Chapter 124 - Chapter 124

"Beverly… Winters!" from behind the sphere shield weaved from bones and skeletons, the two figures cried out in excitement, and a thirst for vengeance. The concentrated energy attacks from the wizards and powerful individuals that appeared from the distant portal, and the flurry of other attacks from the tops of some far away buildings were not able to do enough damage to the bone shield, much less deliver any significant impact to the two figures behind it.

Nor were these attacks successful in attempting to stop what these two figures were doing - the skeletal figure that was just floating right in front of them was successfully detonated from within, thereby sending all of its bones, along with many other bones it collected that had some sort of power resided within, to a wide range of places around the whole area.

These bones and bone fragments of power, now corrupted by the dark energy wielded by the two floating figures, started morphing into monsters and terrifying creatures by infecting any kind of living creatures in their vicinity.

The bone shield exploded, dispensing more bones and bone fragments at the position of the three buildings and the remote attacks that came out from a portal. These bones and fragments directly turned into crows, bats, snakes and centipedes with wings with blood red eyes or grey eyes in mid air, and launched their crowd attacks on the two directions from which the previous heavy energy attacks came.

"Where's the rest of the cylinders?" Carol Summers yelled at her followers: "I said all of them! And what about the artifacts!"

"Ms. Summers, looks like the controllers on the other two buildings were not responding." one man in black suits said.

"Go check on them." Carol Summers finally showed signs of stress and pressure, as she had her hands on the rails of at the edge of the rooftop, and after a short hesitation, she ordered: "Fire this place up, retreat back to the tower."

"Understood!" three followers behind her heeded her order and one of tem lifted up three metal rods in the air, the metal rods all had symbols engraved on them, and at one end of these rods, were clusters of red and green crystals. Four other followers dispersed into two directions and flew towards the buildings on both sides of the current rooftop.

Another follower opened a long box and took out an ancient looking long metal sword, he then mounted the sword onto the rail of some kind of device that looked like a small scale cannon.

The final follower started infusing her power onto a metal seal behind the device, the device started lighting up, as magical energy flowed into it and powered it up.

"Beverly… Winters!" before any of the people on the roof could react, the two figures appeared right above the rooftop, and looked down on Carol Summers and her three remaining followers behind her. The flying monsters transformed from the bones and bone fragments were floating behind them, like loyal familiars awaiting their masters' orders.

What's more, the four followers Carol Summers sent to check on the status of other two buildings were also floating behind the two figures, their eyes turned blood red and grey, looked like they were under the control of these two figures.

"Abigail, Mary. It's been a while." Carol Summers stepped back, let out a long exhale and said.

"You… tricked us. " the two figures said in unison: "You… tortured us!"

"And you tried to use me as your sacrifice to your mojo daddy in hell." Carol Summers gently took off her necklace with three spindle-shaped pendants and said: "Guess it didn't work out for either of you huh?"

"You… will… pay!" the two figures screamed at the same time, and an energy shockwave blasted onto the dome of protective energy shield on the top of the building. The several layers of magical shields flashed and flared, but they were able to keep everyone on the roof intact.

"You see this?" Carol Summers raised her hand and showed the two figures her necklace with the three spindle-shaped pendants: "These are your fingers…" Then she clenched her fingers: " … AND MINE!"

The necklace was shattered by Carol Summer's powers, two of the three pendants on the side glowed in silvery blue and shot at both the figures in the air like two bullets. And the middle pendant remained in Carol Summer's hand.

The two figures were not prepared, and the pendants penetrated their energy shields surrounding their bodies and embedded into their stomachs. Two silvery blue energy chains emerged from the trajectories of the pendants - one end embedded at the stomachs of the two figures and one end held in Carol Summer's hand.

"Now!" Carol Summers shouted.

The tree metal rods with crystals at one end and the device with the ancient sword mounted on it it fired up. Beams of red and green energy blasted at the two figures, and the ancient sword crumbled into dust and cinder in the cannon-like device's rail, its internal magical power was absorbed into the device, and one molten cannonball fired from its barrel.

All of these attacks struck true, the two figures were blasted away with their bodies broken into pieces. A lot of the flying monsters were also pulverized in the attack, turned into ashes and simple pieces of crumbled bones and fell to the ground.

"Go! Go!" Carol Summers did not show any sign of relief, instead, she urgently ordered her followers to leave : "Go and hide!"

The remainder of the flying monsters started attacking the protective magical dome covering the top of the roof with no concerns for their survival. The dome flared in different colors and was continuously shaken from the attacks, looking like it could break any time.

The broken pieces of two figures - Abigail and Mary, stopped at their course midway, and started gathering together again. At the same time, hundreds of obscured spirits and flying monsters in a huge surrounding area were also pulled towards them and turning into raw dark energy to mend their bodies.

But Just when they were about to strike at Carol Summers again, a young woman glowing in purple, and a middle aged Chinese man emerged from two portals, blocking their paths from in front of them.