Chapter 331 - Chapter 331

Grant Academy Hunting Ground, a figure in a cloak was traveling unaccompanied through the woods and grass.

This figure was none other than Camile Jensen, once one of the many librarians working part time in the academy library, now a fugitive at large - almost.

"Robert, answer." Camile Jensen took out an artifact shaped like some kind of slightly square pocket watch and spoke to the artifact: "Robert, once you're done, get outta there and meet me in the hunting ground, the spot I told you about. Get outta there and meet me here."

No one answered, and there was not even a signal of acknowledgement - the artifact was supposed to blink twice once the other end received the message and the message was heard by whoever held it.

"Come on, Robert, you schmuck." Camile Jensen hid behind a tree and tried the artifact once again: "Come on! Robert, answer dammit!"

Just this moment, something ruffled the bushes on the other side of the tree. Camile Jensen was startled, and she immediately cast another layer of concealing spell on herself, which did not make her feel any relief or relaxation. This was not just because she was on the run, but also because she knew that there were creatures in this forest that could still detect traces of people even when they were under the protection of her best concealing spells.

And shortly after her putting another of concealing spells on herself, a fluffy head snuck out from the bushes, with its long nose twitching and sniffing in the air. Camile Jensen looked out from the tree, and all she saw was the angry face of a racoon, the racoon had some silver fur on its forehead, and the size of its head was even bigger than that of a fully grown bear. Even from quite a distance, Camile could smell the foul breath coming from the racoon's mouth.

With a flash of silvery blue light, the racoon appeared right next to Camile Jensen, its tail almost swiping over Camile Jensen's shoulder. The racoon crouched lower with all its four feet on the ground, its nose still sniffing the air and the ground.

Camile Jensen carefully and slowly moved away from her position, then she gently tapped her boots and started backing away from the giant Blinker Racoon Protector.

Something looking like black leopard with silvery shine on its fur leapt out from the dark and lunged at the Blinker Racoon Protector. The Blinker Racoon Protector fought back, and the two beasts clashed against each other. The fight between these two beasts was loud and distracting for every other beast around this area, and Camile Jensen took advantage of this opportunity and ran far away.

"Fucking hell Robert, answer!" Camile Jensen took out the artifact once again: "God! Be a fucking guide like you said!"

Something inside of Camile Jensen's pocket buzzed just like a civilian mobile phone, when she took the thing out, it was the medallion she had Andrew Brooke brought in for him. And when she took it out, she saw a countdown number on the back of the medallion.

"Robert, you'd better be here in due time." Camile Jensen sighed and sped up her steps.

It was only a few minutes before she reached her destination - a small creek flowing on the land of the hunting ground, one of many, not the longest, nor the deepest, but one that had a small vortex, created by two curiously placed rocks in the water.

Camile Jensen reached into the water, and after about half a minute she found another rock, shaped quite similar to the two that created the small vortex. Then, she took the rock and placed it into the creek, forming an equilateral triangle with the other two rocks.

With the added rock, the vortex made of water started growing both in size and in depth, eventually becoming some kind of energy vortex and portal into a deep hole. It was not long before its diameter expanded over the width of the entire creek, and its depth went deeper than the bed of the creek, which caused the creek to be completely cut off and the water went straight into a freefall down the portal.

"Robert, last chance." Camile Jensen took out the medallion, opened it and took out the small glass vial inside.

After a few breaths, Camile Jensen opened up the vial, took a small sip, then poured the rest on the ground.

The liquid vaporized almost instantly when it touched the ground, and coated her entire body with some kind of strange faint scent.

"Okay - 3, 2 -" Camile Jensen stood on the edge of the portal and took several deep breaths, " - 1."

The fall was long, and a force field was present that gradually slowed Camile Jensen down when she got closer to the bottom of the hole she fell in. When she reached the bottom, all she needed to do was slightly bend her knee to absorb the impact.

A low groan came from the inner parts of the cave, and a pair of bright yellow eyes came along with the groan. Then, one more pair of eyes appeared, then another.

Four heads - one that of a giant snake, one that of a giant turtle, one that of a really ugly rooster, and one that was barely a head at all, which looked more like a four-lipped flesh eating plant with sharp teeths and long venomous looking tentacles inside, and its eyes were on the tips of two separate tentacles on the top of the plant.

Looking right at the four heads, Camile Jensen was pretty certain that any of them could easily devour her without even having to chew. The body to which the four heads were attached to seemed to be just a giant disgusting blob of grey flesh and moving roots and tree branches. Even though Camile Jensen used a spell to help her guard against potential stench from this beast, she could still sense the smell of rotten flesh and drying blood.

"Fuck - oh fuck." Camile Jensen tried her hardest to calm down, but her heart was still pounding like a drum: "Fuck fuck fuck fuck..."

The monster's three animal heads sniffed the air at the same time, then slowly retreated back to wherever it was before.

Camile Jensen looked at her medallion once again, and the countdown continued.