Chapter 635 - Chapter 635

Beside the crater where the Hellinger Castle once was, a small, crude and apparently hand-crafted stone tombstone was placed on the ground. Around the tombstone, there were several batches of flowers, small gems with tiny engravings and other kinds of commemorations.

"Dear Rash, thank you for your sacrifice and your kindness. Your memory will be with us until the end." These were the words carved on the tombstone. Though the stone itself was crude, the words were beautifully written.

A female mage walked by after emerging from a silver portal, and she gently placed a small bouquet of flowers with silver petals that still had droplets of morning dew on them beside the tombstone. After putting a soft kiss on the tombstone and silently delivering a few words of prayers, this female mage proceeded to the group that was in the crater maintaining a magical array that slowly heals the fabric of reality and took over for one of the mages.

"Thank you, sister." Lady Ryleen sighed as she left the formation and found a spot around her to sit down: "Anything new from our observatories?"

"Not much, the ripples in the energy fields were still in the process of settling and finding an equilibrium. There are many occurrences of abnormal natural disasters in the civilian world. And the Division has sent out their forces to deal with them."

"Noted." Lady Ryleen nodded and stood up: "Hang in here - let me know what happens, it should be done soon. The last bit of it gets particularly difficult so just be patient. I will check back with you later."

"Take your rest, Lady. We will definitely let you know if anything happened."

With the other female mage taking over for her, Lady Ryleen finally had the chance to leave the crate - she had not moved her position at all for three days, and all this time, she had been down in the crater maintaining the array, longer than any other members of her church.

The first thing she did was walk up to the tombstone left by her sisters and brothers from the Church of Lox, for a giant jellyfish creature with the nickname "Rash" that fell in the battle. She still remembered, when a group of Defilers charged at the position of her and fellow church members, this creature extended his many tentacles their way and formed a wall of flesh to block off the Defilers, enduring great injuries in the process.

The Church of Lox, on the other hand, was able to do very little when Rash faced his mortality - the hordes and hordes of Defilers covered his entire body up like ferocious and blood thirsty ants and leeches. The giant jellyfish body was torn apart in a mere instant, and all of the pieces ripped from it subsequently exploded, wiping out hundreds if not thousands of Defilers in a final moment of fiery glory.

When the dust settled, the members from the Church of Lox were only able to find a small marble on the ground that radiated the same kind of energy signature as Rash. So they made a simple tombstone from the rock and buried the marble near the position where it fell. The Church of Lox were not a group that believed in setting up tombs, but for others, they would still do this for those they respected or loved but were not members of the church.

"We didn't have a chance to meet, what a shame." Lady Ryleen stood in front of the tombstone and sighed: "And we didn't really get a chance to thank you. When this is done, we will ensure that you will be sleeping somewhere you'd feel at home."

After a short moment of silence, Lady Ryleen smiled and said: "You know, I've heard of entities like you - I heard that most of them, most of you, had absolutely no interest in human affairs. So, I still wonder how and why you are here, and why you are willing to do what you did. But - thank you. I cannot say this enough."

Just this moment, a ripple of energy expanded from the position of the last bit of the dark orb. When Lady Ryleen turned back, she saw that the array her sisters and brothers were maintaining was glowing in a silvery white light.

"It's done?" "It's done!" "Oh - it's done!" The members of the Church of Lox were pleasantly surprised by this sudden change, and many of them started murmuring and patting each other on the back.

Lady Ryleen rushed to the bottom of the crater and took a long hard look at the array and the position of the microscopic dark orb - it was true, the dark orb was no longer there.

"We did it." Lady Rylee let out a laughter of relief: "We did it. Good. This is really good."

"Thank you." A gentle male voice came from the position where the dark orb once was, and a cloud of white mist seemed to have come out of thin air and blew past all members of the Church of Lox.

Some of the church members tried to cast spells on this cloud of mist, as they had no idea what or who it was. But Lady Ryleen stopped them immediately, and while the mist lingered around the tombstone of Rash, she asked: "Mr. Yu, is that you?"

"Thank you, Lady Ryleen the Church of Lox, for your contribution and sacrifice." The mist slowly gained the shape of a man: "Yes, and I am finally able to come back thanks to your continuous effort. I will thank you in person in time, as you can see, I am still not - me. Not yet."

"I'm so glad that I could be here. We could help. Please allow us?"