Chereads / Remote / Chapter 4 - Hang in there

Chapter 4 - Hang in there

162 Pages, 15,600 words, and 78 chapters's time to Type our first 3 books of the '26' series. (I need a catchier series title, I know. I'm bad at those.) Not next week but the week next (12th-18th) I should be hearing back from Charity, and then a week after that I'll be hearing back from another site that I'm also interested in. I think I have a shot at both, but if both say yes, then I don't know. Either way, I plan on taking you guys with me. My schedule has already been set up and I'll be typing every other week which means on the weeks I don't type, I could if want be put you on 'Tightrope' given the even weeks. I'll keep you posted, but I'm so excited. *Huge virtual hug* Have a blessed day