I'm noticing there's a particular theme sprouting time and time again in this cold and chilly December month… indeed, counting Amanda, that's the fourth time someone I know wound up bedridden either by sickness or injury.
First, it was Ash and her needing over a week to adapt to winter.
Then Tyler was next in line to be confined, still needing more time to recover… allegedly.
Adalia's a given.
Now, it was Amanda's turn to be helplessly struck down by the plague of whimsical fate.
But she was a stubborn one, a fighter, a refuser. And stubborn is as stubborn does, willing herself the strength to try and break free of her silky sarcophagus that had her entombed in her mausoleum of a couch.
"You're guilting me," she muttered, watching me groggily. "Stop guilting me."