Chereads / Battle of the Clones: Clone wars / Battle of the clones: Clone Wars - Rupiuv (INFO)

Battle of the clones: Clone Wars - Rupiuv (INFO)



A familiar humanoid with a human head.

It has a wasp-waisted torso, and two stumpy, weak arms that end in spikes. It has stumpy camel legs and hooked talons.

The Rupiuv's body is covered in luxurious fur. Its lower legs, inner thighs, cheeks and forehead are purple, while the rest of its body is light blue and mottled white.


Height: 3' 11

Lifespan: 58 yrs approx

Maturity: 8 years

Breeding age: 4 years

No. of young: 9 every 5 months

Population: Numerous

Intelligence: Above Average

Temperament: Aggressive

Diet: Fungi, Grubs, and Animal fats

Family life

The Rupiuv family group is massive, has a strong bond and is led by the mother. Child rearing is largely handled by the eldest male.


They use their tongues for taste, smell and touch.

They are masters of stealth, and they can be found in almost every region.

They are capable of human speech.

They can go for several days without food. They are highly inquisitive and their curiosity often leads to serious injury or death.

They live in Xaland.

This large town is located in the hills and has a rustic atmosphere. It is best-known for its beautiful park. Also, a strange incident occurred awhile back that the locals don't want to talk about.

This realm is inhabited by tall humanlike people, most of whom seem quite standoffish. Most of them live in an ancient-looking village. The surrounding countryside is mostly hilly and smattered with grass. The whole thing is in a dimension that only appears on full moons