I could feel time passing but it never got dark like I was used to back home. Still, eventually, Serco looked up and said
"Hmm... Sun alpha is to the west... it's getting late we should go." I held his hand and nodded, letting him lead us back to the palace
"What are the other 2 Suns called?" I inquired
"Speck and Maxi Star.... the people who named them liked to be... humorous." I wonder who they were...
"Serco... before we leave, I want to speak to Tiren." Serco paused then he made an expression that could only be described as a mix of disgust and anger.
"Why?" I gulped and looked down before replying. Serco stood in front of me, patiently awaiting my response, despite his mood.
"I didn't get to yell at him, I didn't get to tell him how I was feeling. I'm glad you stood up for me but I don't want to leave without saying what I need to." Serco sighed