Spirit Type :
- Weapon Type
- Body Type
- Mental Type
Weapon type spirit will allow the user to summon a weapon when assimilated with the spirit, Body type will allow the user to have enhanced body or body skill-related they are typically more monstrous in appearance, while mental type will allow the user to do magic.
Spirit and Monster Grade :
- Basic
- Normal
- Mesial
- Mythic
Each realm will be further divided into Low, Mid, High, Apex
Seeker Rank :
- Tama
- Bintara
- High Bintara
- Executor
- Marsekal
- Marsekal Champion
- King
Tama rank to Executor rank has seven levels to pass through before going to the next rank, while Marsekal to King only has 5 levels.
Treasure Rank :
Treasure rank will be further divided into E, D, C, B, A, S Tier
Region Rank (Monster Territory) :
Will be further divided the same as Treasure Rank, E to S Tier. E equivalent to a tama rank seeker, D equivalent to Bintara rank seeker, C equivalent to High Bintara seeker, B equivalent to Executor seeker, A equivalent to marsekal rank, while S Tier equivalent to Marsekal Champion to King rank.