Chapter 518 - Chapter 518

Somewhere deep underground, just outside of a collapsed laboratory to which they came weeks ago, Jianmen awaited with Josephine Wong, Vivian, Nameless and some other agents of the Division. The entire underground laboratory was vibrating faintly, and a kind of special energy wave was radiating from somewhere deep in the laboratory. On the outside in front of the people that were waiting, there were various arrays placed around and ready to be activated to restrain and even attack anyone or anything that was about to come out.

"Talk about one hell of a food coma." Jianmen chuckled and said: "All those stereotypes about dragons, turns out at least one of them is true huh?"

"I'm just glad that you are in the mood to joke. " Josephine Wong sighed and shook her head.

The vibration slowly grew stronger and stronger, and as time went by even the rock ceiling started cracking, and small pieces of dirt and stone started falling from above. The energy waves grew strong with the vibration, and Jianmen could sense that something did awake from behind the stone gates and was coming their way.

The stone gates creaked as they were slowly opened from the inside, and from behind came a man in a dark robe with dust all over his body. A cloud of dark smoke surrounded him, and when some of the agents' eyes were fixated on the dark smoke, they began hearing all kinds of whispers, moans and cries in their ears.

"Stop looking at the smoke, stop paying attention to it." Nameless waved his hands and released an aura around him that covered all of the agents around him, and helped them to stay focused, maintain a stable state of mind and guard their spirits against temptations and confusions coming from the smoke.

"Welcome back, Tze Cha. How's the break, and how's the malice?" Jianmen asked.

"Very tasty, and a well deserved break for me." the man laughed and flipped his robe back, revealing his eyes, both intact, and both seemed to be in good condition: "You know what? I can see from both now, ain't this a good time?"

"Well, I am glad that you enjoyed your time there." Josephine Wong stepped forward and said: "And according to our deal, the place will be ours. And as a courtesy, how about sharing with us what else you have found back there?"

The man let out a long and dry laugh: "Oh, I found something after consuming around half of the malice here, and lucky for me and for us, there's no scary Godkiller-Worldbreaker hidden inside."

Just by stating this, some of the Division agents immediately felt intense pressure on their mind and bodies. Nameless immediately chanted a silent mantra and helped the agents fight off the effects of the weighted knowledge. Luckily, this piece of knowledge did not seem to be as heavy as it could have been, possibly due to Tze Cha's using of nicknames and the information's being related to defilers.

"But, I am still curious." Tze Cha's eyes glowed in dark red light as he looked at Josephine Wong and Jianmen: "About a couple of things - one, how confident you are in handling whatever secrets that were buried beneath this thick malice, and how they connect to that nasty bastard suppressed under that god awful shit hole of a hospital; two, how capable you are in holding me accountable to the terms of our agreement; and last but not least, what kind of entity you are, Mr. Yu? Are you a human? Are you a voidborn? Are you some other kind of humanoid creature, a daimon, a materialized spirit? Or are you a god or a god level creature, like the one the dead witches in there signed their souls to, or like me?"

"Quite a lot of self boast there, Two-Eyes." Jianmen snapped his fingers and blocked off the last few sentences uttered by Tze Cha to protect the less powerful Division agents, and he sighed: "I figured you'd still be cautious. But I guess the malice here was indeed nutritious enough to warrant this kind of confidence."

"And you're still the same, after all this time since that realm, still holdin back and hiding yourself like a sneaky snake." Tze Cha put his palms together, the slowly pulled them apart, a short sword with a straight black double-edged blade appeared in his hand. The next moment, he lunged forward at Jianmen, holding this short sword in his hand and thrusting it at Jianmen's face.

"Ting!" a crisp sound of metallic collision and a shockwave exploded from the contact point between Tze Cha's short sword, and Jianmen's meat cleaver. Josephine Wong and Vivian's hair were disturbed, and Nameless' robes flapped with the strong gust of wind from the shockwave. It was the side of Jianmen's cleaver that blocked the jab attack from the short sword, and even after this powerful clash, neither the short sword or Jianmen's meat cleaver had shown any dent or damage. Vivian and Nameless stepped forward at the same time, ready to fight, but were stopped by Josephine Wong.

Tze Cha's eyes stared into Jianmen's, releasing a strong, invasive probing power trying to dig deep into Jianmen's identity, his life experiences and even his mind and deepest thoughts. Jianmen's eyes gently glowed in orange and golden in response, and instead of directly blocking Tze Cha's probing attempt, he decided to show Tze Cha a piece of his mental image, of something that he actually enjoyed.

It was a moment that barely lasted a second, after which Tze Cha backed off after a short but sharp gasp.

"Who is that man?" Tze Cha asked with his eyes narrowed: "How dare he speak such things about the Gods!?"

"A standup comedian." Jianmen shrugged with a cunning smile: "A really good one, too bad he died a few years ago."

"... what is that? "

"You should spend more time in the human world and just try to blend in as one of them. It'd do you a lot of good." Jianmen chuckled: "Now, what did you find?"

Tze Cha stared at Jianmen for a few seconds, then took a deep look at Josephine Wong, and finally relented a glowing piece of light blue crystal.

"Another relic." Josephine Wong and Nameless said at the same time.