As the pervious king and queen were laid to rest. It was time to announce another King in their place. The question was who will it be. As their were two prince to pick from, the oldest womanizer or the younger lonely one.

The two prince wanted to be the next king, but who will get the crown. The only way to determine who will be the next king is to have a duel. The following day a big event was to be held to see who will win. But before everything was to go down, Francis went up to Logan showing him his now curse free eyes sending shock to Logan.

Hey there brother are you ready to fight. Francis told Logan

I'm ready as long as I'll ever be, he said to Francis as he then locked up meeting eyes with his older brother now blue eyes no longer cursed.

What did you do Francis? he said with a confused look on his face.

What do you mean little, I don't understand the question. Giving a cocky smirk knowing exactly what he meant.

Your eyes what did you do them? He said as he raised slowly towards his brother's face only to get his hand smacked during the process.

What do you think you are doing? Are you meaning my eyes? He asked Logan giving him an anger look as a response.

How did you do it? Why didn't you break the whole curse, why only yours? How could you be so selfish? Do you think I want to live the rest of my life alone. With everyone always fearing me. I want to find love start my own family, I don't always want to be like this. You know what I don't want to be King you can have the throne the crown have it all. I don't want any of it anymore. He said as he stormed off upset at his brother for always having want he wanted.

Well everyone did you hear that I'm going to be your new King no need to have the duel cancel the whole event and start the planning for my coronation it's my time to rule the empire. Go ahead and let everyone that we have a part to plan.

The news spread like wildfire. The people of the kingdom did not want Francis to be their king they had heard so many rumors of his true nature and they weren't to fond of him. But they had no choice.

The following week all the plans for Francis coronation had came together. The day was now here and Prince Francis was soon to become the next King. He walked down the hall wearing the family royal cape that held the kingdoms symbol. The same cape that his mother Queen Morrigan wore on her coronation and his grandfather King Nolan wore as well. It was his original designer of course so it was special, but his mother had gotten black wings stitched behind the wolf's face to show that they could sore over others.

Once arriving before the throne he had kneeled down to get the crown placed on his head. After that was done he turned around to face the crowd locking eyes with his brother he then gave a smirk then mouthing the words " Do I look nice". Making Logan to give him a glare then walking down the hall to exit the throne room. Surprising the crowd then Francis sat down on the throne looking over the people as he laughed at his brother actions. The crowd began to chant "LONG LOVE THE KING" as they cheered and clapped at the new crowned king.

Francis ruled the land only bringing destruction to it. He would spend countless on money on his many woman that he had affairs with. Also to maintain all of his children lifestyles.