Chapter 266 - Chapter 266

After the fifth collision, the shadow monster was again sent flying back and falling into the ground right before the building of the Clearwater Municipal Hospital. Its body almost completely shattered into pieces due to the attacks from Nameless, but it still stood up and regrew its broken body.

Nameless narrowed his eyes to have a better look at the monster - he noticed that every time the monster regrew its body, some kind of energy core within its body became brighter and stronger. This was not like the rest of its body, where the same dark energy contaminated substance got cleansed, and shattered, then the monster just re-collected them from the hospital building and the ground around it.

This time the monster stood up, its eyes lit up in a strange silvery blue light for a brief moment, and it spoke in a strange hoarse voice: "You need to stop what you're doing - you don't know what you're up against!"

"Oh, so? Who are you?" Nameless asked, then he spoke through his microphone: "Pei, this monster seemed to have gained some consciousness - this monk will open the mic up, do say so if you want to ask anything."

"I … I don't know..." the monster seemed to be having a painful headache as it scratched its head and its tail was wailing in the air: "I don't know who I am … I made… a mistake... I am… Adam … Noreen… no, no, no, I am… I am… No! You need to stop! You're endangering us all! Stop! Stop! STOP!"

"Talk to this monk then." Nameless said while he readied his stance: "The malice inhibiting this hospital is imploding - its core of sanity grows weak. No one would be able to maintain its sanity for long, and when it implodes, it will spread the malice to the surrounding area, harming innocent people. Tell this monk why we should stop."

"There's something inside! There's something inside!" the monster cried, while rolling on the ground and scratching his head, and when it looked up, Nameless could see traces of blood-like liquid seemed to have started seeping into its silvery blue eyes, and in turn tainiting it with touches of fervor and madness: "I … I made a mistake! Leave! Run! I… I can't… I couldn't… Arghhh!"

The monster could not finish his sentence, as madness and insanity took over again and made him launch its entire body at Nameless, attempting to attack and slay him where he stood.

"Namo Amitabha." Nameless held his metal staff in hand and his whole body glowed in golden light, and his skin covered with a layer golden energy coating, with a buddhist symbol on his forehead.

"Nameless, be safe, but try to see if he could regain consciousness and tell us more." Pei told Nameless through the comms: "Remember the dark energy pit Ms. Wong told us about? I think it's related."

"This monk is on it." before Nameless could answer, he already exchanged a few blows with the monster, each clash between him and the monster letting out the sound of metal objects colliding into each other. The monster was not able to hurt Nameless while his whole body was protected by the golden energy, and at the same time Nameless was not able to deal any permanent damage to the monster.

"Boom!" Nameless pushed both his palms forward, knocking the monster back and pulverizing its limbs and tails. The next moment, his index finger on his right hand lit up and pointed forward, a stream of golden energy shot through the air like the attack of some high power laser weapon and struck the monster right in its forehead.

The shadow monster's entire head was obliterated into ashes by this finger strike, except for one part: a small piece of blue gem was sent flying back into the air, but it seemed to be unharmed by Nameless's attack.

Before the monster could regrow its body and take the gem back, Nameless extended his hand in the gem's direction, and the gem was sucked into his hand.

When Nameless grasped the irregularly-shaped gem in his hand, he could sense something, or someone, was sending a stream of chaotic information to him via some kind of telepathic ability: "No… stop … danger … "

"Pei, this monk will pass you a gem that seems to have absorbed some pieces of consciousness from someone related to the history of the hospital. Catch and try to see if you could read anything from it." Nameless said and used his power to form a seal around this blue gem to prevent it from being attracted or corrupted by the dark energy in the hospital. Then, he threw the gem in the direction of Pei, with his power enclosing the gem to help it fly across the distance.

Pei's right hand glowed in light green and yellow and she caught the gem without an issue. Then she focused what was left of her power onto the gem and tried to decipher the chaotic and cryptic information from it.

"Boom!" something blew up from the North Wing of the hospital, and created a hole whose diameter was around the height of two floors. After a short moment of silence and unsettling peace, mutated humanoid creatures with broken clothes which resembled that of patients, nurses, doctors, administrators rushed out from the hole.

"The malice has started going loose, the malice has started going loose." Nameless and several agents monitoring the situation immediately started reporting: "All agents and personnel, on your guard! On your guard!"

Right after Nameless sent out his warning, the ground around him started rumbling and exploding. Bone spikes and claws came out of the ground, in the form of waves of indiscriminate area attack against anyone in the area.

Before the bone spikes and claws could touch him, Nameless already leapt in the air. With his power manifesting in full force, his body stayed up high in the air, and he closed his eyes and started chanting scriptures with the rest of the monks around the hospital.

Nameless's whole body began releasing waves and waves of energy, the energy was not immediately destructive to all the bone spikes and claws and the humanoid creatures coming out of the hospital building, but they had a cleansing quality that could melt away the bodies of these creatures and the bone spikes and claws bit by bit.

"Don't stress yourself, Nameless. Let the array do its job." Pei said to Nameless through the comms.

Pei was not wrong, though the outpour of mutated creatures from the hospital and the sudden emergence of looked intimidating, the array formed by the enchanted swords and the chanting virtuous monks had yet to display its true power - when the constructs of malice started showing themselves, they were in turn directly exposed to the cleansing energy waves released by the array.

After chanting for a short while, Nameless opened his eyes and flew to the outside of the array beside Pei.

"These seemed to be remnants of memories and lost souls, corrupted by the malice and went mad." Nameless sighed and asked Pei: "What have you found?"

"Bad news." Pei wiped away some sweat on her face: "The malice was not the only thing unclean in this hospital, something else resides in it. This gem - believe it or not, was the relic of a powerful individual. Perhaps a Grand Wizard, or even beyond that."

"So he fell here." Nameless said.

"He fell here." Pei said: "I think he's responsible for the malice in this place."