The series revolves around a 19 year-old girl named Moniya, who discovers that she is Rajkumari Manyata, the crown princess of Devgarh. Manyata was kidnapped at the age of 3, and had been living with Murari Lal, a poor watchman who kidnapped her in order to take revenge from her father, Maharaj Brijraj, when the latter killed Murari's wife and children in an accident.
After sixteen years, Murari takes Manyata to Mumbai and she is returned to her family. Meanwhile, Manyata falls in love with Akash, a commoner. crown prince Udayveer Singh of Jaigarh (Uday), to whom Manyata was engaged as a child, befriends her but is upset to find out about Akash as he too has fallen in love with Manyata. Manyata's younger sister, Jainandini, has been in love with Uday since childhood and resents Manyata. A frustrated Uday calls Akash to meet him where they end up fighting and Akash falls over a cliff. Jainandini records the incident on her cell phone and starts blackmailing Uday.
Thinking Akash has gone missing, Manyata decides to become the perfect princess. The royal priest arranges three exams to see who between Manyata and Jainandini should be the heir. Jainandini creates many obstacles for Manyata and orchestrates multiple attempts to kill her but Manyata survives and is declared the 21st heiress or Yuvrani of Devgarh.[6]
After her coronation, Uday proposes to Manyata. Manyata finds out about Akash's fall and gets Uday arrested. Uday gets out on bail and informs Manyata about a contract between her grandmother and Uday's father, Maharaj Girijaraj, which states that the heiress of Devgarh must marry the heir of Jaigarh otherwise Devgarh would belong to Uday's family. A revengeful Jainandini causes manyata's grandmother to meet with an accident landing her in a coma.
Jainandini's ex-fiance, Jagat Singh Rathore returns and introduces her to his friend Aryan who turns out to be Akash. Akash now wants to destroy both royal families which leaves Manyata shocked. Given the challenges posed by Uday and his father, Manyata gives in and decides to marry Uday. She also realises her love for him and decides to meet Akash one last time. However, she is delayed and Jainandini tries to replace her during the wedding ceremony. Uday finds out and is angered by Manyata's betrayal. He calls off the wedding.
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