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My darling detective (Yandere fem psycho x fem detective)

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

{Yusha's pov}

I groan loudly and slap myself trying to keep to stay awake. I look down at the unfinished report and sigh slumping back into my chair.

God damn these criminals! All they have to do is commit a damn crime and I'm stuck here having to investigate and prove the did it and they get to sit back and watch.

Even if I find good evidence the lawyer might mess up and then they get away scott free.Selfish jerks but hey don't get me wrong I love this job.

I put tap my foot as I try to hurry up and finish the report so I can leave the damn office and go home already.

A chill crept down my spine and I suddenly got the feeling I was being watched. I stop all movements and slowly reached for my gun.

I turn around quickly while pulling the gun but seeing nothing I put my gun away. Man looks like not sleeping is getting to me.

I stand up and put the report away in my desk before leaving the building. I walk over to my car and raise an eyebrow at a younger colleague who was waiting by my car.

"Umm er detective Dreamur" she stutters out and looks down.

I look her up and down taking in all her features trying to figure out what she wants.

"No need to be formal when not need, now what do you need."

Normally I would be angry if someone stopped me from going home after a long day of work but I was too tried to care at this point.

"Umm do you wanna go on a date with me."  Shoot! I don't wanna hurt her feelings but at the same time I know nothing about this woman ,oh well I'll give it a shot.

"Umm Sure."

"Really that's great! Here's my number ask me for details later bye!" With that the girl ran off leaving me alone to regret my life choices.

I sigh at her retreating figure and got in my car and started the drive home trying not to fall asleep.

Le Time skip to her house

I stumble into my house and lock the door behind me and I made my way to the salvation of my bed.

I changed quickly and slipped under the warm covers hugging my stuffed wolf. ( What don't judge their soft.)

I drifted off happily as I snuggled into my stuff animal.

Le time skip to annoying 101


"WHAT THE F*** DO YOU WANT!" I shouted into the phone. I had barely gotten any sleep before some no life  gets here."

"Don't yell I'm as tired as you. There is homicide at 7651 Greenville st, It's closer to your house and that's why you were called."

I groan loudly and hang up to start getting ready. They always gotta try to disturb my slumber.

I walk over to the door and put my coat on before slipping on my shoes and leaving the house.

The walk to the address was not too far from my house so I had no problem walking over.

I arrived quickly and ducked under the tape and walked onto the crime seen.

James a well known friendly cop handed me a coffee and gave a small smile as we walked over to the body "What's the cause of death?

James smile turns into a frown as he replies "Heart ripped out from her chest."

"Ughhhh not again" I scanned over the crime scene taking note of any details that stand out. I paused as I see a heart draw on the wall but it was the words written in it that made my blood run cold.

'See you soon my darling detective💋.'

James gives me a concerned look and I return it back to him. "So you definitely need a bodyguard."

"You know how much I hate having people following me around and getting in my business. Show me where the body is."

He sighs and leads me over to the body. I lift up the cover and back away a bit in suprize.

I turn to James suddenly changing my mind about not having a bodyguard. "Yeah I'm gonna want that bodyguard after all."

"Is this someone you knew?" I huff and put on some thin rubber gloves and examine the body.

"I have no idea who this is." I notice a small bloody piece of papper under the body and pick it up.

"I don't know how you do it you catfisher but for some reason you got a fan club."

I stop looking at the letter and look up at him. "Wait I have a fan club?!?"

"Yup you'll like them, they are meaner than you."  "Oh shut up and go tell the advisor about that message."

"Meanie."He huffed and walks away to go get some help.

I look back down at the the note and unfold it. The message had a little bit of blood covering it but I persist and manage to read the it.

'Dear my darling,

I oh so admire you. That serious look on your stunning face, the way your eyes twinkle sometimes when you get happy. I can hardly contain myself when I'm around you my love. But of course every beauty has their admires  and I'm your 1.

But when those bitches talk and try to get closer to you I can't help but get mad. The way they flock to you and try to court you disgusts me. How could so many unsightly things surround MY darling. So I came up with the idea 'hey why not get rid of them' and it worked. Just when I was about to claim you as my own some whore got in the way. But worry not my love for I shall claim you in the end!

Forever in your heart,

Your Lover❤

P.S Don't show others this letter unless you want mommy to punish you😘.'

I could feel my heart drop as I read this sicking love letter. "JAMES!" I call out his name wanting his idea in this situation.

He and the supervisor look up at me and he waves me over to him. I jog over to them and hold up the blood stained letter.

James reaches for the letter but I pull it away a little. "I need forensics to check for finger prints and also I want  bodyguard."

Harold ,my supervisor, raises his eyebrow at me and speaks "Why do you need a guard a little message on the wall might not be directed at you?." Oh yeah I forgot how much this guy hates me.

"How about this?" I open the letter and hand it to Harold.

Harold's and James's eyes both widen at the letter. Harold gets over the shock first and clears his throat "Fine you may have a bodyguard but I will chose them I don't need one of our detectives going missing."

I walk away before they could speak anymore and examine the body again

( Gruesome explanation ahead.)

Her finger nails were ripped out and her eyes were gored. Her mouth had been stitched close and her chest was ripped open with her ribcage exposed and blood pooled around her.

Her head looked like someone bashed a watermelon on a floor multiple times and her body was mutated beyond reconozion.

Her bones were popping out from her skin and her legs bent in a way they were not suppose to.

( Gruesome explanation over)

I sigh and move away from the body finding no details to who the criminal was. I was about to move away entirely but a sliver glint I caught in the corner of my eye makes me move to it.

It was between two boxes and crouched down trying to figure out what it was.

I gently pushed a box out the way and noticed it was a little puppy with a camera strapped onto its back.

I reach my hand forward to the puppy letting him smell it in a friendly gestre.

He licks my hand and I take it as a sign to move forwards and grab the camera but someone grabs my wrist stopping me.

I look up to see senior officer with red hair and honey brown eyes looking down at me. "Why did you stop me?"

The officer raises her eyebrow like it was obvious. "That camera might be a trap set for you."

"I am aware of that but if this murder had an intent in killing me they would have done it by now." I pull my arm away and put the puppy on my lap before taking off the camera and petting the puppy.

"Maybe they were waiting to kill you and that was a trap, you would have died right now for your foolishness."

"So? Death does not concern me." Beside I was not gonna leave that pup with a camera strapped on his back hiding behind boxes.

"Dumbass it should by the way my name is Chelsea."

"Yusha, pleasure to meet you but I have a job to do." I walk away leaving her by the puppy.

I scout the area but find nothing else worth noting or paying attention to. I go back to Chelsea who was chatting with my supervisor while holding the puppy and the camera.

As I walk over the two stop their conversation. "Oh don't let me disturb you guys I'm just here for the puppy."

"Why you know evidence can't leave without permission?" Harold questions with his hand on his hip.

"To see if he has a chip somewhere so I can question the owner." Harold nods "Good, Chelsea go with her for protection we can't have her dying in the middle of a case."

Chelsea nods and hands me the puppy and leads me to her car. I sit in the front next her with the puppy on my lap and for some reason he is barking at Chelsea.

"Good boy." I pet him calming him down while Chelsea raises her eyebrow at me while driving off the scene.

"Um I think you mean bad boy."  "I know what I said." Good boy now attack her next time.

She sighs and start driving to the vet.

About 10 minutes in I was starting to get bored and put on the radio.

I kept changing the song till she slaps my hand away from the radio. "Stop messing with that I'm trying to drive."

"So I'm trying to listen to music." I press another button changing the station again and making her growl at me.

"Stop that this is my car!"  "So?"  "You littl-"  "Hey look we are here!"

I pick up the pup and get out the car heading into the building with Chelsea following not far behind.

I walk in and notice the place is nearly empty and the secretary is fast asleep at the front desk.  I walk up to the front desk and ring the tiny bell.

She shifted a little but stays asleep. I rang it again but she does the same thing. Oh come on lady wake up and do your job. " Excuse me ma'am."

She lifts her head up and looks at me up and down before sitting up right.

"What do you want" she said rather rudely.

"Can we see the vet?" This is literary this lady's only thing see has to do and this fool fell asleep.

"Sure, ADAM GET OVER HERE." Isn't the secretary suppose to be nice?

I sigh before a tall guy with blond hair and blue eyes in a vet outfit jogs over to us. "Hello ,please follow me."

Well at least he seems nice. We follow him to the first room to the right and put the puppy down on the table."Now ,how can I help you two?"

"Can you check if the puppy has a chip in him so we can figure out who is his owner."     "Okay I can do that."

He pulls a scanner out from the board and runs it along the pup's fur. The scanner starts to beep when it reaches his leg. "There it is I can call the owner but I can't do anything else unless you have official permission."

"Will this do?" Chelsea holds up her badge making Adam's eyes widen. "Umm Yeah it will do but may I ask why you need this info?"

"No." Oof so rude! Adam prints out a paper with the address of the owner on it and hands it to Chelsea as I pick up the puppy

Chelsea grabs my arm and starts to drag me out. "Thanks!" I yell out to Adam as the hell spawn leads the way out.
