Chereads / Shadows Past friend / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

"Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Sector 18! Intruder alert!"

"Who found the ARK'S location only me and Gerald know where this place is. Unless someone woke up Shadow from prison island." I look at the ARK'S security cameras and see Dr. Eggman and Shadow moving closer to my position."Damn I was hoping that this never happens. I can't allow them to reach me."I move to the intercom and say." Attention Intruders I am the guard of this place. Leave now or suffer the consequences!"

"Shadow who is that!" Eggman asks Shadow.

"I have no idea who he is or what he's doing here." Shadow tells the Doctor.

"Shadow should know me. I was here when he was created by Gerald. Your Grandfather had help. Actually I built the ARK. I've been here for the last 50 years waiting for you to return." I tell them.

"What's your name then?"

"My name is USL. I am the one who gave you life."


"Are you that surprised Shadow. I thought you were the Ultimate Life Form."

"Chaos Control now."

"Damn he's coming for me." I draw my sword. "He's almost here." 

Shadow comes at me and I block him with my sword. He uses Chaos Spear. I absorb it. He uses Chaos Blast. No effect on me.

"Shadow your attacks have no effect on me. Stop trying to kill me. I can help you." I hold Shadow at bay. "Listen to me, I was away when you lost Maria I am sorry. I know if I was here she would still be alive. I blame myself for that everyday  I can't die but I can regret things."

"If you are truly sorry I forgive you, but I want revenge on this whole world for taking her away from me!"

"Listen to me I know that you want revenge so did I. Gerald was my best friend. I was just like you, but now I'm a little bit better than I was."

"It's not fair to me that I never will see her again."

"Well I'm still alive, and I will make sure you don't lose anyone else I promise, but first Eggman must go. Shadow get him off the ARK. He just wants to use the Eclipse Cannon for world domination. I can't allow that."

"The Doctor must not be stopped by you. I will stop him."

" You do that Shadow my son."

"Chaos Control now."

"Well let me get back to my post. Shadow is a handful. I wish Gerald told me what to do when I met Shadow. Hmm I guess I should teach him the way of my people."