Two hours later.
Sir Nicholas and his entourage arrived at his newly acquired properties at the outskirt of South Pond town. The property was sold to him in a rush at a cheaper price because the previous owner gambled a lot and need to pay his debts quickly before he ended up being killed for not paying money to his creditors.
He likes the property on the day he laid eyes on it and want to buy it. He never expected that it will become the house of his grandchildren one day. Destiny is awesome!
He got worried before that he might die without seeing any grandchildren. Now, he was blessed with two grandchildren instantly, a boy and a girl! He's happier and more contented than ever before.
His heart was already at peace. Now all he needs to do is spend more quality times with his grandchildren and see them grow up in front of his eyes.
Those happy thoughts filled his heart with gladness.
The gate was opened by the guard who watched over the property.