"HOW BADLY DO YOU WANT TO LEARN HOW TO FIGHT?" He questioned after a moment of silence that descended between both of them.
She stared at him, and from his amused expression, she had a feeling at where this was going. Shrugging in reply to his question. "Really bad."
He smiled, and she was, once again, hypnotised by how gorgeous he actually was when he smiled. "How about I teach you?"
Alison had a vague idea he was referring to that but actually hearing him asking her was a whole knew level. She felt like she couldn't breathe from how much air was knocked out of her at once. He always seemed to surprise her no matter what he does.
She played with he hem of her shirt nervously, "Y-you can d-do that?" She could barely form a coherent sentence from how overwhelming this whole thing was. She cleared her throat and tried again. "I mean, can you, like, teach?"
With a smile nod of his head as a form of reply was all she needed to confirm her question.