(Akina's POV)
My alarm woke me the next day and I dragged myself into the bathroom, staring blankly at my tired, dry face as I brushed my teeth. The doorbell was rung, which is weird because it's super early. Mom will get it so I'll just keep getting ready for school. Once my uniform was on and I made my way downstairs, I saw Serco was there waiting for me, in his casual wear. His arms were folded and he was brooding but brightened up at the sight of me.
"Good morning... can I escort you to school." I rushed down towards him tripping over my feet a little but he caught me, then I hugged his neck and said,
"You're real?!" Serco patted my back.
"I wanted to see you as soon as possible." I smiled at him, I don't usually have the energy to talk in the morning but seeing him was like having a shot of caffeine injected directly into my veins.
"I didn't know you were coming," I replied, he laughed,