A startled guard stood not three paces away. Ian was upon the man in a second, jumping into the air, Pulling slightly on the guard and throwing the man off balance. Ian whipped out one of his knives, allowing the strength of his pull to bring him toward the guard. He landed with both feet against the man's chest, then crouched and sliced with an enhanced swing.
The guard collapsed with a slit throat. Ian landed lithely beside him, ears straining in the night, listening for sounds of alarm. There were none.
Ian left the guard to his gurgling demise. The man was a simple guard who didn't know what he was doing, but there was no reason to keep him alive …Well, then, Ian was even happier to send such men back to the endless sea of souls.
Ian got out of the area quietly, using pushing and pulling he climbed to an area where he could get a clear view of what was happening. There were a bunch of girls with Venmiglia's men. Ventimiglia himself was there with a glass of wine in his hand. Seven feet tall and broad muscles, he was still good as his enforcer days.
Ian's earpiece buzzed and he heard Graffin's voice. "Ian, are you in your position?"
"Yes..." Ian replied.
"Good, give me the visual," Graffin ordered. Obeying, Ian took out two black metal ball attached to his belt with a camera attached to them like eyes. He threw them in the air. The balls floated in in the air as small metallic insect-like wings came out ot them. The just sounded a bee buzzing, not noticeable because of loud music coming from the penthouse. Ian took his mobile phone out of his pocket. Two split-screen display with two white circles on each to control the drones.
Ian moved the cameras around the building, they peered through the glass. Taking visuals around the building. An armed guard on the balcony and probably most of them inside had guns. While Graffin was making a plan based on visuals transmitted to him, Ian was making his own.
'Balcony with a kick, grenades, one to the stairs, head on the table, lamp drop.' Ian thought.
"Getting the visual?" Ian asked.
"Good, I am going in."
"Ian wait for the team. It's my order."
Ian didn't reply and pushed on the floor.
Inside the building, everyone stopped talking after they a scream coming from behind the close door to the balcony. A moment of silence, then the doors swung open and a dozen cylindrical object rolled from the other side. Grenades. In just a second after that, a figure in black jumped out of illuminated by the colourful party lights.
The hunter grabbed the man in front of him and thew him towards the metal stairs. Hitting hard on the back. Black sleeping gas came out of the cylinders filling the room.
The girls screamed in surprise and fear and the men took out their guns. The figure leapt at the firing man, his suit undamaged by the bullets. He grabbed the man's head and banged it hard on the table, a fracturing sound came.
The sounds firing filled the room. The Hunter leapt to hid behind a pillar, blocking the shots. Blue light like a string came out the hunter's arm, only visible to him. The attached itself to the lamp above man firing man, the hunter pulled. The man noticed a dodged the falling lamps. It was the distraction the hunter needed, he charged at the man with a strong dropkick to the chest. The man flew to the glass wall almost shattering his bones.
Ian walked towards the metal stairs amidst the chaos. Every one not affected by the gas yet screaming to escape. Ian knew team Ignition would take care of them even if the escaped. Few men came at him as a door upstairs flung open, Ian waved his hands throwing the guns flew out of the men's hands and dropped at the floor down below. These men were better trained and experienced with their fists.
They charged at Ian while clenching their fists right. The first one came with a clubbing fist, Ian dodged and delivered a strong jawbreaking fist to the man's face. One more man came, Ian blocked with an elbow and countered with a fist to the solar plexus, the man wasn't down yet. Ian spun around and delivered a reverse elbow to this head. Two more came and Ian pushed on the ground launching himself at them, grabbing them both by their throats and threw them above the railings, dropping them hard on the floor below.
Ian heard a growling from behind the door from where the men came from. Before Ian could prepare a large object charged at him, throwing off the floor down below. Using push Ian landed on two feet. Ian looked at the object staring at him from the floor above. The skin was red but it was the same size, same hair, same beard as he saw in the meeting. Ventimiglia. Ian pulled his magnum pistol at shot at the Vetimgila's knees, but there was no effect. Antonio stood there, hunched and bulletproof. He jumped down in front of Ian making a large thump and spiderweb crack below his feet.
Ian dropped his gun knowing it wouldn't have much effect and charged his body with remaining Jiva, enhancing his strength, senses and agility. He looked at Verimiligia and asked, "What happened to you?" Through his mask, Ian's voice was oddly filtered.
Ventimiglia didn't reply and said, "You fight well, but you will fight alone." He walked towards Ian and continued. "You will die alone."
He swung his fist at Ian with an abnormal speed for a man of his size. Ian crouched and moved sideways landing a charged strike behind Ventimiglia's knees; and another. The giant crouched, roaring in pain. Ian didn't stop and yet landed another bow to this chin, send his head bouncing back. He landed another quick kick to the giant's cheek. Ventimiglia coughed blood.
Ian charged at him with a dropkick. Ventimiglia rose and caught Ian in a tight hug absorbing the kick. Ian released his hand and landed a quick hard strike on the giant's jaw. The giant released him, the hunter caught giant's shoulders and swung his knee at the opponent's face. He landed on two feet and Ventimiglia stumbled backwards.
The giant reared and bulging nerves appeared on him. Ian charged with a sick kick but the giant took it as a solid wall. The giant picked the hunter with one hand by his neck and landed another first on his side, Ian blocked the attacked with metal gauntlet that covered his forearms. Ian swung over the giant, throwing him off balance. The giant released Ian and rolled on the ground. Ventimiglia got up and charged at the hunter with a tackle. Ian dodged and snaked his arm around the Ventimiglia's neck, his gauntlets sending a surge of electricity into the giant.
The giant didn't lose his grip and kept the momentum pressing Ian on the glass wall. Spider web cracks formed as Ian could hear the cracking of glass. The giant kept pushing, Ian grips tighter, the glass on the verge of fully breaking launching both on the ground floors below to their death. Ian couldn't save himself even with the push while the giant grabbed him like this. The giant kept pushing, a large of glass broke away and dropped onto the ground. Ian back halfway exposed, he gripped tighter, the giant pushed more, Ian was on the edge now. Ian tightly closed his eyes for what's about to come...
Then nothing happened. The giant grip loosened and Ian looked down. Ventimiglia was subdued. panting he loosened his grip and dropped on his knees. The sounds of Team Ignition footstep came. The hunt was over.