(Unknown Place)
(Frost replaces Beckett in this story)
Frost walks around seeing the city destroyed and in ruins, he walks around until he sees a woman, with long black hair with no clothing, she disappears some distance forward and Frost follows. He follows her into a yellow hole in the ground only to find himself back in the APC when he hears music next to him he turns and sees an old music box playing next to him, he reaches for it, to turn it off and he fades back to reality.
(Military APC, Dark Signal)
He looks up to see Redd in front of him "Nice of you to join us Sunshine" Frost sighs and pushes him back into his seat, and looks at him with a death stare "Go away Redd before I put one between your eyes" Redd gulps, before Stokes buts in "Enough Frost" Frost sighs and starts playing with his white and black combat knife. Stokes looks at Frost "Frost, your visor working" Frost nods and sighs "Yes Lieutenant" and she leaves him alone.
Redd yells "What do they want this Aristide bitch for anyway" Frost sighs "Probably something to do with a risk of national security" Griffin and Stokes look at him with shock, Redd yells "You believe that!" Frost nods "I've been on black ops squads before, they don't send people like us to deal with petty business disputes" Griffin nods "Exactly Redd so don't question your orders, Stokes what have we got" Stokes pulls up the APC terminal "Our target is Genevieve Aristide, president of Armacham Technology Corporation, Intel suggests she's holed up at her penthouse, our job is to secure the site and take her into custody-" Griffin interrupts "Protective Custody, I don't want any breakage even if she resists" Frost sighs in a bored tone "I'll do my best Sergeant" Stokes puts the terminal back "And there's every reason she might, we believe she's related to the bloodbath at Armacham Headquarters" Griffin nods "Like I said... don't know... don't care. She's a high value target and we've been tasked with bringing her in and that's what we're gonna do, I want this by the book and fuckup free" Redd turns to him "Lighten up Top. She's a suit. What's she gonna do send an angry text message" Frost responds "Or shoot you if you turn your back on her" Redd laughs "Thanks for the tip you dick" Frost smiles weakly "You're welcome Kow" he earns a laugh from Fox. Stokes adds to the conversation "She's not the problem, Centcom believes that the Armacham board of directors are trying to cover their tracks, which could include making sure Aristide keeps her mouth shut". The APC stops and Griffin stands up "Fox your with Stokes, Keegan your with me, Frost, Redd - Manny will drop you of at the front of the building.
Redd moans "Shit why do I gotta get stuck with Frosty" Frost sighs "Why do I have to listen you talk again, just shut up and we'll be fine" Griffin then looks down at Redd "Because I don't like crybabies" Redd shuts up and they wait in the APC for Manny to drop them off.
Redd turns to Frost "This Op Is bullshit man, what's so important about this chick that cops can't come pick her up" Frost sighs "Because she could bribe them and national secrets aren't secret if there're used as evidence for a public trail" Redd nods "Fair Enough".
(Aristides Penthouse, Front Entrance)
They walk around examining the area before heading further in before running into Griffin, they head further through the penthouse together, they find a locked down private elevator to Aristide's room, then they head for an elevator when Frost and Keegan clinch their heads as physic pain flows through them before Keegan gets nailed by a few bullets to the chest.
Griffin checks on Keegan before turning to Frost and Stokes, "I'll stabilise him, Stokes, Frost get moving" they nod and take the elevator to the upper floors.
(Upper floors, Aristides Penthouse)
They hear a voice say "Remember we need her alive or we don't get our bonuses" before the elevator door opens to reveal several Armacham soilders, Frost wastes no time wasting them before heading further into the penthouse with Stokes close behind.
They eventually get a comm call from Aristide herself "This is Genevieve Aristide! Can you hear me (static) please my buildings under attack" Frost and Stokes pick up the pace.
They encounter more of Vanke's men and waste them with ease, Frost then wanders off and finds himself in pool room with a red/pink pool, he looks around before slipping and failing in, the water around him darkens and he hears a faint voice "She's been there for 12 years floating in Darkness. He then sees the same woman from before only closer to him this time. Frost snaps out of it climbs out of the pool and heads for Aristide.
He encounters more of Vanke's men which he kills mercilessly and continues heading for Aristide.
He then walks into the middle bed room and hears whispering he then hears the music again he looks around and spy's the same box on the shelf that was in the APC he goes over to it closes it.
(Unknown place)
Frost looks around only to find himself in a field with an empty swing when he hears more voices "Harlan! This can't go on... she's too dangerous" the other voice replies "Your telling me to seal my daughter away" the first voice replies "You knew it would come to this we both knew" the vision then ends.
The bookcase falls back to reveal a secret room, he heads in. He runs into Aristide "Sergeant Frost where's the rest of your team? We don't have much time! Your the only hope of stopping Alma". She starts messing with the cameras, Frost perks up "Who's Alma?" He then sees the camera feed change to reveal an old man standing next to pod when it opens and reveals the same woman he saw earlier. Aristide backs up "Oh god its her, that stubborn fool probably just killed us all". Frost then feels his headaches grows worse "Ahhh" Aristide turns to him "Frost whats wrong" she disappears in a cloud of mist while Frost walks around confused.
He wanders around and hears another voice "She's a woman now and she doesn't even know it" until he finds the balcony and he spots the woman, who he assumes is Alma standing there looking out at the city when a massive explosion knocks him over and causes him to black out.
(2 hours later, Project Harbinger Facility)
Frost wakes up slowly and briefly sees Alma next to him before she vanishes, he clambers to his feet and grabs his visor before starting making his way through the facility.
He picks up Griffin and Stokes on his visor and heads through the facility but he keeps getting visual disturbances.
Frost continues on and gets a warning of an ambush by a unknown person on his comms, he manages to clear the ambush. He then heads to another surgery room and sees a flash of Alma again but this time she says something "Are you there" she then disappears again and Frost wonders for a moment before moving forward he then hears her again "I know your there". Frost keeps walking through the facility, he gets a comm call from Stokes "Frost can you read me, I'm here with Genevieve Aristide, We're on our way to the T.A.C Labs, see you there. Aristide says we were all pretty banged up when brought us in, but from what I hear you got the worst of it. She was surprised to see you on your feet." Frost chuckles "Takes more than an explosion to kill me" he heads for the T.A.C Labs
(T.A.C Labs)
"Frost over here" Frost walks in to see Stokes and Aristide behind a reinforced glass panel with a tube looking pod in front of him. He walks up to the glass when Aristide speaks through an intercom "Come we don't have much time, into the chamber hurry!" Frost obliges and gets into the pod which is soon interrupted by more of Vanke's men, Frost feels something in his head and he then summons a black and dark mist which covers his men and impales them with
Black and white tendrils while also seeing a yellow and black hole sucking in Vanke's men. He stops and he snaps back to reality and sees Vanke and his men in front of him, Vanke laughs before leaving only for his men to be slaughtered by Alma's tree tendril. Frost clambers out of the chamber and rushes off after Stokes and Aristide.
After getting into an elevator he hears Snake fist on comms again "Shit, I was afraid of this" Stokes responds "What now" Snake Fist responds "Alma, she must be after Sergeant Frost" Frost responds "Great, just great" he gets out of the elevator.
He walks ahead and sees Alma again, she whispers "Where are you" Frost feels unnerved and heads deeper into the facility hoping to find answers along the way.