Chereads / Ocean Kelpie / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: The Herd

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1: The Herd

I leaned my head closer, listening to the whispers coming from the other side of the door. A loud THUD echoed through the room from the other side, "and that is where we strike! We cut off the Herd and wipe them out, once and for all." My father's words sent a spark of hope through me. They really are going to kill all the horses, I thought, and then our tiny village won't have to be afraid anymore. "By our Hunters' calculations, they will reach the strike zone early tomorrow. We will be waiting and we WILL finish the job." My stomach turned in uneasiness as I thought about the upcoming battle. Do all of the horses really deserve to die? I shook my head, clearing the doubtful thoughts as I listened to the shouts of joy and anticipation coming from the other side. Slowly the shouts faded and in less than a minute the room was in complete silence. I waited for someone to speak up, but everything remained almost eerily silent. I leaned my head closer trying to hear even the slightest of sound.

"You know these meetings are supposed to be private, " Hunter Ryan whispered softly, most likely to my father.

"Of course I know that! We try to keep them that way," sure enough it was my father who answered Hunter Ryan. Seriously, I thought, don't tell me they already figured out I'm here.

"Well, it does no good," Hunter Ryan's voice raised, "when your mischievous daughter keeps eavesdropping on us!" My breath caught in my throat at his words. Don't run. Don't run. Don't run. I closed my eyes, focusing on the sounds from the other side. Dully I could make out the sound of someone walking towards the door. They won't open the door, they won't open the door, they won't open the door, if I run now they'll hear me and I'll get caught! - I could see their shadow underneath the door. Frozen, I watched as the shadow reached out towards the handle. I held my breath, please don't open the door.

"Ryan!" the shadow of his arm froze, dropping back to his side as he turned around. "Aren't you supposed to be our top Hunter? I do still wonder how you claimed that title, you're more like the stupidest Hunter, no one is listening." The old growly voice of Hunter Kyle ground out.

"She's eavesdropping alright," my father said to them, "She's just too smart to fall for that trick." There was a loud SCREECH like a chair scraping against the cement floor. Footsteps then began to echo louder and louder through the hallway as someone approached the door. I took deep, silent breaths in an attempt to calm my racing heart. If my heart keeps beating like this, I thought, then surely they'll hear it as loudly and clearly as I hear their footsteps. Louder and louder the footsteps came. They're getting really close to the door, I panicked. I tensed up, ready to bolt at any minute.

"Ignore it," father called, "We've got more important matters to discuss…" I waited for him to continue, wondering what else the Hunters would be discussing this meeting. They said nothing. I couldn't hear a thing. I waited longer, still, no one spoke. What's going on in there? I leaned my head against the door, desperately trying to catch any snippets of information that I could, but still, I heard nothing. Annoyed, I blew my brown hair out of my face and moved even closer to the door. Ever so gently I leaned towards the huge oak door. Still, I couldn't hear. Letting out a quiet breath I leaned all my weight against the door causing is to let out a quiet, almost inaudible creak. I sucked in a deep breath. Maybe they didn't hear that?

Suddenly the door was wrenched away from me, causing me to go tumbling into the room of Hunters. Catching myself I stood up and looked around. I haven't seen all of these Hunters before, I thought, some of them must be new here. I spun around slowly taking in all the new faces in surprise. There must be over a hundred Hunters here! I didn't even know this many Hunters existed! I guess I'll have lots of names and faces to memorize if I take over after father. I froze as my eyes met my fathers at the front of the room. I craned my head around to see who opened the door, of course, it was Hunter Ryan, staring at me with an amused look as if this whole situation were funny.

"Find what you were looking for?" father asked, catching my attention once again.

"I-I uh," I stammered, I should've thought of an excuse beforehand, "Cook Layla told me to see if you guys needed anything??" I laughed taking in my father's unamused expression, "You know for the meeting?" Hunter Ryan laughed at my lame excuse which he immediately covered up with a fake cough.

"And this is exactly why we always get so much done!" Hunter Kyle said sarcastically pointing at my father, "she is just like you. If she takes over after you then our village truly is ruined! I mean ser-"

"Enough," father interrupted, "we are supposed to be having a meeting Kyle, not petitioning for a new leader."

"A meeting," Kyle said venomously, "that your daughter interrupted with her eavesdropping!"

"Kate," father ground out, "unless you need something it's time for you to go." I opened my mouth to argue, I could help them plan, I could help them save the village, but one look from my father and I knew I shouldn't push it.

"Yes father," I said, hanging my head in shame as I backed out of the room.

"You'll be able to join when you're older," Hunter Ryan said softly as I passed through the door. Then he added more playfully as he shut the door, "not all the older Hunters in here are ready to be outsmarted by an eight-year-old." I smiled softly as the door shut. I took a deep breath temporarily leaning my head against the door again to catch the aftermath of my invasion.

"She's the worst one in the village; Can't even keep out of others' business." Hunter Kyle reprimanded me even though I was no longer in the room.

"She only wants to be a Hunter, a hero." Hunter Ryan said softly, still standing by the door.

"Nonetheless," father sighed, "our plan stands. As do The Ancient One's rules, no one may join the hunt until after age twenty." I'm sorry father, I thought, for making you worry so much. With that, I snuck away from the door so they wouldn't know I had stayed and I made my way off of Council Grounds.

That must've been the stupidest idea I've ever had, I thought, spying on Hunters! Of course, I'd be caught! They are Hunters, after all. I replayed the incident from the Council Grounds in my head over and over again until I got home.

I walked in silently, hoping mother wasn't home. I really just wanted to be left alone right now. If mom is home, I thought, then it won't take her long to guess where I was. "Mom," I called letting the door swing shut behind me, "are you still home?" Please don't be.

"In the kitchen" she called back. I sighed, of course, she's home, I pushed my way through the hanging herbs, careful not to cause any of the already dry ones to snap. Which grew more and more difficult the closer I got to the kitchen where mom was filling a basket.

"Mom, I have a weird question," I said stealing a freshly cleaned carrot from the counter.

"Well, I may have a weird answer," she said, stacking fresh-picked goods neatly into the basket.

"It's the Hunters' job to protect the village… To destroy the herd…"

"Yes…" she pressed, still busily filling the basket.

"If they want to kill the horses in the Herd then why do they train horses from the Herd?"

"Not all the horses from the Herd are out to kill villagers!" she laughed. "Few if any are actually violent… Many of them are only afraid, trying to survive like us. Those are the ones we take in and train. We teach them trust, family, and obedience. If they can learn those three things, why kill them? It's only the Kelpie you need to be wary of. He isn't afraid to attack or kill. Even so, there are people out there who travel far and wide to attempt to tame the wild beast." Is it even possible, I thought, to tame a piece of nature?

"Tame the Kelpie," I asked?

"Yes, and rumor has it that the most famous on-"

"The Water Whisperer!?"

"Yes," she laughed, "The Water Whisperer has been rumored to be heading towards our village, which is why…"

"Which is why the village has been decorating with flowers and making fresh goods," I gushed happily, "we're having a Welcoming Ceremony!"

"Exactly," she smiled, grabbing the freshly prepared basket. "Now, Herbalist Hardandra requested some fresh herbs from our garden and I'm much too busy preparing for our coming guests. So why don't you run on down and give this to her, oh and you can stay up there past dark to listen to some of her stories." Hearing this I grinned taking the basket.

"In that case…" I lunged forwards, sweeping a small pile of fresh-picked berries into the basket before darting towards the front door.

"Kate!" my mom called after me clearly trying not to laugh. I giggled as I took off towards Herbalist Hardandra's house. It was the furthest house from the village but it wouldn't take me too long to reach it.