming to burn down your house!" And Alley freaks out, knowing this would happen, yelling "THE HECK?!"


Alley brings her phone, not staring at the screen, looking out the window to see men afar off with torches, she gets her mom out of bed in a frenzy yelling "Mom, men are coming to burn the house down!"


Lolita wakes up yelling "What?!"


The man was named Josh, he bashed through by jumping through the window to get inside, Alley was shocked because he showed up in her mom's room yelling "GET OUT THROUGH THE WINDOW, I FIXED IT UP FOR Ya'!"


Alley was stunned then snapped out of it and climbed out of the window carefully.

Lolita ran out the backdoor, Lolita was fat and ACKNOWLEDGED IT..


Lolita had to. People were coming to BURN HER HOUSE DOWN, BRUH.




Lolita ran to her daughter and ran to the car and Josh drove them away from the sight.


Luckily, Alley was able to keep her songs on her phone and the internet as a backup.

Alley would have sobbed if her computer got broken and it had all her songs on THE COMPUTER, ONLY.

Alley would be upset.

Alley was calling 911.


Operator: "911, what's your emergency?"

Alley: "If I told you why they did it, you would hang up, so I am going to tell you what they are doing. I didn't do anything wrong, it was my mom, they are burning our house down! My address is 1164 Highland Drive, Houston, Texas, zip code is, um, 54235, come quick!"

As she spoke, the operator was typing down the info.


Alley: "We left the property but leave come! I think this is important, there's grass and if the fire catches onto the grass in our neighborhood-"

Operator: "It sets the whole 'hood on fire."

The operator sent the police, fire department and an ambulance for potential burn survivors.

What a good operator!

Alley went and stayed with Josh until their house could be rebuilt.


Alley was a devout Christian who never partook in Witchcraft but her mom was a straight up Witch who delved into Satanism.

They live together, by the way.

It DOES conflict. Alley wonders why her mom does it, her mom used to be Christian.


Alley looks at Josh on the 6th day of him arguing with her mom and living in his house.




Lolita says "I respect that, I never would."

Josh yells "I don't want you dating, is that really apart of your religion? THAT'S INSANE."


Josh walked away in seething confusion.

Alley was making a cup of lemonade and Coffee mixed together with sugar cubes.

Alley thought to herself as she drank it "Only the lemon juice succeeded to make this black coffee taste... Sweet, like something other than... Bad. I had to put in 5 packs of sugar, 4 packs of fake sugar, 3 packs of cream but it wouldn't even work! I think the sugar cubes have enough sugar to make it taste good."


Alley was an African-American Teenager, she was wore braids a lot with light skin.

Her eyes may change color from hazel to green to brown naturally all on their own.


Alley was done drinking the coffee when her mom walked into the room with a crooked step, lust in her eyes, mangled hair and her pupils were white.


Her mom's hair was white snakes, the snakes were biting her mom in the head repeatedly spreading venom throughout her veins.



Her mom was being kept alive by Jesus Christ The Almighty God, as that was the only way she could stay alive at this point.


Alley ran out of the room screeching, the whites of her moms eyes were purple along with her mom's eye irises.




Alley's bruised hands opened Josh's door and yells out "MOM HAS LOST IT!" As her mom pulled her to the ground, Alley gained 5 holes in her back as her mom poked her in the back with her sharp dragon-like nails and dragged her down with them.


Alley grabbed her mom's hand and ripped them out of her back and restrained her mom with telekinesis out of desperation yelling to Josh "GET THE BANDAGES, NOT THOSE LITTLE ONES, THE WHITE ONES!" Josh kept in the cupboard, he called 911 as he pulled her tot he cupboard and bandaged her up.


She was admitted to the ER. Josh was praying for her life to Jesus Christ as her mom was being put in a mental institution despite her mom's horrifying appearance.


The doctors were not sure what her mom was, they were sure she may have been some type of genetically modified clone mixed with animal conjoined twin or more DNA as there were 12 snakes on her mom's head.


Josh asked Alley in the hospital "What the heck happened, like, was she a demon?!" Alley says "That happens, mom sometimes gets possessed and looks demonic due tot he demon taking over, controlling her appearance, her body, her mind, etc. She gets volatile at that stage of demonic possession."


Josh shouts "THE HECK, ALLEY?!" As he was the one who saw it, and with doctors acknowledging it's existence.


Josh decided to move out Alley into a more safer home than with her mom.

Josh bought an apartment for Alley and told her story to a job interviewer who saw the news bite about the whole situation, with video footage.


On the news.


The interviewer asked "Her mom is a witch who likes to tapper into Satanism?" Josh says "Technically, it got worse." The interviewer asks "You want me to hire her witch daughter?"


Josh yelps "No, Alley's a Christian!"


Interviewer: "Her mom is a witch, how is she-"


Josh: "She, Alley's mom, wasn't always a witch, her mom used to be Christian, but Alley never left the faith, her mom left the faith. Alley was always a Christian because of her Nazaritism, she's a Nazarite."


Interviewer: "Explain?"


Josh: "A witch is actually not a separate species from human, it's a religion, it's when a human or something delves into witchcraft. Often, humans get into the witchcraft, any human doing witchcraft is classified as a Witch even if they are the same species as human mainly because a witch is not a different species, in real life, witches by species do not exist, but witches by cult or religion do."


The interviewer laughed saying "You mean she's a human hybrid?"


Josh said "I just told you witches don't have a species, it's a lifestyle, a thing people do as an action, any human who does witchcraft doesn't change species, they actually are titled witches based on them doing witchcraft, not because of species, they're still human but it's like a lifestyle choice more than a new species."


An African man who walked in says "That's true, it's in my country, most of my people hate them. I feel sorry for that girl."


The African man was named Terrance Darryl Troutman.


The interviewer was confused and asked "How do we get them out of Houston?" In worry.

Josh says "Don't know. Pray to Jesus Christ?"

The Interviewer was no longer an atheist after the whole news thing.


Two months later, Alley was released from the hospital.


Alley is brought to her new home by Josh while her mother is receiving care in a Top Secret Government facility.



Alley is coming to, and sees her new home asking "What?" She is sedated with pain meds.


Alley asks him "What is happening?" Josh tells her "I bought you your own house and got you a job." Alley was joyous and yelled "Really?! I've wanted those things for years!"


Alley was placed on the couch to rest, he had bought her nice furniture and food in the fridge, all her favorite kinds of food.

She knew Josh. She knew him for a long time before the house fire.

Alley rubbed out eye boogers and fell asleep.

Alley was content on living in an apartment due to it being better than living with her mom, When Alley woke up, 20 neighbors knocked on her apartment door.


Josh slept in the bedroom to keep her safe, that incident with her mom had TOTALLY shaken his butt up tot he point where he didn't feel safe anymore.


Maybe, Nay'be, it was more for him than for her, at this point...


Little 14-year-old Alley opened the door after watching T.V. for 6 minutes to feel better.

Alley got up and answered the door to see many confused guests.

Alley asked them "Hey, who are... Dear gosh, you g- I mean, all of you at one apartment? I'M NOT THROWING A PARTY! WHO YOU ARE IS NOT KNOWN TO ME!!!"


One guy named Bob says "You aren't one of those Hitler clones, regular Clones or Christopher Columb-i Clones, are ya'?" In hatred of Clones, in general.

Alley replied "I don't know, please leave my residence." In spite, with her tired eyes as her head swayed in the balance, hanging in the balance... Then slammed her door in their faces like lightning and went to sleep.


The next day, A woman with a daughter knocked on her door and Alley had just finished watching T.V. for 9 hours, so Alley opened it, It was 9:00 AM so Alley asks "Dude, what do you want?" In happiness.


The woman's name was Oleta and her daughter's first name was Sally. Oleta says "I'm sorry for Bob's behavior, he's my brother, let me explain, he's a conspiracy theorist." In Anger.


Alley laughs saying "You have no idea how many of those are true." In bits of uncomfortability due to past bad childhood experiences.


Alley says "Why are you here? I mean, I'm knew and all... but, I don't know you." In confusion. Oleta asks "You need anyone to talk to? I am a therapist. Lots of clones have identity issues, I specialize in helping them."


Then Alley, who is asexual, "heteromantic," saw a man with Blue jeans, white shirt

Walked into the room she knew he made her eyes burn.

She like-liked him, "It's like, James Dean, for sure." She thought, The Navajo Abeytzi was his name as he walked across the hallways, looking at her as his she was meant to be merged with his body.


Oleta tapped her shoulder as Sally said "She fell in love with an Apache or Navajo boy!" Alley walks confidently to him and asks him "What's your name?"


Abeytzi says "I'm Abeytzi, I'm Navajo, but my mom is Apache, I'm adopted, don't worry, my parents died, I wasn't kidnapped by the system like other natives."


Alley writes her username down on a piece of paper and says "That's my Instagram Username, text me, I can't give you my number, just in case you're a psychopath, on Instagram, I can block you if you get too crazy."


Username: "Alley Po' SingeR"


Then she walks back to her apartment. He says "I'm not a psychopath! Are you flirting?!" She yells "YES."


He gets concerned and asks "Why did you think that?!" She yells "Lifetime movies and IMR Animations."

Abeytzi laughs saying "Lifetime movies?" Oleta watches her go inside and say "Come in, Oleta." Oleta goes inside with her kid as Abeytzi thinks "Oleta?"

Alley closed and locked her front door.

The next day, Abeytzi stared at her in school, she was watching Live T.V. on her phone.

Alley looks away for a minute to see him, Abeytzi sees her and walks up to her and whispers in her ear "Light of my life, fire of my loins

Be a good baby, do what I want

Light of my life, fire of my loins" as he holds her and she can't deny the way he holds her hand, And he grabs her, he has her by her heart.


Alley is stunned, she has a crush, he's movin' too dang fast. She pushed him off yelling "I don't do that!" then ran off. Alley's 14 while Abeytzi is a minor as well.


Alley walks to class in a moment of PTSD, she starts feeling like the room closes in on her, Alley ran to a room and locked herself inside before she got to class late.

Abeytzi is worried he messed up the flirt. Abeytzi didn't know she got raped at a very young age, causing her to lose interest in anything sexually. This is why ALLEY'S asexual, personally. She also has no desire to have sex. She genuinely feels no sexual attraction to people due to her past experience. I'd say this was rare if I knew if it was.


Alley thought he was asking for sex, it isn't going well. Alley's in a Janitor's closet banging on the door, yelling at the men who raped her to "STOP!" but they are no where to be found.


Alley does not hate men, she hates sex.


Abeytzi hears her as he walks through the halls trying to get to class and then knocks on her door asking "You okay, Alley? I heard your name around school."


Alley says "yes." In a broken mind, he asks "You preform? I didn't know you were famous." Alley says "Yeah. How didn't you? I don't care." Alley leaves the room and goes to class.

Alley calms herself down saying "The Father is my daddy, Angels are mothers, Jesus is my bestest friend, We don't need nobody, 'cause we got each other."


Abeytzi went to the same class as her, he sat all the way in the back and her all the way in the front.

Alley looks back to look at him as he goes to sit in his chair in embarrassment over how she acted.

She shouldn't feel embarrassed, she couldn't handle it, those rapists should be embarrassed for raping a child.


Alley wishes she was a normal child, unsaved people talk about hating life all the time, she is saved and should be happy but she has a bad mom and was raped after her mom set it up to gain power.


Alley was scarred, literally and metaphorically, from the rape. There's a literal scar on her face that's been there for years.

Alley was crying to herself "Why can't I be like other Christians who have comfortable, happy lives?" out loud in class, the whole class heard.

The teacher, who was a man, asked "Alley, what are crying about?!"

Alley yells "You don't know what it's like! I'm not perfect, my life sucks, I may be famous, but my mom tried to kill me, she set me up to get raped, I don't care what you think, you all have it easy!" Then ran out of the classroom.


The poor students were shocked, they wished they had her life but realized by the news report that it wasn't all fun and games.

Alley ran to a Janitor's closet and banged her head on the wall and said to herself "I am not in that household anymore but I still acted like I was, why didn't I just move on?!" In anger and confusion toward herself.

She doesn't have to be mad, it was her life that was breaking down and she had not the control she needed to keep it down.


Abeytzi knocked on the door yelling "Are you alive? Are you being overdramatic?!" In a harsh tone of voice, Alley didn't know what to say. Alley stayed silent. Abeytzi asked "You okay?" In a harsh voice.


Alley thought "What is so over- I mean, I can't help it, okay? I wish I could, but I can't. It broke me. I feel so embarrassed to have these thoughts, like, my problems matter, it happened, though. I can't forget that." In sadness.


Abeytzi says "Are you alright?!" In confusion.

Alley yells "I can't help this, I'm so sorry for acting this way!" In sobs and tears.


Abeytzi opened the door and said as she shivered in fear of him judging her "Are you gonna act like your life is so much worse than mine?" Alley never wanted this reaction, Alley just wanted to vent.

Alley was so tired of being told in a disdainful way like her problems were nothing that "My life is worse than your's..." -- "Get over it." Abeytzi says.


These were things her mom told her, her family told her, only her friend, Joe consoled her.

Joe knew she couldn't just take a person and tell them the problems they have mean nothing, Joe loved her and wanted her to be happy.

Joe just held her and gave her compliments because she didn't know what else to do.

Who was away on Vacation which had no T.V.

So Joe never knew about the previous events.


Alley says "I'm sorry." In anger at herself.

Abeytzi asks "You should be happy." In disdain.

Alley says "I know." In silent tears.

Alley doesn't cry, she holds in her pain to suffer in silence.


Abeytzi asks "Are you okay?" Her eyes started watering, so Alley covers her eyes to hide the tears so that nobody judges her and calls her ungrateful for how her life turned out, being famous.


Alley was so happy at first to have a backup job in case the singing went in the trash, but now she can't feel that, anymore. She's so embarrassed by it. She's so embarrassed to be sad.


Abeytzi says "You have no problems." In his eyes, she's famous, she would be happy, either way.

Alley faked a smile.

Alley says "I'm fine, now. Thank you."

She lied.

Alley gets up and walks out of the closet.

Her hair is disheveled, you can clearly see that she's not fine, her face is stained with tears, her fake smile is even crooked, the way she walks and stands is so bent.


Alley gets up the courage to go into class, all her shame and embarrassment came flooding back. Everyone saw her. boys were asking "Dude, you good?" Girls were whispering to each other asking "Is she okay? Is she hurt? I hope Abeytzi didn't hurt her."


Alley heard but it wasn't insults, she was embarrassed because she worried she was wasting time by having them worry about her and wouldn't dare tell them.


Alley sat down and listened to the concerned teacher who thought "She was raped? She needs therapy, I have a friend, Oleta, who can help."


At home, the apartment, Alley was alone. Alley sat on her bed at 14. The doors are locked, the lights are out, all of them. School was horrible. Everyone saw her so-called "Whine," When in reality, she was crying out in pain.


Alley didn't want to share her pain, thinking it was a mess and that it wasn't warranted when it was.


Alley was angry at Abeytzi, yes, she was still in love with him, even though she just met him, that infatuation "Love at first sight" Type of stuff.


But, she didn't want to chat for awhile, she didn't forgive him, yet. She wanted to wait until he would change to pursue him, the only reason she'd forgive him is because she likes him and the bible says so, if she doesn't forgive, she could go to hell when she dies.


Alley is a Nazarite, so she's very religious with Christianity.

Alley laid in bed in tears.

Josh playfully knock on the door 5 hours later.

Alley's telekinesis that came from God was going haywire.

Alley was freaking out as he yelled "Alley?" He was going to drive her to work, first at her singing practice for her career in professional singing and then at her regular 9-5 office job, sure, it was illegal for her to have an office job, but because she was famous, the boss broke the law. It was illegal due to child labor laws.


Alley saw the door fly off it's hinges and Josh flew back due to her telekinesis.

Alley yells "I'm sorry!" Then calms down using prayer, she asks God "CALM ME DOWN, JESUS, I WILL LITERALLY RIP THIS PLACE TO SHEDS!"

In fear, terror, no anger, just tons of concern for the people inside the building and the building she lived in and others lived in.

Then God calms her down.

Then God calms down.

Josh calms down.

Alley's telekinesis had stopped once she got calms, with everything in the air falling with a loud thrash to the floor.


Alley thinks "I got..." In bewilderment, Then stops to keep herself calm, saying "Josh?" In worry that he is angry with her, Josh asks "You good?" In a worried, hurt, concerned tone of voice.


To be continued...