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Sliding Into Home

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Brooke Graves loves her job. Yeah her boss Maxine Cline is a bit demanding but the pay is great, the benefits are top notch and she's making connections to help further her career. However, when Maxine steps out of line with client, Eric Matthews, pitcher for the Atlanta Braves, then tries to ruin his career Brooke can't help but stand up and do the right thing. Eric feels obliged to return the favor by helping Brooke get her own agency up and running. What neither of them expected was for the undeniable attraction between them. Can they keep things platonic or will they sub come to their desires?

Chapter 1 - Pregame Workout

"Shiitake Mushrooms! Man, I'm running so late," Brooke cursed as she raced up the front steps to the Warsaw building that houses her boss's agency. Maxine Cline was going to shit bricks if she strolled into the office before Brooke did. Launching herself up the last three steps Brooke slams into the front door not even pausing as she yanked open the door.

"Excuse me. Pardon me." Brooke weaved her way through the throng of people waiting for the elevator making a break for the stairs. Three flights later she came barreling through the door to Maxine's floor.

Seeing Maxine's office door closed Brooke sighed with relief. Inhaling deeply, she tried to catch her breath as she walked over to her desk to set down her laptop bag and purse. As she made her way over to the small kitchenette her breathing had just about evened out.

Without wasting time, she jumped right into her morning routine. First making a pot of coffee half decaf Americano and half caffeinated Moroccan per Maxine's request. Like Maxine her coffee choice was over the top and complicated. Once it finished brewing Brooke pored the steaming liquid into a yeti thermos while starting a pot of regular old Folgers coffee for herself.

Snatching a bag from Aggen's Bakery out of her purse she carried both the bag and thermos over to Maxine's office. Just as she was about to open the door she pauses as the sound of voices drift from the other side.

"Now Eric you and I both know how this going to end," Maxine's obnoxiously sweet voice causes Brookes ears to perk up, "You want to boost your career and so do I. Dobbs and I go way back. One word from me and you'll be starting pitcher this upcoming season." Sounds of heals clicking on the wood floor interrupt her banter. They stop just a few feet away from the door. "All I ask for in return is for a little," a noise much like a zipper being undone can be faintly heard, "third base action - whenever and however I want."

Brooke could not believe what she was hearing! Maxine was soliciting sex from a client...

Eric Matthews one of Maxine's newer clients' voice bordered on angry as he replied, "Maxine I'm not sure how you do business with your other clients. Personally, that is between you and them. However, I am in no way shape or form going to offer myself up to you to get ahead. I pay you plenty of money for your services, which do not include sexual favors, therefore I expect you to renegotiate my contract. If you cannot do it, I will find someone else who can."

"Are you threatening me Eric?!"

"No, I'm just stating the truth Maxine."

"We have a contract which is valid for another four months," Maxine hisses.

"After your little show in here today I think that contract isn't going to be that hard to break," Eric says a bit to calmly.

Footsteps sound heading for the door but before Brooke can move out of the way Eric comes storming out colliding with her. Maxine's bagel falls to the floor while the contents of the thermos poor down the front of Brooke's blouse. Eric mutters a curse, "Shit I'm so sorry Brooke!" Brooke tries not to cry out as the hot liquid threatens to burn her skin through her thin silk shirt, "Its all right Mr. Matthews. I should have moved out of the way quicker."

"Brooke what in the hell where you doing," Maxine thunders from the threshold of her office. She stomps in her Prada heals over to them rage palpable on her face. Her brown eyes scrunched in accusation.

Brooke freezes like a deer caught in headlights. What she just overheard was very sensitive information. Maxine would have her fired in a heartbeat if she knew Brooke had overheard any of it. Mustering up a half-truth Brooke forces her voice to remain calm, "I was just coming to bring you your morning coffee and bagel Ms. Cline. I didn't know you were in with a client."

Maxine visibly relaxes a little. Her voice however remains snippety, "Good gracious look at yourself! Clean yourself up, remake my coffee and apologize to Eric." Without further comment Maxine storms back into her office slamming her door behind her.

Brooke reaches down to grab the thermos and bagel. A strong hand grabs her elbow pulling her back up. Brooke looks up into the crystal blue eyes of Eric. Concern laces his voice, "Are you all right Brooke?" Brooke smiles despite the situation. Eric is just an all-around nice guy. The fact that he is so concerned about her, a virtual nobody more than makes up for her boss's crappy attitude. "Yes, Mr. Matthews I'll be fine."

Looking from Brooke's ruined blouse to the mess on the floor Eric asks, "How about I help you clean this up?" Brooke practically swoons at the offer. Yet she knows if Maxine comes out and sees Eric helping her, she would be in a world of trouble. "That's very generous of you Mr. Matthews but I'll be all right."

Heading to the kitchenette Brooke rummages around for some paper towels. She can feel Eric's eyes on her the whole time.

The sound of ruffling paper causes her to turn around. Eric is pulling out several bills from his wallet saying, "Well at least let me pay for your dry-cleaning bill along with a new blouse. You can't very well wear that one all day."

Sheesh this guy is simply amazing. "There's no need really. I keep an extra change of clothes here at the office for emergencies. As far as dry cleaning goes. I got this shirt at the gap. Twenty minutes on soak in my washing machine and it will be good as new," I laugh out.

Eric flashes a tentative smile, "If you insist," glancing back at Maxine's office Eric's smile vanishes being replaced by a stern grimace, "I should be going." Turning back to Brooke he nods before leaving.