The tumultuous period of chaos and tension that had gripped the Heartgrasp Empire finally subsided, with Prince Tyrell emerging as the undisputed choice to ascend to the throne as the next emperor. This decision was wholeheartedly supported by all the noble families.
The current emperor was already weakened by age and the weight of his long rule. Everyone recognized the necessity for a new capable leader to guide the empire into a new era.
Preparations for the formal coronation of Prince Tyrell began almost immediately after the banquet ended and most nobles didn't even return back to their territories. No one was willing to go against the will of the Silver Fox clan and the nobles, who had once wavered, were now eager to pledge their fealty, knowing that Tyrell was the rightful heir to the throne
Tyrell's advisors worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth transition of power, while Kadden enjoyed his carefree days as the hero of the empire.