God I hated him. No matter what he tries to do, I just can't see him as anyone else. My whole life has been a joke, I am sure he is just trying to add to it for his own benefit. In this world, it's all about reaching what you desire. You don't need to even glance at the people you pass by on the way. If I was in that position, I probably wouldn't. Though out of all the ways I fall short, this one could be my folly. I saw him try to sneak away from the dorm. I just happened to be out like I usually was, it's not like anyone would care anyway. My big mouth sometimes made me stand out, butnine times out of ten, I wouldn't even exist to anyone else. I learned this long
ago, long before I even left for school. There are winners and losers; I knew my place.
As he went down the stairs. I hid behind the corner of our rooms then stealthy
followed after him. I couldn't figure out what he was up to at this time of night, but this might be
my chance to see who he really is. Everyone has a mask, this was another thing I learned
through experience. The only one you could trust was yourself. My curiosity was the main reason I left my secluded home this night. I didn't have a
roommate like a few other dudes and I'm glad for it. The less connections you have, the
stronger you are. I'm sure that his weakness would be his friends. I knew what he was capable of. That's just what an observer like me sees. It was definitely harder to see at night, especially with what I was wearing but I didn't bother. I continued to be hot on his trail, which led me all the way to the other side of campus, where the fourth years reside. I couldn't fathom what he was doing here, but things were definitely strange this past week and people were more on edge, especially with midterms coming up. I wasn't the worst student, but I also wasn't a star pupil. If I wanted to, I could easily cheat, but that goes against my moral compass, something I couldn't believe I still had. He was now by an entrance to a boisterous storehouse that had been ravaged by time.
Its brown has faded away with the darkness and with it any designs that used to be there. There
was some sort of lock on the wooden door and in front of it was another person that I wanted to
just disappear one day and never come back. I was repository for negative emotions, I couldn't help myself. My shitty magic combined with my non-existent family name and reputation has gotten me where I belong. I don't even think anyone here knows my actual name, not like I cared though. It was a trivial matter in the larger schemes of things. What I saw next could only echo on what I always harp about--you can't trust anyone but yourself. A relationship will just result in two corpses in one grave. One's betrayal will always come when they don't need the other party anymore. This is a fact that was burned deep into my body. As the one I pursued collapsed, unconscious, I watched the other intently. It was hard to make out his face in the dark, but his posture was all the hint I needed. He was like a predator who had just captured his prey. He dragged the boy inside and started to close the door. Something was burrowing into my chest as I witnessed it. It was unusual for me to feel anything from others; I was only the watcher. I had to meditate from afar or that's how I wanted to see it. In reality, I felt that this time and just this one time I would need to do something. I hated that guy, but my moral compass was beeping like crazy in my chest.
"Just this one time."
I wouldn't have much time to do anything, I could already be too late. After all, the hunter
had acquired his prey and it was time to feast.