Chereads / Sliding Into Home / Chapter 12 - Pinch hitter!

Chapter 12 - Pinch hitter!

Trotting down the stairs Brooke has her gym bag slung over one shoulder and her suitcase in her other hand. Glancing around she doesn't spy Eric anywhere. He's probably still upstairs. Not wanting to leave without thanking him and setting up their next meeting she sets her things by the door and perches her self at the kitchen bar.

Memories of the heated kiss she'd shared with Eric in this very spot has her moving to the couch. Brooke needs a clear head when she faces Eric. Neither of them needs to be reminded of what did and didn't transpire between the two of them last night. It's best they put the incident in the past so that they can move on without it affecting their business relationship.

Taking a seat on the couch facing the stairs Brooke waits patiently for Eric to come down but much to her surprise the front door opens instead and in steps Eric. Dressed in a sleeveless shirt and shorts his body glistens with a fine layer of sweat.

He spies her luggage sitting just inside the doorway. He immediately locks eyes with her. With one hand he yanks his earbuds out, "Good morning Brooke."

"Good morning Mr. Matthews."

Glancing from Brooke to her luggage he asks, "Going some where?"

Standing up she nods, "Yes. I figured today's a good day to find an apartment and get a few furnishings while I'm off. Come Monday I'll be pretty busy scouting for new clients. No doubt that'll keep me busy for months to come," she chuckles trying to keep the mood light.

However, Eric doesn't seem amused. In fact he seems down right prickly as he asks, "You didn't like the guest room?"

Flustered by Eric's tone Brooke sputters, "No - I mean yes I did like it. I just...well I can't stay here forever."

With all seriousness he replies, "Yes you can."

Not really sure how to respond to something like that Brooke fidgets. Chewing on her lip she tries to come up with an intelligent response. Eric doesn't wait around for her to reply. Instead he scoops up her bags and heads up the stairs with them.

Finally finding her voice she races after him calling out, "Eric what are you doing?"

Without stopping or so much as looking at her he cast back over his shoulder, "I'm taking your things back up to your room."

"Wait a minute I don't have a room here," not quite understanding what's going on here.

"The guest room is now your room unless you'd prefer to tryout the other one. Though personally I'd like you to be as close to me as possible," he speaks so frankly Brooke just stops on the stairs mouth agape. Once again she finds herself lacking a response.

Eric deposits her things back into the guest- well her 'bedroom'. Turning around he finds her still standing on the stairs mouth slightly open. His mouth cocks up on the side, "Darlin if you keep standing there with those pretty pink lips parted like that I'm liable to plant one on you. Unlike last night you won't be pulling away this time."

A flush the color of crimson covers her face, shooting down her neck, "Mr. Matthews I can't stay here."

Frowning Eric growls, "Yes. You. Can. And you will."

Just like that he is on her. Pulling her in for a toe curling kiss. It ends just as abruptly as it started. With a wicked gleam in his eye Eric walks past her down towards the kitchen. Giving her behind a quick pat as he passes he calls, "Come on darlin I'm going to make you breakfast. Then I'm going to tell you what we're going to be doing today."

Brooke tries to wrap her head around what has just happened as Eric prattles around in the kitchen making waffles. The delicious aroma of bacon floats to her. What in the world is going on here. Eric wants - no he's told her she is staying here and now he is making her breakfast.

His deep laughter pulls Brooke from her thoughts. That mouth that kissed her moments ago is splayed across his face in a sexy grin. She has to really concentrate to understand what he is saying to penetrate the fog in her brain, "Don't tell me I kissed you into shock? If so I know CPR," he says with a wink.

Brooke can't help but smile back and before she can stop and think she's matching his flirtatious comment with a smart ass one of her own, "CPR is for when someone's not breathing. You're kiss was good but it didn't leave me breathless." That was a lie. Yet, Brooke couldn't help teasing him.

It was worth it when she watches his eyes glaze over and hears his voice drop a notch, "Brooke I really don't think you're ready for breathless." Letting his heated gaze slowly roam over her body his words make her ache for him to touch her again, "When you are Darlin the only thing you'll be able to say is my name as you moan it over and over again."

"Holly Shit," the expletive just slips right out. Realizing what she's just said aloud her eyes grow wide. Eric just smiles turning back to serve up some bacon and waffles on two plates.

Placing one plate in front of her he sits down across from her with the other one. Slight disappointment twinges in her gut at the distance between them. Dammit what was she doing. She'd told Eric last night she wasn't interested in a one night stand. Nor did she want to complicate or jeopardize their working relationship. Despite everything here she is openly flirting with him and entertaining ideas of living with him. She has to pull herself together. Eric is her client nothing more.

Prepared to set him straight on the matter she opens her mouth but Eric beats her to it, "I was thinking we'd head over to the mall. We can get you everything you need at Bed Bath and Beyond." With a teasing tone he adds, "And if you don't put up a fuss I might buy you an ice cream cone."

"You're insane," that's the only thing Brooke can think to say.

"No I'm simply a man who knows what he wants. And I want you, Brooke Graves. In my house. By my side. When you're ready in my bed," he shrugs popping a syrupy bite of waffle in his mouth.

Shaking her head Brooke sighs, "Eric I've all ready -" Brooke's protest was brought up short as Eric's fork shoots into her mouth loaded down with a healthy mouthful of waffle.

"Well I guess there goes the ice cream cone," he huffs, "Look Brooke I know what you said. But like I said last night when you clearly weren't listening to me. You still aren't. I don't want a one night stand. I don't want some blonde voluptuous wind bag like Dayton or Maxine. I want you now and forever."